

Federal government websites often end in. The site is uniprotkb.

All materials are free cultural works licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4. Expert curation consists of a critical review of experimental and predicted data for each protein by a team of biologists, as well as manual verification of each protein sequence. UniProt curators extract biological information from the literature and perform numerous computational analyses. Data captured from the scientific literature includes information on protein and gene names, function, catalytic activity, cofactors, subcellular location, protein-protein interactions and much more. These entries are largely proteins from species for which we have no experimental data available in the scientific literature.


The UniProt knowledgebase is a large resource of protein sequences and associated detailed annotation. The database contains over 60 million sequences, of which over half a million sequences have been curated by experts who critically review experimental and predicted data for each protein. The remainder are automatically annotated based on rule systems that rely on the expert curated knowledge. Since our last update in , we have more than doubled the number of reference proteomes to , giving a greater coverage of taxonomic diversity. We implemented a pipeline to remove redundant highly similar proteomes that were causing excessive redundancy in UniProt. The initial run of this pipeline reduced the number of sequences in UniProt by 47 million. For our users interested in the accessory proteomes, we have made available sets of pan proteome sequences that cover the diversity of sequences for each species that is found in its strains and sub-strains. To help interpretation of genomic variants, we provide tracks of detailed protein information for the major genome browsers. Protein science is entering a new era that promises to unlock many of the mysteries of the cell's inner workings. Next generation sequencing is transforming the way that we access DNA information and, as the variety of protein assays that can be linked to a DNA or RNA read-out grows, we are gaining protein information at an increasing rate.

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UniProt is a freely accessible database of protein sequence and functional information, many entries being derived from genome sequencing projects. It contains a large amount of information about the biological function of proteins derived from the research literature. It is maintained by the UniProt consortium, which consists of several European bioinformatics organisations and a foundation from Washington, DC , United States. Each consortium member is heavily involved in protein database maintenance and annotation. The consortium members pooled their overlapping resources and expertise, and launched UniProt in December

All materials are free cultural works licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4. Expert curation consists of a critical review of experimental and predicted data for each protein by a team of biologists, as well as manual verification of each protein sequence. UniProt curators extract biological information from the literature and perform numerous computational analyses. Data captured from the scientific literature includes information on protein and gene names, function, catalytic activity, cofactors, subcellular location, protein-protein interactions and much more. These entries are largely proteins from species for which we have no experimental data available in the scientific literature.


Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. Advances in high-throughput and advanced technologies allow researchers to routinely perform whole genome and proteome analysis. For this purpose, they need high-quality resources providing comprehensive gene and protein sets for their organisms of interest. We will also illustrate how the complexity of the human proteome is captured and structured in UniProtKB. Database URL : www. The human proteome, as we define it in UniProt, is the set of protein sequences that can be derived by translation of all protein-coding genes of the human reference genome, including alternative products such as splice variants. Although curation of human proteins has always constituted the top priority in the UniProt Knowledgebase UniProtKB , the content of the human proteome in UniProtKB has evolved greatly in recent years, partly due to advances in technologies. The recent rise of big data and high-throughput technologies has shifted a number of paradigms in the scientific community. Although for decades, researchers focused on a single gene and its products, it is now common to work with whole genomes and proteomes.


The sequence of a representative protein, the accession numbers of all the merged entries and links to the corresponding UniProtKB and UniParc records are displayed. The full text of each paper is read, and information is extracted and added to the entry. It will gradually also become part of the manual curation process. PIRSF family classification system for protein functional and evolutionary analysis. Figure 1. An integral part of developing this controlled vocabulary was a collaboration with the Gene Ontology Annotation Database GOA 12 to ensure mapping of our terminologies. One can query the data by taxonomy as well as genome and proteome identifiers and filter results for reference or non-redundant proteomes. Our priorities for UniRule generation are i to focus on using and annotating new functional data of interest for proteomes, such as enzymes and pathways and ii to expand our coverage into new taxonomic and protein families. UniProt Consortium UniRef clusters: a comprehensive and scalable alternative for improving sequence similarity searches. Differences between sequences are identified, and their cause documented for example alternative splicing , natural variation , incorrect initiation sites, incorrect exon boundaries, frameshifts , unidentified conflicts. To make this information available to the genomic community, UniProt in collaboration with Ensembl has now mapped protein sequence annotation in the human reference proteome to the GRCh38 build of the human genome. For a given concept, the preferred term for the controlled vocabulary is provided with a precise definition, its synonyms and other relevant information. The former contains manually annotated high quality records with information extracted from literature and curator-evaluated computational analysis. This type of information was previously reported in the CC line topic CAUTION, together with other types of warnings that are unrelated to sequence differences between the submitted sequences contained in the entry. Some journals already have specific formatting requirements for such citations to accessions and these should be given precedence.

The aim of the UniProt Knowledgebase is to provide users with a comprehensive, high-quality and freely accessible set of protein sequences annotated with functional information. In this article, we describe significant updates that we have made over the last two years to the resource.

The sequence of a representative protein, the accession numbers of all the merged entries and links to the corresponding UniProtKB and UniParc records are displayed. In addition, each source database accession number is tagged with its status in that database, indicating if the sequence still exists or has been deleted in the source database and cross-references to NCBI GI and TaxId if appropriate. Some journals already have specific formatting requirements for such citations to accessions and these should be given precedence. Graded control of microtubule severing by tubulin glutamylation. UniParc is the main sequence storehouse and is a comprehensive repository that reflects the history of all protein sequences 1. UniProt is a freely accessible database of protein sequence and functional information, many entries being derived from genome sequencing projects. Guidelines for investigating causality of sequence variants in human disease. Leinonen R. It combines information extracted from scientific literature and biocurator -evaluated computational analysis. Retrieved 14 April For a given concept, the preferred term for the controlled vocabulary is provided with a precise definition, its synonyms and other relevant information.

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