unique superhero powers

Unique superhero powers

Comics are full of superheroes who can fly, punch anything into outerspace, unique superhero powers, or unique superhero powers any kind of energy through their hands, but there are also many characters whose abilities are way more original than that. These strange powers make them stand out, even if they don't make them as popular as certain comic icons. Superpowers like prehensile hair or urban symbiosis sound way less cool than heat vision and super strength, but Medusa and the King of Cities have shown that they're just as great.

The majority of comic book fans have a few superpowers they'd love to have. Everyone can find practical uses for super strength and speed. Flight and invisibility are two of the most popular superpowers mentioned in conversations about desired abilities. Writers also favor certain power sets, whether because they work well for story purposes or they just look cool on the page. Some superpowers don't get the same love. Maybe they're not as cool, not as easy to work into a story, don't display well in a comic book format, or are not as useful.

Unique superhero powers

The Avengers would have never formed, Bowser would go undefeated, and Heroes would have been a soap opera. Even though we normal folk will never have them, we can't help but wonder which would be the coolest to have…. That's the question that drove the creation of this list. Super powers are inherent to comic books, so a lot of our picks were culled from there, but there are also plenty to consider from video games, TV, and movies. So after some of the nerdiest meetings to ever take place, we settled on this list of the coolest super powers. Is shooting gold balls cool? That depends. It's certainly cooler than having no super powers at all, but there are certainly better powers to be had 99 of them, to be exact. Still, producing gold balls from your body can prove useful for a distraction and allow your teammates to gain the advantage in a battle. Plus, you'll always be invited to skee ball night! Normally, spouting maggots from your body isn't the coolest. However, in Maggott's case, his super powered slugs are able to enhance his strength, stamina, and size by digesting objects in their path. Sure, it's really gross, but at least it's got its benefits.

How cool would it be to be able to manifest something into reality simply by thinking it up? Pretty much every superhero is blessed unique superhero powers muscles, but what if those bis and tris concealed a godlike power? While Savant's powers are not technically "super," they are still incredible.

When fans think of superpowers, they usually think of the awesome ones. Superman can fly and has laser vision; Hulk has superhuman strength and is virtually indestructible; Aquaman can control and manipulate the ocean and speak to the animals. But are all superhero powers this awesome? There are many superheroes with powers that are truly out of this world. Whether it is the ability to produce acidic vomit at will, eat any and everything possible, or become an incredibly obese individual with super strength, these powers are truly outlandish.

When it comes to fictional superheroes, most characters have superpowers we'd all love to try on for size. Flying, teleportation, and super-strength establish popular heroes as enviable beings we'd love to emulate. But for every comic book titan with conventional powers, there's a lesser-known hero with abilities that are just plain weird. Comics have been around for decades, giving writers plenty of time to brainstorm obscure powers - and equally strange characters to possess them. These weird superpowers, however, aren't necessarily useless. While the characters may be limited as crime-fighters, failing to reach the lofty status of Superman and other A-listers, their powers may serve a different purpose. Will they take down the villain plotting to end the world? Probably not. But can their powers make their everyday lives a whole lot easier? Check out this collection of obscure superpowers and decide for yourself if they would be genuinely handy in your everyday life.

Unique superhero powers

Everyone would love to have a superpower, but, given the choice, most would likely opt for more conventional abilities such as super strength or super speed. The more daring might select an overpowered superhero ability like omniscience or immortality, but very few would opt for anything as weird as liquid transmutation or technomancy. Yet, the broad pantheon of superhero lore more often than not features individuals with less-than-conventional powers. From the ability to speak with the dead, to the ability to control the weather, most heroes wield abilities that are only situationally useful. These weird superpowers may not get as much praise, but history has shown their value. Whether they're capable of eliminating many day-to-day tasks In times of great duress, the fortification of the mind can bring immeasurable serenity. The power of chi gained recognition in the Marvel Cinematic Universe with the introduction of Doctor Strange. It also gained some notoriety when Iron Fist appeared in a Netflix series , but what secrets lie in the life forces of these characters that allow them to manipulate the flow of metaphysical chi energy in their bodies?


In some instances, examples of these powers exist in the real world. A variant on these forms of elemental manipulation is atmokinesis , or the ability to change the weather. Most superheroes tend to approach their enemies ready for punches, but very few prioritize protecting themselves, even if they have the possibility of creating force fields to do it. While looking like any person is beyond cool, being able to transform into an animal -- like an elephant to bulldoze some goons -- or an object -- like a house plant to spy on unsuspecting people -- makes this power endlessly useful. But on a day-to-day basis, how nice would it be to get out of parking tickets or haggle the price of a burrito down to a penny? These weird superpowers may not get as much praise, but history has shown their value. Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender is able to manipulate the wind and air. Yet, it's an undeniably unique power, and, much like the ability to eat through any kind of matter, it would make gaining access to secure areas much less complicated. We will see many other superpowers that rely on some form of kinesis. But also, free movies! So how awesome would it be to surprise your enemies on the east coast with a sudden earthquake underneath their feet? Superman can fly and has laser vision; Hulk has superhuman strength and is virtually indestructible; Aquaman can control and manipulate the ocean and speak to the animals. Marvel's America Chavez can punch star-shaped portals into other dimensions, giving fans another unique look at the interesting but underused ability. The X in x-ray stands for the unknown. While Savant's powers are not technically "super," they are still incredible.

The Avengers would have never formed, Bowser would go undefeated, and Heroes would have been a soap opera.

Nathan Fillion played TDK excellently, and while his participation was short, it was every bit as ridiculous, entertaining, and memorable as fans would hope some called The Detachable Kid would be. This is very on-brand with her superhero name: Miss America. If you want to be a master of infiltration, possession is the best super power you could ask for. Even though we normal folk will never have them, we can't help but wonder which would be the coolest to have…. While Medusa and Bayonetta use it to punch or trap their enemies, Entrapta mostly sees it as a tool to work even faster on her inventions. Just nab some Taco Bell on your way to the crime-in-progress and you're ready to go. As was the case with Tony Stark, almost any superpower can be reproduced with some well-drawn schematics and adequate resources. This means your outer strength can be just as powerful as your inner strength. We have already seen necromancy , but there are many other forms of -mancy , many which have to do with manipulating the elements: air, water, fire, and earth. The Power Cosmic. While being an empath is most certainly a tough life to lead, feeling everyone's emotional highs and lows, empaths also make for powerful allies.

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