torm god

Torm god

To all our Our Patrons for their unwavering love and support.

Below are images related to the deity. These images are for individual DMs to use in personal campaigns, to provide visual cues and examples for their players. If you wish to submit an images to this site, please contact us. If you wish to make a request, please contact us individual requests are not always granted or guaranteed. Please support this site for more resources. An ascended hero who lived his mortal life in service to a just sovereign, Torm eschews the pretense of his fellow deities, instead adopting a humble position that he exists to serve the common good and the rule of law as established by honorable mortal rulers. Though a true deity with awesome power at his disposal, the Loyal Fury is all too familiar with the failings of mortal men.

Torm god

It symbolized not only that Torm was the good right hand of Tyr , representing the God of Justice's missing sword hand, but also the principle of forebearance, that the true and just had to pause and consider their actions first so as to ensure their intent would uphold the chivalric ideals Torm exemplified. Sometimes his form was that of a blond, handsome young man, while at others he was an aging warrior with grey-white hair, though he often shapeshifted into a lion -headed man when entering combat. No matter his form, he seemed stern in voice and manner, with dauntless courage set in his square jaw and righteous light flashing from his striking, deep blue eyes. Torm's apparent demeanor seemed slightly different based on his current persona. In his younger form he had incredible charisma and self-confidence combined with quiet enthusiasm, while his older one seemed to have endured uncountable evils without being broken. In any case he was possessed of an eternal calm, and all his avatars were completely fearless. Torm's divine realm was called Trueheart. Torm greatly revered Tyr , seeing him as his spiritual father. Torm had a friendship with Helm prior to the latter's death in DR, though the two deities' priesthoods were cold to one another. It was well known that he and the Red Knight were fond of one another, but whether the two were friends or lovers was something the duo kept to themselves.

In potential combat situations, Tormtar always wear their best armor and weaponry. Whisper of Venom. Though such swords move torm god enough that they rarely seriously injure when they touch the priest below them, torm god, the magic is broken if the sword draws blood, and the shame of being found with a fallen sword the next morning is extreme.

To all our Our Patrons for their unwavering love and support. Toggle Menu. Go to Tales of Faerun Homepage. In life, Torm was the most faithful of warriors, obeying all the commands of his king regardless of personal danger. Today he is the war arm and champion of Tyr, Lord of Justice, delivering justice to those who are evil, deceitful, and destructive, and acting to keep law, order, and loyalty everywhere.

When summoned, Bane had a dark and rather shadowy appearance with a resemblance of dark armor and his tell-tale jeweled, dark gauntlet. He emanated an aura of vast power and cruel intelligence. Bane was a wholly malevolent and brutal deity that distanced himself from mere mortals, preferring to reign over his followers from afar. He savored the terror he instilled in others and the hatred that formed in mortals' hearts, utilizing this strife to gain greater control over the Realms. He embodied the principles of ambition and control and believed that the strong had not only the right, but the duty, to rule over the weak.

Torm god

Bahamut is the dragon god of justice, and a subservient deity to Torm, god of law. Bahamut is revered in many locales. Though all good-aligned dragons pay homage to Bahamut, gold, silver, and brass dragons hold him in particularly high regard. Other dragons, even evil ones except perhaps his archrival Tiamat , respect Bahamut for his wisdom and power. Bahamut only accepts good-aligned priests. They may be dragons, half-dragons, or other beings.

Long and lean crossword

He has a sheathed longsword at his waist, and is carrying an ornate silver helm in his hand. Most use this opportunity merely to shock others by speaking freely or by enjoying sensual pleasures with their fellow Tormtar—but a few every year employ it to bring vengeance down on someone for example, a noble protected against all physical punishment by the laws of a realm but who ordered others mutilated might himself be mutilated on the night of the Resurrection. The members of this tier are known as the Swords of Torm , and most if not all of the Swords are crusaders and paladins in various knightly orders, such as the Order of the Golden Lion , that are allied with the clergy members but not under their direct command. Adventuring Garb In potential combat situations, Tormtar always wear their best armor and weaponry. Strive to maintain law and order. Tales of Faerun. In addition, all permanent results of the magical chaos of the Time of Troubles are to be similarly undone and all wild magic areas reported and eradicated. Clerics and paladins of Torm swear themselves to the Penance of Duty , a guide of responsibilities and obligations outlined by the Loyal Fury himself after discovering the rife corruption within the church during the Time of Troubles. Bring painful, quick death to traitors. Source: Faiths and Pantheons.

The Torm domain fell under the auspices of the god Torm [1] and some deities allied to him.

To all our Our Patrons for their unwavering love and support. Investiture is the solemn ceremony wherein a novice becomes a priest or priestess. Whisper of Venom. To perform this ritual, a Tormtar purchases or prepares a grand meal and then turns it over to a stranger usually a beggar or citizen in need to consume while they fast, waiting on the table. Article template. Discussion Forum Recent blog posts. The True God Tweet. Bring painful, quick death to traitors. It is the duty of every Tormish priest or holy warrior within a day's ride of the announced place of ritual to attend. In this "new" Triad, Bahamut took the role of the god of justice in place of Tyr, while Ilmater became the god of mercy, and Torm the god of law, acting as a point of balance between the other two gods.

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