Umi sushi and oyster bar photos

Know a great happy hour or special for this location?

Cuisines: Asian Fusion , Japanese. Is this your restaurant? Click to add your description here. Great food and real Mexican flavor Really good drinks and nice atmosphere.

Umi sushi and oyster bar photos


Click to add your description here. Ratings of Umi Sushi and Oyster Bar.


Umi Sushi and Oyster Bar can offer some new gastronomic impressions. Guests find japanese dishes savory, and there is a reason: restaurants usually combine various cooking styles, adopting the best from japan and west. Want something particular — yakitori or ramen? The staff should suggest daily specials and will make sure orders are accurate. Guests seem to be pleased visiting Umi Sushi and Oyster Bar. Review some of 35 opinions below to ensure you will enjoy the visit. To know more about the menu, you can visit www. To reach this place, call — during business hours. For Businesses.

Umi sushi and oyster bar photos

Monday, March 11, It was not crowded at all since we came pretty early. Our favorite server, Mary, was available oh happy day! She knew We ate breakfast here today. There were 8 of us so we had requested the big table at the left side. Caeley at the front said we couldn't have those 2 tables bc the left section was closed. This place gets the job done. It's not the buffet or anything but it's going to fill your stomach for the time being. Very convenient you can use Easy Dine or Club Dollars to pay for the meal.

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Show More. San Jose. Everyone that served or helped us were super friendly and helpful. Is this your restaurant? San Francisco. Menus People Viewed Nearby. My friend love the lavender matcha latte and I liked the cold brew. Review Favorite. Nearby Restaurants. Rainbow Oaks Restaurant. There was a long wait for the sushi platter but it gave me an opportunity to people watch. I also have noticed that Zarah always has a smile and makes the experience start off right. Mis Cuates Taco Shop.

Hours : Pechanga Pkwy, Temecula Menu.

The sushi could have been arranged more artfully because there was a large empty space on one side of the rectangular platter. I prefer my sashimi sans any preparation. Partner said it was delish, fresh and had a nice crunch. Update Listing. Phone: So can you! San Francisco. See all restaurants in Temecula. If you get a chance ask for one of my favorite servers: Sabrina, Miki or Ernie - they are professional yet friendly and always look out for their customers! Lucky for me I did because the hostess was turning away prospective diners stating that the earliest opening would be pm. Recent Restaurant Reviews.

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