torso t1

Torso t1

A 16 track algorithmic sequencer at the center of your studio. The T-1 offers a generative workflow with focus on immediacy and playful exploration, torso t1.

I was surprised that there is no thread on this topic yet, because the Torso T1 seems like something a lot of lines members would be interested in. So here we go. Might be useful to solve problems and discuss workflows…. I really like it so far. It took me quite long to figure that out. Thanks for starting this thread. I am in my depth year.

Torso t1

The T-1 is a great idea, and built like a tank. Together with the 2. So next to releasing powerful updates for free, they also support their user base in getting the most out of it. The level of craftsmanship, quality and support at Torso is just fantastic. I hope they fare well as a company and will keep up their great work. We are proud to announce the release of the biggest ever firmware update yet for our algorithmic sequencer T-1, adding a notable amount of features and new ways of interacting with its signature sequencing algorithms — all of which were developed in close collaboration with our wonderful community. Important features in the new free update 2. Per-Step Editing. Everything from the voicing, random amount, pitch value, and note division can now be changed per step. This allows for creating complex arpeggiators, evolving midi effects, and MIDI looping. Wow, this update looks like it packs a fair punch!

Ok I was thinking to use the arp functions etc. But while convenient, these treat the T-1 like a step sequencer instead torso t1 a generative device.

MusicRadar's got your back Our team of expert musicians and producers spends hours testing products to help you choose the best music-making gear for you. Find out more about how we test. The Torso Electronics T-1 is a new sequencer that takes its place alongside the Arturia Beatstep Pro , the Korg SQ , and others, proving beyond doubt: hardware sequencing is back! Set a number of steps, add some pulses events, typically notes , and use the other controls to introduce a desired level of randomisation to the proceedings. Sequencing functions include note divisions, chords, scales, and a rather cool temp button not to be confused with the Tempo knob — press and hold this, while moving knobs to make temporary parameter changes, which are then undone once you release the button — very neat for live performance, where you can go off on one, jumping back to your defaults at any time. The T-1 functions as a typical hardware sequencer at one level — using pads and knobs to sequence parameters like note length, velocity, accents, repeats, and so on.

The effects of an injury to the first thoracic vertebrae, often from a car accident or other trauma, can be lasting and significant. Located near the top rib, an injury to the spinal cord at this level can create problems with nerves, sensation, and movement in the rest of the body from this point down. Like other back injuries, fractures to the first thoracic vertebrae may or may not involve the spinal cord. When the injury does involve the spinal cord, the injury may be complete or incomplete. The details of your case have a significant impact on the lasting effects of this type of injury. Between your cervical neck vertebrae and your lumbar spine lower back are your thoracic vertebrae. There are 12 vertebrae in this area, often referred to as T1 through T

Torso t1

A 16 track algorithmic sequencer at the center of your studio. The T-1 offers a generative workflow with focus on immediacy and playful exploration. Whether on stage or in the studio, the T-1 will inspire you with fresh ideas and help you push the boundaries of your music.

Triangle corner desk

FX track receiving any notes between pulses 1 and 8 will have repeats, any on 8 onwards will have a different voicing. The T-1 offers a generative workflow with focus on immediacy and playful exploration. I noticed this too. I am mainly improvising with it and sometimes it leads to an idea that I build on. This bit of kit has unveiled a lot of new ideas. Ableton Link Play together with the freedom of a live band. Play together with the freedom of a live band. Want to surprise your audience and even yourself? Whether on stage or in the studio, the T-1 will inspire you with fresh ideas and help you push the boundaries of your music. Possibly use the external cv input to spice things up. I have been using it for a year now and although I keep looking for an alternative in the modular domain by pure curiosity , I do not see myself swapping for another sequencer. MusicRadar Verdict. Guess there is software I could use instead then. Not your average sequencer.

MusicRadar's got your back Our team of expert musicians and producers spends hours testing products to help you choose the best music-making gear for you. Find out more about how we test. The Torso Electronics T-1 is a new sequencer that takes its place alongside the Arturia Beatstep Pro , the Korg SQ , and others, proving beyond doubt: hardware sequencing is back!

More info in a newsletter. With the T-1, your music making process is a constantly evolving flow. My impression is, that T1 is way more playable. Decoupling the buttons from a fixed function makes them flexible, yes - but for me also somewhat inscrutable. Yup, that works. Enter a creative dialogue with T-1, and let its musical algorithms spark your creative process, or bring it on stage to perform your musical ideas live and spice them up with variations created on-the-fly. Most Popular. Set a number of steps, add some pulses events, typically notes , and use the other controls to introduce a desired level of randomisation to the proceedings. Simple panel layout and a happy accident machine. The CV Mod connection, can be used as a modulation source to contribute to the variation of Groove and Phrase patterns. But while convenient, these treat the T-1 like a step sequencer instead of a generative device. Thanks for the info and helpful pointers! Share your dream features and be part of the creative process by joining us on discord. The T-1 is an instrument designed to be played in the here and now.

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