tipoca city

Tipoca city

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Once purged from the otherwise complete Jedi Archives was all evidence of the mysterious world of Kamino. A lonely world beyond the Outer Rim and just south of the Rishi Maze, few could have predicted that Kamino would become a key contributor to a massive shift in political power in the final days of the Republic. Kamino is a planet of endless oceans and storms. Few features mark its surface, save for massive stilt-mounted cities wherein reside the planet's natural inhabitants, the Kaminoans. From Tipoca City, the planet's prime minister rules. Obi-Wan meets Jango Fett on Kamino and attempts to gain valuable information about the clone army.

Tipoca city

Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. See this article's talk page for more information. Tipoca City was the capital city of the watery planet Kamino , and home to several million Kaminoans and housed the Ruling Council. The city was a network of domed structures built atop stilts over kilometers tall at Kamino's equator. It served as a major military complex for both the Galactic Republic and Galactic Empire , and was the location of the Kaminoan cloning facilities that created the army prior to the Clone Wars. In 21 BBY, Tipoca City was the main fighting ground during the Battle of Kamino , which saw the Republic's enemy, the Confederacy of Independent Systems , launch an assault on the city to cripple the Republic's production of clone troopers. Early on into the Galactic Empire 's reign , Kamino's cloning facilities, including those at Tipoca City, were shut down as the Imperial Army transitioned away from relying on the clone troopers. As Imperial-Kaminoan relations deteriorated, Tipoca City was bombarded and destroyed by Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart under the orders of Governor Wilhuff Tarkin , after all clones were reassigned and essential personnel were evacuated. The Kaminoan capital of Tipoca City stood on the ocean-covered surface of the planet Kamino. The capital city of Kamino , Tipoca City, was a network of stilt structures that held the city above the massive ocean covering the world. The city was distributed over one hundred and fifty kilometers near Kamino's equator.

The scientists resided in Tipoca in alternating shifts of three months each before returning to their homes and families.

Tipoca City was the capital city of the Ocean Planet Kamino. Below the titanic city was a roaring ocean, causing dangerous storms and torrential downpours to be very common. The city was powered by an immense fusion generator located in the heart of the structure. The generator worked by extracting the hydrogen from the seawater in the vicious seas beneath. It was secured by insulator plating, and a network of power processing units and exhaust vents surrounded the fusion generator. The domes was designed with a streamline outer shell that was used to repel the fast rain and waves in the intense storms.

Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. See this article's talk page for more information. It was sometimes considered extragalactic due to being in close proximity to the Rishi Maze dwarf satellite galaxy. It was inhabited by the Kaminoans —a race of tall, elegant beings with long necks who were regarded as a mysterious species that tended to keep to themselves. They were also known for their cloning technology, which was used to create a clone army for the Galactic Republic. Largely isolated from the wider galaxy, Kamino's existence was erased from the Jedi records by Count Dooku.

Tipoca city

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Because the defensive shields provided little protection against troop invasions, the KPD also retained thousands of Kaminoan soldiers in the barracks. Only then will you have your answer. The generator was secured by insulator plating. Administrators' noticeboard Discord. The Seperatists planned to use this as a staging ground for an assault on Tipoca City, but the plan was thwarted by Hevy and Domino Squad. Under the orders of the Galactic Senate. Star Wars. The invasion of Kamino was stalled by a group of clones who alerted the Republic to the Separatist fleet's location near the Rishi Moon. Before they could get more information out of her however, she was shot dead by a mysterious figure. Kalake :hibiscus: Polynesia. Join the community. For Natividad's work on an exterior image, in order to capture Kamino's elemental force, he recalled the waves of Hawai'i , where he had a home, and production paintings of storms for other films such as The Perfect Storm. Lama Su and Nala Se, who had been growing increasingly concerned for the future of Kamino under the Empire, resolved to secretly gather medical personnel and flee the planet to resume operations elsewhere. Tipoca City became the capital and largest producer of clones.

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The city relied on passive measures in form of energy shielding and more "pro-active" turbolaser emplacements. Kamino's capital , Tipoca City, consisted of a network of stilt structures that spanned more than a hundred kilometers along Kamino's western equator and was considered by many to be the heart of Kaminoan society. Cities like Tipoca were built with materials and construction droids from off-world suppliers. With the Clone Wars ended through the destruction of Grievous on Utapau , and the Jedi accused of treason and consequently purged from the galaxy, Palpatine declared himself Galactic Emperor. The millions of Kaminoans who lived and worked in the city were either affiliated with the cloning industry or the government, as there was no public space within the massive domes. I thought that said Topeka for a second LOL. Administrators' noticeboard Discord. Cancel Save. Star Wars. Before they could get more information out of her however, she was shot dead by a mysterious figure.

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