Uitgezonderd meaning

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Translation of uitgezonderd in Dutch—English dictionary. Browse uitgestrektheid. Read More. March 11, To top.

Uitgezonderd meaning

Uitgezonderd waren situaties waarbij het publiekrecht al voor een bepaalde materie in een specifieke regeling voorzag, dan stond het de overheid niet vrij gebruik te maken van het privaatrecht. Uitgezonderd de gemeente Maastricht hebben we van alle gemeenten informatie ontvangen. The adoption program used a comprehensive family-focused study model—seeking to learn as much as possible about the family and its parenting style and wishes so that the best possible match between the child and family could occur. Uitgezonderd het bepaalde in dit artikel 9, verleent Thomsa geen garantie met betrekking tot het Product. It may have implications for the consumer with regard foreign marks for the same product being less appealing. Panchayat means an institution by whatever name called of self-government constituted under article B, for the rural areas;. Pistol means a loaded or unloaded firearm that is 26 inches or less in length, or a loaded or unloaded firearm that by its construction and appearance conceals it as a firearm. Seaplane means an aeroplane capable normally of taking off from and alighting solely on water;. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, so long as the Purchasers shall be entitled under this Section 4 to make collections in respect of the Collateral, the Agent shall have the right and power to receive, endorse and collect all checks made payable to the order of the Company representing any dividend, payment, or other distribution in respect of the Collateral or any part thereof and to give full discharge for the same. Van means a motor vehicle designed for the transportation of at least six persons and not more. Stillbirth means an unintended fetal death occurring after a gestation period of 20 completed weeks or more or an unintended fetal death of a fetus with a weight of or more grams.

Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English. To top. Read More.

Forget doing it or forget to do it? Avoiding common mistakes with verb patterns 2. Translation of uitgezonderd in Dutch—English dictionary. Browse uitgestrektheid. Blog Forget doing it or forget to do it? Avoiding common mistakes with verb patterns 2 March 06, Read More.

Translation of uitgezonderd in Dutch—English dictionary. Browse uitgestrektheid. Word of the Day rules are made to be broken. Read More. February 26, To top. Sign up for free and get access to exclusive content:.

Uitgezonderd meaning

These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Moreover, bab. Website Language en English nl Nederlands. We all want this to be an independent body when it acts on technical issues, but this does not mean that it can be free from any kind of political control. As rapporteur, I have taken on board all the opinions of the committees except , of course, those which would contradict the resolution being approved. She was 69 when the first World Food Conference pledged everyone must be free from hunger - not everyone except million - everyone. The problem of superstructures excluded from Community funding: Amendments Nos 8 and Context sentences Dutch English Contextual examples of "uitgezonderd" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Zijn bureau is het kleinste ombudsmanbureau van allemaal in Europa, Malta uitgezonderd. Uitgezonderd zijn alle landen die een jaarlijkse exportgroei van meer dan 20 procent realiseren.

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Thank you very much! English—Italian Italian—English. English—Spanish Spanish—English. Sailboat means the same as that term is defined in Section Sign up now or Log in. English—French French—English. Avoiding common mistakes with verb patterns 2. English Pronunciation. Preposition, conjunction. Read more comments. Read More. Cancel Submit. Open Split View Share. Blog Forget doing it or forget to do it?

Deze zinnen komen van externe bronnen en zijn misschien niet nauwkeurig. Bovendien biedt bab. Taal en English nl Nederlands.

Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. Close What are gifts? Avoiding common mistakes with verb patterns 2 March 06, English—German German—English. Highly-rated answerer. Tell us about this example sentence:. The sentence contains offensive content. Essential British English. English—Indonesian Indonesian—English. English—Portuguese Portuguese—English. Avoiding common mistakes with verb patterns 2. Sample 1 Based on 1 documents.

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