top ten sith lords

Top ten sith lords

The Sith Order has always been the ancient enemy of the Jedi Ordertop ten sith lords, and that means that they were at war with one another for thousands of years until the Sith was finally destroyed in the Star Wars sequel trilogy. Nevertheless, the Sith Order had some of the most powerful Force wielders to top ten sith lords exist in the history of the galaxy because the Sith Lords craved power more than anything else.

Star Wars couldn't have asked for a more foreboding cabal of villains than the dreaded Sith, many of whom vary in power in both Legends and canon. These nefarious individuals wield the immense power of the dark side of the Force, in direct antithesis to their Jedi competitors. As a result, the two factions have fought relentlessly for thousands of years, building up a series of pivotal moments in the history of the Sith Order. Over time, the Sith have become more powerful as they unlock secrets of the dark side, and certain practitioners have gone down in legend as the best of the best. These fearsome foes channeled all their hatred, malice, and passion into the dark arts, wreaking havoc across the galaxy in both continuities.

Top ten sith lords

An ancient Order with its own code and philosophies, the Sith Order has counted numerous members over the years. Each Sith Lord or Lady had their own specialty and unique connection with the Force, and all of them were feared and sometimes revered in different ways. Sith technology and Sith philosophy became incredibly sophisticated, meaning the Sith could study the Dark Side of the Force in depth. Updated on June 21, , by Gabrielle Huston: The Sith are a mysterious group that we learn a little more about with every appearance of a new Dark Lord or Lady. We've updated this article to make it easier to read and as clear as possible! Ventress escaped and enlisted Savage Opress to help her get revenge; after a final confrontation with her old master, she fled and went back to the Nightsisters. Ventress ultimately became a bounty hunter, making her time with the Sith short-lived. He was trained in the ways of the Dark Side of the Force by Lumiya, and, as a Skywalker, was, of course, incredibly powerful. Unfortunately, not powerful enough to match his uncle Luke Skywalker, nor his sister Jaina, who ultimately ended him. Starkiller was another secret Sith apprentice. He was born as Galen Marek and was abducted by Darth Vader as a young boy to be trained in the ways of the Sith. While Starkiller was powerful with the Force, Darth Vader used him as a mere mercenary, preventing him from reaching his true potential. He eventually met his end during a duel with Darth Sidious, and Darth Vader tried to clone his former apprentice so he could have a new one.

Fan Art. His greatest legacy was the Rule of Two which he put into place, and it was followed by every Sith to come after him including Darth Sidious.

Being a Sith in the Star Wars universe is a prestigious line of work, with a long and glorious tradition. However, there are several Sith who have gone beyond the traditional evils and have proven to be some of the most powerful beings in the galaxy. That being said, and before I get into the list, I want to take a second to explain the logic I took to this list. Originally, I wanted to comprise this list of only canon Sith lords. That being said, here is the top Sith based on power. I know I am breaking my rule with this one since Jacen Solo and the entire New Jedi Order story line as well as relating stories have virtually no hope of becoming canon, but I really like Jacen Solo and his descent into the dark side of the Force.

An ancient Order with its own code and philosophies, the Sith Order has counted numerous members over the years. Each Sith Lord or Lady had their own specialty and unique connection with the Force, and all of them were feared and sometimes revered in different ways. Sith technology and Sith philosophy became incredibly sophisticated, meaning the Sith could study the Dark Side of the Force in depth. Updated on June 21, , by Gabrielle Huston: The Sith are a mysterious group that we learn a little more about with every appearance of a new Dark Lord or Lady. We've updated this article to make it easier to read and as clear as possible!

Top ten sith lords

In the Star Wars universe, the Sith are still behind everything, with the most powerful Sith lords working tirelessly in the shadows to rule the Galaxy and bring about an age of darkness. The entire franchise is about the light side versus the dark side, good versus evil, and the Sith are the ultimate evil in this world. From the franchise's greatest villain in Darth Vader to the most powerful in The Emperor, the Sith have always held the upper hand, forcing the good Jedi Warriors to fight an uphill battle every step of the way. The Star Wars canon is full of the most powerful Sith lords who are continually getting expanded on and who have their power displayed fantastically. Power gets displayed in many forms by the various Sith Lords. From incredible feats with the Force to vicious slashes of a lightsaber to sheer intelligence and influence, the Sith have a variety of ways to impose their evil in Star Wars. In many ways, Savage Opress is an underrated villain and not somebody people immediately associate with being a Sith Lord due to Sidious and Dooku carrying on the order's legacy at the time of the Clone Wars. Opress was, temporarily, a Sith Lord, though, and was not a total pushover. Under the teachings and leadership of his brother Maul, Opress became a Sith Apprentice for a short time and proved himself decently powerful through pure raw strength and animalistic tendencies.

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It wasn't until Anakin Skywalker discovered his true identity that things nearly came unraveled, but by then, it was too late. Star Wars couldn't have asked for a more foreboding cabal of villains than the dreaded Sith, many of whom vary in power in both Legends and canon. It was only much later in the game that she revealed herself as a Sith Lord. It is possible that Plagueis had simply outlived his usefulness to Sidious, who was preparing to make his move on the Republic senate. Vader was left without any limbs and with extensive burns across his body, leading Palpatine to fit him with cybernetics that would keep him alive, although in constant pain. Palpatine's only goal was to achieve more power and, through that, immortality. Here are 20 canon and Legends Sith, ranked by their dark power. He was a master of using Force Lightning. So powerful was his dark side training that Ragnos was able to maintain his spirit many millennia after his death, awakening during the time of the New Republic to try his hand again. In truth, he was biding his time, and orchestrating a series of events that would lead to the downfall of the Republic, and the ascension of the dreaded Galactic Empire.

Being a Sith in the Star Wars universe is a prestigious line of work, with a long and glorious tradition. However, there are several Sith who have gone beyond the traditional evils and have proven to be some of the most powerful beings in the galaxy. That being said, and before I get into the list, I want to take a second to explain the logic I took to this list.

The name Darth Nihilus was enough to strike terror into the hearts of those who heard it. Malgus was also such a threat to the Sith and the Jedi that they both worked together to defeat the Empire that Malgus created. The Jedi are a peaceful, mindful, and spiritual kind, who always aim to bring balance to the force. Like Darth Zannah, Marka Ragnos was both a skilled fighter and a talented Sith sorcerer and is remembered as one of the most powerful Sith in history. But Darth Revan returned to the light side of the Force and ultimately defeated Malak in an epic battle between two powerful Force wielders. Mind control and increased agility are two that he often used during his skirmishes. His hunger for power became so great that the Dark Side nearly consumed him. Despite this, Kylo Ren was not technically a Sith, though it could be argued that his manipulation by Darth Sidious put him in the same category. He learned well from his Master, Darth Sidious. His power was seemingly incalculable, and if he were to face off against any other Sith Lord, he would likely defeat them with ease. After Anakin succumbed to the Dark Side and took up the mantle of Darth Vader, Vader swore to eradicate the galaxy from any and all Jedi, no matter how many younglings he had to kill. Sidious is also known as The Emperor of the Galactic Empire. Despite all the chaos and destruction that he was ultimately responsible for, Count Dooku, aka Darth Tyranus, is a bit of a tragic figure. Like many people on this list, Vitiate was as evil as it gets and desired nothing more than to dominate all life.

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