tmux config

Tmux config

This article is part 2 tmux config my tmux series. In the previous articleyou learned how to use tmux: what tmux is, how to manage multiple terminals, and how to use tmux's powerful features.

Tmux configuration, that supercharges your tmux to build cozy and cool terminal environment. Tmux configuration, that supercharges your tmux and builds cozy and cool terminal environment. On OSX you can install latest 2. On Linux it's better to install from source, because official repositories usually contain outdated version. For example, CentOS7 - v1. For how to install from source, see this gist or just google it. Windows and pane indexing starts from 1 rather than 0.

Tmux config

Photo by Sora Shimazaki from Pexels. Tmux is a terminal multiplexer; it allows you to create several "pseudo terminals" from a single terminal. This is very useful for running multiple programs with a single connection, such as when you're remotely connecting to a machine using Secure Shell SSH. Tmux also decouples your programs from the main terminal, protecting them from accidentally disconnecting. You can detach tmux from the current terminal, and all your programs will continue to run safely in the background. Later, you can reattach tmux to the same or a different terminal. In addition to its benefits with remote connections, tmux's speed and flexibility make it a fantastic tool to manage multiple terminals on your local machine, similar to a window manager. I've been using tmux on my laptops for over eight years. Some of tmux's features that help me and increase my productivity include:. Tmux offers some of the same functionality found in Screen , which has been deprecated in some Linux distributions. Tmux has a more modern code base than Screen and offers additional customization capabilities. You can install it using DNF:.

Jul 28, Not at all!

If you do, you're on your own. Instead, every customization should happen in your. Now proceed to adjust your. I'm running tmux HEAD and things don't work properly. What should I do? Please open an issue describing what doesn't work with upcoming tmux.

This article is part 2 of my tmux series. In the previous article , you learned how to use tmux: what tmux is, how to manage multiple terminals, and how to use tmux's powerful features. However, in that article, I didn't cover much how to customize tmux. This is what this article is for. Here you'll learn some configurations that I use. My hope is that by exposing a list of my personal tmux configurations and my reasoning behind them, you will see a general pattern and understand it enough to make tmux your own.

Tmux config

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Go to file. As such, you will experience high CPU usage. Here are some of the most useful ones. For example, to set the default-terminal variable in new panes to screencolor , you can:. Once you use tmux for a while, you will realize that most of the time, you perform the same sequence of commands. Now, you have a customized tmux config you can modify to fit your precise needs. The example defines two windows named "default" and "remote". Skip to the bottom of list Image. In order to prevent tmux from overriding my wisely chosen window names I want to suppress this behavior:. To dig more into tmux, I would definitely recommend you to look at the well written manual, by running man tmux in your shell. A tmux window represent an entire screen. First one is caught by local session, whereas second is passed to remote one. Some changes can be made on the fly using the command line within tmux. It allows you to create and install tmux plugins easily. This way, outer session just sits aside, without interfering keystrokes passed to inner session.

Let me introduce you to tmux. If you never heard about it, fear not!

Default prefix, used instead of "C-b". All colors related to theme are declared as variables. To start a session with split windows multiple panes , include the splitw command below the neww you would like to split; thus:. Default is off. There are some configurations that you can add to make them work together even better. The sleep call makes sure the network request is issued at most every 15 minutes whatever the value of status-interval. One final re-mark pun intended :P , in Vim you can have up to 26 marks. Also, note, that when text is copied any trailing new lines are stripped. You can then reset selection by mouse click. By default, tmux keeps the previous lines of window history you can scroll up lines above your current terminal line. To get Unicode symbols displayed properly, you have to use font linking. Let's edit this template to fit my workflow.

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