Ultimate juggernaut

Despite being one of the more popular X-Men characters, the Juggernaut has never actually been a mutant.

Through more than 50 years of comic book publication, the character has made appearances across numerous titles involving other characters ranging from mutants to superheroes who use magic and mysticism and everything in-between. Juggernaut wasn't simply limited to comic books; the character has been used extensively across multiple forms of media, including animated series, live action films and tons of video games. As the character developed, he changed thanks to the hundreds of writers and artists who put their talents to work refining, redefining and reimagining the unstoppable force that is the Juggernaut. As the Juggernaut developed, he has been retooled to include different versions of the original character or new characters who acquired the same powers. There have been modifications of the Juggernaut made for video games to make it possible to beat him and there have been costume changes, power alterations, origin story tweaks and complete overhauls such that there isn't simply a single Juggernaut in the Marvel Universe, there are dozens.

Ultimate juggernaut

Cain Marko , better known as Juggernaut , is a long time enemy and sometimes ally of the X-Men. As a child, Cain was regularly abused by his alcoholic father. His stepbrother, Charles Xavier , on the other hand was treated much better while also exceeding him in studies and sports. All of it caused Cain to hate Xavier for years. Marko used his powers to spread chaos and cause destruction often together with his partner-in-crime Black Tom Cassidy. After years of being a villain and terrorist, Marko started to reform. He reconciled with Xavier, joined the X-Men and later the Excalibur. Eventually, Marko became Cyttorak's avatar once again and gained even greater strength. Cain Marko is the son of Dr. Kurt Marko , who was an atomic researcher, and Marjorie Marko. Cain's parents separated, and his mother died when he was three. Cain was eventually sent to boarding schools, which he continued to get expelled from. Marko's wealthy colleague, Dr. Brian Xavier , another atomic researcher, died in an accident, and Dr. Marko eventually married his widow, Sharon Xavier , for her great wealth.

Professor X may want to look into upgrading the Danger Room's software.

Cain Marko's mother died when he was young and he was raised by his father Kurt. With the questionable death of his father's colleague, Dr. Brian Xavier , Cain's father married Xavier's widow, Sharon. Cain was a bully to his stepbrother Charles, partly due to the fact that his father favored him over Cain. Unknown to Cain, Charles was succeeding because of his mutant ability to read minds, including Cain's. When he found out, Cain would never forgive Charles for this. During an argument with his father, Cain accidentally started a fire in his father's lab, the fire soon grew out of control and Kurt once again showed his preference for Charles when he saved him first.

Cain Marko , better known as Juggernaut , is a long time enemy and sometimes ally of the X-Men. As a child, Cain was regularly abused by his alcoholic father. His stepbrother, Charles Xavier , on the other hand was treated much better while also exceeding him in studies and sports. All of it caused Cain to hate Xavier for years. Marko used his powers to spread chaos and cause destruction often together with his partner-in-crime Black Tom Cassidy. After years of being a villain and terrorist, Marko started to reform. He reconciled with Xavier, joined the X-Men and later the Excalibur.

Ultimate juggernaut

Despite being one of the more popular X-Men characters, the Juggernaut has never actually been a mutant. Cain Marko's unstoppable power originates from the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak , a mystical artifact. Even though the Marvel Universe's Juggernaut may not be a mutant, Ultimate Marvel Universe radically altered Marko's backstory to give him mutant abilities. Even with his less educated background, Marko had an understated intelligence. The young mutant also possessed powers of strength, durability and speed, leading to his capture by the Weapon X Program. Juggernaut was forced to become a living weapon, provided with a near-unbreakable suit of armor by his captors. As part of Weapon X, Marko was placed onto a team that captured the X-Men, forcing the heroes to join as well.

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He knew that once the Juggernaut starts moving, he cannot be stopped , so he decided to take Juggernaut by surprise, grabbing him from behind and flying with him in the orbit. With no one to stop the Sentinels, they took over Earth and released a lethal amount of radiation. In this fight, Cain fully powered, was able to knock him down with one punch in his jaw, stomped and harmed the Hulk, making him spit blood, until finally, shoulder to shoulder, with their hands locked up, they began to push each other in a test of strength. After the local police fired on him without stopping to see who he was first, Juggernaut thrashed them and decided that he was "good with the bad". Though Dr. He discovered the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak on a plinth and when he touched it, magically appeared an inscription in English that read: "Whosoever touches this gem shall be granted the power of the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak! During "Ultimatum," Marko and Sabretooth were caught by Rogue and Vindicator in an attempt to uncover Magneto's plans. Cain eventually made his way out of the cement and was seen again in a bar in Manhattan. The Marvel Encyclopedia. Tolliver, got Black Tom medical help in exchange for Cain's services. The Juggernaut is accidentally pulled back to Earth at the Hulkbuster base by an interdimensional device designed to banish the Hulk. Some millennium ago, eight powerful mystical principalities, including Cyttorak, decided to each make a totem of their power in which the first human who touched it would become their avatar, an Exemplar of their power. Xavier's Mansion was destroyed and Colossus was thought to be the perpetrator, but Wolverine's nose told him otherwise. When he found out, Cain would never forgive Charles for this. This isn't a joke.

Cain Marko, the man known as Juggernaut, grew up in the same trailer park as Rogue.

However, Cain didn't like Cyttorak messing with his head, and decided to search for the other seven Gems of Cyttorak to make his master pay for what he had done. Skaar ran and smacked Juggernaut high into the air by using his Old Power. In this game the Juggernaut is a sub-boss in a space station that takes place in the fourth stage. Cain Marko, apparently having been incarcerated after the events of Fear Itself , having lost the power of both Kuurth and Cyttorak but retaining his enormous physique is released into military custody. Juggie was locked in an adamantium cell with an adamantium collar that was attached like a noose to Cyclops in the neighboring cell. Cain proved to be enough to overpower the mutants, but when Black Tom was thrown into the waves below the castle, Cain withdrew and jumped in to try and save him. Start a Wiki. While his body was extremely durable, Juggernaut's eyes and ears were still capable of being harmed. This section's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed. When he was defeated, he blinked out of existence and left a disk the player could collect. In another What If? Unlike his usual counterpart in the comics, he is a mutant here. It took all of Thor's newly created enchanted hammers to put the Juggernaut down.

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