Trixie toy story 4

She is a blue plastic Triceratops, one of the toys owned by Bonnie and is part of the same toy line as Rex.

She is one of the toys owned by Bonnie Anderson and appears to be of the same toy line as Rex. Trixie usually chats online with someone who goes by the name "Velocistar" presumably a Velociraptor toy. She is often found playing video games with Rex and even made a profile for him as seen in Hawaiian Vacation. Due to her rather older appearance the paint on her horns and claws are beginning to peel , it can be assumed she is one of Bonnie's older toys. She is also shown to be one of her favorites, even writing her name on her front left hoove as seen in Toy Story That Time Forgot. Trixie is first seen after Woody is taken to Bonnie's house by Bonnie , who, having just returned home from Sunnyside Daycare , places him with her toys for a tea party. As Bonnie leaves to go to the bathroom, Woody tries to ask the toys where he is, but Mr.

Trixie toy story 4


Pricklepants orders them to be quiet.


She is one of the toys owned by Bonnie Anderson and appears to be of the same toy line as Rex. Trixie usually chats online with someone who goes by the name "Velocistar" presumably a Velociraptor toy. She is often found playing video games with Rex and even made a profile for him as seen in Hawaiian Vacation. Due to her rather older appearance the paint on her horns and claws are beginning to peel , it can be assumed she is one of Bonnie's older toys. She is also shown to be one of her favorites, even writing her name on her front left hoove as seen in Toy Story That Time Forgot. Trixie is first seen after Woody is taken to Bonnie's house by Bonnie , who, having just returned home from Sunnyside Daycare , places him with her toys for a tea party. As Bonnie leaves to go to the bathroom, Woody tries to ask the toys where he is, but Mr.

Trixie toy story 4

She is a blue plastic Triceratops, one of the toys owned by Bonnie and is part of the same toy line as Rex. Trixie is first seen after Woody is taken to Bonnie's house by Bonnie , who, having just returned home from Sunnyside Daycare , places him with her toys for a tea party. Trixie and Buttercup welcome Woody, while Mr.

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Woody explains that he has to leave since he belongs to somebody else. Potato Head disappears at the sleep-well motel and the toys go to find him, Trixie looks down a vent and falls down where she is captured by Mr. Soon Woody and Buzz enter the ring and warn Trixie that Mason hasn't played with the Battlesaurs yet and they don't even know they're toys. Also available: Tyrannosaurus Rex, Stegosaurus, and Velociraptor. One year later, Jessie returns from school in Bonnie's backpack. There she is immediately smitten over Reptillus Maximus and participates in battle against the Battlesaurs. Trixie with the other toys in Partysaurus Rex. Potato Head , and Mr. Fantasy Sci-fi Pixar. Trixie usually chats online with someone who goes by the name "Velocistar" presumably a Velociraptor toy. Bonnie soon returns, and she soon introduces a rag doll named Dolly as a "scary witch". She is later seen again after the other toys are captured and they are locked in Ron 's cabinet. Trixie is first seen after Woody is taken to Bonnie's house by Bonnie , who, having just returned home from Sunnyside Daycare , places him with her toys for a tea party.


That night, however, while Bonnie and the other toys, who sleep in her bed along with her are sleeping, Woody sneaks out of her bed and looks for her backpack. Pricklepants explains that the daycare is ruled by Lotso with an iron fist. At the end of the special, she reflects that she has learned to define herself as Bonnie's toy first and foremost, proclaiming that she will be whatever Bonnie needs her to be. After they followed her back home, Lotso discovered he was replaced by another Lotso doll, causing him to harden inside and lie to the other toys that they were all replaced while Big Baby believed it, Chuckles witnessed the whole thing, but Lotso quickly shut him up. Bonnie soon returns, and she soon introduces a rag doll named Dolly as a "scary witch". Trixie returns in the fourth installment of the franchise, though with a much smaller role, Kristen Schaal reprises her role. She is a blue plastic Triceratops, one of the toys owned by Bonnie and is part of the same toy line as Rex. Dance and Play It! The toys are shocked that they came from Sunnyside, with Trixie asking him how he escaped. Trixie is seen watching Mini-Buzz skating. Later on, she is seen as the captain when Barbie and Ken go fishing in a toy boat during one of their various "adventures" in "Hawaii". Due to her rather older appearance the paint on her horns and claws are beginning to peel , it can be assumed she is one of Bonnie's older toys. Potato Head disappears at the sleep-well motel and the toys go to find him, Trixie looks down a vent and falls down where she is captured by Mr. As Woody is about to walk through the dog door, he tells Bonnie's toys if they ever make it to Sunnyside, to tell Andy's toys that Woody made it home.

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