timeline of elder scrolls

Timeline of elder scrolls

With so many Elder Scrolls games now available to play, any newcomers looking to get into the series are probably wondering where to start. We still have a long time to wait for Elder Scrolls VI timeline of elder scrolls all. There are a total of 27 games and expansions in the Elder Scrolls timeline - 4 exclusively on PC, 18 on home console and 5 on mobile devices, timeline of elder scrolls. All of these games are canon to the timeline, telling stories set in the fictional world of Tamriel.

The timeline page is a record of all notable events known to occur in The Elder Scrolls universe. The various historical periods throughout the existence of Aurbis are differentiated into various 'eras', each of arbitrary length according to the conclusions of significant political occurrences such as the end of a monarchic dynasty see the Second Era and the Fourth Era or the conquering and unification of societies into a single governmental sovereignty see the First Era and Third Era. The five past eras as well as the current can be separated into prehistoric and modern eras according to when civilizations began to record and document significant events. Exact dates of events that occurred in the Dawn Era and the Merethic Era cannot be known as such information does not exist due partly to a lack of record keeping by the then extant societies and mostly due to the partial absence of established chronological systems calendars, periods, etc. Thus, such eras are prehistoric and the occurrence of events during these eras can only be approximated with various degrees of uncertainty. Thus, such eras are modern.

Timeline of elder scrolls

Elder Scrolls is a series that spans countless years and has a rich back story. To give players some perspective on where Elder Scrolls Online falls into that timeline, we have built this table with some of the most notable events in Elder Scrolls history such as the first era of King Eplear , the Aldmeri Dominion 's attack on the Cryodiil empire, Thalmor 's rise to power, the Akaviri's attack on Tamriel , and the disappearance of the Elder Scrolls from Imperial City. The timeline is broken up into Eras. For this reason, dates are recorded as 1E, 2E, 3E or 4E to represent the four Eras, then another number representing the specific year within that Era, so 1E 20 would be First Era year All Interactive Maps and Locations. Was this guide helpful? Leave feedback. The first Nordic king, Harald , dies at the age of , his son, Hjalmer , takes the throne soon after. The first empire of Cyrodiil is formed, the Alessian Empire. Dwemer establish Volenfell as their capital city. Red Mountain erupts for the first time in Vvardenfell , blotting out the sun for an entire year.

The Mages Guild goes through major changes during this time. Also taking place during the story of Elder Scrolls: Arena, An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire follows a nameless battlemage apprentice that takes on the forces of Mehrunes Dagon after finding themself trapped in the realm of Oblivion. One year later, Tharn secretly timeline of elder scrolls the emperor and takes his place on the throne in CE

Sure, every Elder Scrolls game features recurring ideas such as the races, guilds, and demonic Daedra, but other than that, there are not many obvious links between them. Recurring characters are few and far between, and, since the franchise lets players make countless choices to affect the stories, the events of one game almost never factor into subsequent entries. Despite all of that, there is technically an Elder Scrolls timeline that allows us to list the games in chronological order. Ad — content continues below. Even though The Elder Scrolls Online is the latest entry in the franchise, it takes place before any other entry in the franchise. And unlike other Elder Scrolls games, it allows players to team up with friends and allies around the world.

Sure, every Elder Scrolls game features recurring ideas such as the races, guilds, and demonic Daedra, but other than that, there are not many obvious links between them. Recurring characters are few and far between, and, since the franchise lets players make countless choices to affect the stories, the events of one game almost never factor into subsequent entries. Despite all of that, there is technically an Elder Scrolls timeline that allows us to list the games in chronological order. Ad — content continues below. Even though The Elder Scrolls Online is the latest entry in the franchise, it takes place before any other entry in the franchise. And unlike other Elder Scrolls games, it allows players to team up with friends and allies around the world. As the game progresses, players also vie for control of the throne of Tamriel. The main attractions of these expansion packs are new classes and old locations ripped from previous Elder Scrolls games. Even though the expansions take players all across Tamriel, they effectively take place at the same time. Most Elder Scrolls games let players create their own character from a myriad of races, but this game serves as a notable exception to that rule.

Timeline of elder scrolls

The timeline page is a record of all notable events known to occur in The Elder Scrolls universe. The various historical periods throughout the existence of Aurbis are differentiated into various 'eras', each of arbitrary length according to the conclusions of significant political occurrences such as the end of a monarchic dynasty see the Second Era and the Fourth Era or the conquering and unification of societies into a single governmental sovereignty see the First Era and Third Era. The five past eras as well as the current can be separated into prehistoric and modern eras according to when civilizations began to record and document significant events. Exact dates of events that occurred in the Dawn Era and the Merethic Era cannot be known as such information does not exist due partly to a lack of record keeping by the then extant societies and mostly due to the partial absence of established chronological systems calendars, periods, etc. Thus, such eras are prehistoric and the occurrence of events during these eras can only be approximated with various degrees of uncertainty. Thus, such eras are modern.

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In the last days of the Second Era a petty king of the Colovian Estates named Cuhlecain came to power alongside the leader of his legions, General Talos. In the years since, very little has been revealed about the sequel, with the studio currently hard at work on its next major title, Starfield. This catastrophic disease afflicted both people and the land, spreading fear and despair throughout Morrowind. All of those endings are decided by player choices, and all of those endings revolve around the Numidium. The Fighters Guild is formed. The events must take place after the Shivering Isles expansion, based on the fact that in Shivering Isles , Dyus says that the Champion of Cyrodiil is the first creature he has seen after being imprisoned. The World Shaking. As the two Dragonborns inch closer towards an inevitable showdown, the player begins to learn more about Miraaks' unique abilities, figuring out the means to use them against him. Skyrim starts with the proud Elder Scrolls tradition of placing players in the manacles of a prisoner. However, as the player begins to learn more about the trio of deities, they realize one of these gods has intentions that are far from pure.

The Elder Scrolls series has a long history, both as a gaming franchise and within its lore.

At an early, undetermined time, the Dark Brotherhood is formed. This era saw the continuing influence of the Septim Empire, with the Emperor ruling from the Imperial City in Cyrodiil. Other than that, players are free to explore the game world as they see fit. The Thalmor , a radical faction within the Altmer society, took control of Valenwood and initiated the secession of the Summerset Isles from the Empire. Heading to the village of Skaal, they discover more about the werewolves on the island and their connection to a Daedric lord known as Hircine. The Blight was a devastating mystical plague orchestrated by Dagoth Ur. The end result was the unification of several independent kingdoms and city-states in the Iliac Bay region, creating a complex political landscape. This setup is as much of a recurring theme as it is a running gag, but this time around, players have to save Tamriel from the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon. The player sets out on a quest to defeat Umaril, learning that he can only be killed by the Divine Crusader: a warrior blessed by the gods and bearing holy relics. The only way to defeat the creature is with special crystals called Star Teeth. Very little of Shadowkey connects the game with the larger Elder Scrolls lore. Beginning the game on an execution block in an isolated fort, the player escapes death after the ancient dragon god, Alduin , attacks the settlement. The Nerevarine , a prophesied hero, emerged during this era to combat the Blight and confront Dagoth Ur, ultimately bringing an end to his malevolent influence and restoring hope to the Dunmer people. This kicks off the Three Banners War, one of the bloodiest conflicts the continent has ever seen so far.

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