tv show jag actors

Tv show jag actors

The cases of Harmon Rabb, former Navy fighter pilot, and his fellow lawyers of the U. Navy's Judge Advocate General's office.

Bud Roberts, Jr. Diane Schonke episodes, Gunnery Sgt. Michael Garty 49 episodes, Spencer 30 episodes, Thomas Boone 10 episodes, Ford 4 episodes,

Tv show jag actors

JAG and its cast changed the face of TV forever. The show, which followed the exploits of an elite wing of military officers trained as lawyers, taught us the military acronym for Judge Advocate General and spawned the equally popular and long-running NCIS franchise. The show debuted in , and was originally cancelled by NBC after just one season. It was then picked up as a midseason replacement by CBS, and would go on to run 10 seasons and episodes. That's a whole lot of great TV, especially when you add all the aforementioned spinoffs to the equation! After 10 years, JAG wrapped in — here's what the best and brightest in the military have been up to since. Over 10 years, viewers followed not only his naval career but also his personal life. When the series began, Harm was a Lieutenant. By the time it ended, he was promoted to Captain and was being transferred to London. A three-episode run on Knots Landing and a co-starring role in the '30s-set drama series The Untouchables followed. While Elliott is primarily known as a TV actor, he has appeared in a handful of movies, most notably playing actor John Wayne in the film Trumbo. Now 63, Elliott has been married to actress Nanci Chambers for over 30 years. Chambers played the ambitious Lt.

Furtan 1 episode, Anil Kumar Fardad 1 episode, Alan Myerson.

This is an overview of the regular and recurring characters of long-running series JAG. Played by David James Elliott. A naval aviator who became a JAG lawyer after being diagnosed with night blindness. His father was shot down over Vietnam and was listed as MIA, with Harm's attempts to find him forming the plots of several episodes. Throughout the series the pair acknowledged that they were in love with each other, without it developing into a relationship. In the series finale, Harm and Mac became engaged to be married and toss a coin to decide who would accept a new assignment Harm in London, Mac in San Diego and who would resign their commission to follow the coin-toss winner.

This is an overview of the regular and recurring characters of long-running series JAG. Played by David James Elliott. A naval aviator who became a JAG lawyer after being diagnosed with night blindness. His father was shot down over Vietnam and was listed as MIA, with Harm's attempts to find him forming the plots of several episodes. Throughout the series the pair acknowledged that they were in love with each other, without it developing into a relationship. In the series finale, Harm and Mac became engaged to be married and toss a coin to decide who would accept a new assignment Harm in London, Mac in San Diego and who would resign their commission to follow the coin-toss winner. The series ended with the coin still in the air. Harm was promoted three times during the series' run, being first introduced in the pilot episode as a lieutenant and ending with the rank of captain in the second to last episode.

Tv show jag actors

JAG cast list, including photos of the actors when available. This list includes all of the JAG main actors and actresses , so if they are an integral part of the show you'll find them below. You can various bits of trivia about these JAG stars, such as where the actor was born and what their year of birth is. This cast list of actors from JAG focuses primarily on the main characters, but there may be a few actors who played smaller roles on JAG that are on here as well. If you are wondering, "Who are the actors from JAG? Who Is the Next Tom Hanks? Please Just Read the Phone Book. Who Is the Next Meryl Streep? The Top Actors of All Time. History's Greatest Male Actors.


Action Crime Drama. Retrieved Markov 1 Episode. General Parham 1 Episode. Hobbs 1 Episode. Michael Bowen Denny 1 episode, Ronald Vickers 4 episodes, Christopher Stapleton Lt. Jarhead 1 Episode. Bellisario actually appeared in the opening scene of the entire series, playing an Italian boy on a fishing boat in Season 1's pilot episode. In terms of movies, he's been in everything from "Tombstone" to "Primal Fear. Jogger 1 Episode. Frank Grady 1 Episode.

Harmon Rabb Episodes. Bud Roberts Episodes.

Producer 4 Credits. Joyce Brothers Senator Deidre Kerner 1 episode, Hearing Examiner 1 Episode. Although this was the finding, he retired after the trial. Jeremy Davidson Lt. David Naughton Det. The siblings' relationship worsened over time, especially after Bud's son ran away while Mikey's watch. Michael Weatherly Anthony DiNozzo 2 episodes, When she returns in season 6, she's apparently considering a return to the Washington D. Scott Alan Smith Colonel Lawson 1 episode, Goddard also died of a heroin overdose after having left the series, and the premiere of Season 9 paid tribute to him. Jennifer Savidge Cmdr.

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