
TV Tropes is a wiki devoted to the documentation of "tropes", which are tvtropes of the trade for storytelling in movies, television shows, literature, tvtropes, and other forms of media.

Affectionately known as The Other Tropes Wiki , TV Tropes is a wiki documenting, in a fairly informal manner, the various conventions of fiction. They are quite similar to Tropedia , but have a few differences. TV Tropes was founded in by a programmer under the pseudonym "Fast Eddie", and sold the site in to Drew Schoentrup and Chris Richmond, who then launched a Kickstarter to overhaul the codebase and design. Like any sizeable work, they've collected their own fair share of tropes. The website has attracted plenty of criticism for the way the mods run the site as well as the general behaviour of users, particularly since the second half of the s, with many past and present users reporting very poor treatment by the mods and other users. Many people have noted that the mods run TV Tropes like "dictators", and that any time someone even slightly disagrees with a mod or does something that they see is bad accidental or not results in them getting banned with very little to no warning.


This happens when a boss isn't just big, but forms the focus of an entire section of the level, playing the part of both scenery, boss, and sometimes also Mini-Boss. It can be considered largely as a thematic way of tying a sequence of opponents and obstacles together using a common theme. Similar to No Celebrities Were Harmed , this is when a writer creates a character based on someone they have a grudge against in real life in order to vent their frustrations on that person, and, in some cases influence the public's opinions on them. These characters will typically be highly obnoxious or unlikable, if not outright villainous. They will almost always receive a humiliating comeuppance at the end of the story. Le Mime from Xiaolin Showdown and Xiaolin Chronicles is capable of making invisible objects by simply miming them into existence. Follow TV Tropes. You need to login to do this. Get Known if you don't have an account. Today's Featured Trope Battleship Raid. Latest Trope Edits Recent Edits. Latest Forums Activity Forums. Launch Pad Activity Launch Pad.

Eventually, tvtropes, the site branched out to include other forms tvtropes media, such as film, literature, video gamesand comics. For Democracy!

TV Tropes is a wiki that collects and documents descriptions and examples of plot conventions and devices , which it refers to as tropes , within many creative works. Users of the site's community are called "Tropers", which primarily consist of year olds. The TV Tropes website runs on its own wiki engine software, an extremely modified version of PmWiki to the point where the PmWiki website lists that it "no longer uses PmWiki in any way; the only trace that remains is in the URL" and that "no code is in use" [15] but is not open source. Darth Wiki, named after Darth Vader from Star Wars as a play on "the dark side" of TV Tropes, is a resource for more criticism-based trope examples and sometimes highlighting "the dark side" of various works an image of Snow White with her head turned, using a different color scheme, enjoying a poison apple while holding the dwarves on a leash is meant to represent that section of TV Tropes , and Sugar Wiki is about praising things and is meant to be "the sweet side" of TV Tropes a Stormtrooper in pastel on the front page image is a pun on both subwikis. Occasionally, as a way to demonstrate the dual nature of certain works, there will be separate pages for works, such as the video game Eversion.

Watch enough television, and over time certain storytelling tropes begin to stick out. The idea of tropes has been around for far longer than television, though, dating back to classic literature and plays. Still, not all tropes are bad — in general, tropes are necessary to tell a story, even if they're avoided or subverted to play with the viewer's expectations. But while tropes are necessary to tell a story, some are overused in television. At best, their presence doesn't improve the show viewers are watching, and the series would be better off without it. At worst, too many tiresome tropes can make a show worse, either because fans are tired of seeing them or because they've become offensive for the modern era. Take two lead characters who the audience just "knows" should be together and put a ton of obstacles in the way of them finally dating.


A trope is a storytelling device or convention, a shortcut for describing situations the storyteller can reasonably assume the audience will recognize. Tropes are the means by which a story is told by anyone who has a story to tell. We collect them, for the fun involved. Tropes are not the same thing as cliches.

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Darth Wiki, named after Darth Vader from Star Wars as a play on "the dark side" of TV Tropes, is a resource for more criticism-based trope examples and sometimes highlighting "the dark side" of various works an image of Snow White with her head turned, using a different color scheme, enjoying a poison apple while holding the dwarves on a leash is meant to represent that section of TV Tropes , and Sugar Wiki is about praising things and is meant to be "the sweet side" of TV Tropes a Stormtrooper in pastel on the front page image is a pun on both subwikis. Retrieved March 11, Posted 9 hours ago. Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. Watching a show on a weekly basis used to build anticipation for its story and made plot twists even more impactful, especially as audiences would have to wait to find out what happens next. While this does still happen for shows on streaming services, the conversation often ends as quickly as it begins; there is no longer a true " water cooler " show that has people talking every week. Netflix's Stranger Things , for example, regularly has 3-year gaps, an unheard-of amount of time between seasons, especially with child actors. Add a Comment. Now, however, there's no telling how long the wait could be. The Believer. Eventually, the site branched out to include other forms of media, such as film, literature, video games , and comics. TV Tropes. Latest Trope Edits Recent Edits.

WARNING: Contestants are listed in order of elimination and there are unmarked spoilers on this page, potentially including spoilers for previous seasons. This page lists the contestants competing in Drag Race France season two. Some of these queens may also appear in other Drag Race shows, or may return in later seasons, but only tropes specific to France season two are listed on this page.

Know Your Meme Like Page 1. Buy some…. Heartwarming: ShrekForeverAfter Revision [54]. Retrieved August 9, Chris Richmond [2] Drew Schoentrup [2]. Archived from the original on May 17, With so many different TV shows available on streaming services, it's easy to get caught up in the new titles to watch. Failure to do so may result in deletion of contributions and blocks of users who refuse to learn to do so. Archived from the original on July 17, The website has a reputation for being addictive, often resulting in users opening many tabs from clicking on the many blue links on the pages. This Troper EP 4: Loners are The Believer.

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