the walking dead kenny

The walking dead kenny

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At a casual glance, Kenny is portrayed as a stereotypical Florida hick. At the farm of Hershel Greene before Rick Grimes shows up he has a place and a purpose in protecting his wife Katjaa, and his son, Duck a nickname because of the way constantly talks. Another man out there protecting someone he feels needs to be. Duck does that frustrating, yet understandable thing that kids often do and gets overstimulated and causes an accident. In the world of The Walking Dead, these are less character-building lessons, and more deadly punishment for sloppy behavior. He feels guilt and shame for what happened, but that stubborn defiance of his ultimately saved his child and kept him focused.

The walking dead kenny

Please be aware that spoilers are not allowed on the wiki and a violation of this policy may result in a ban. Thank you. Kenny is the former tritagonist and a survivor of the outbreak in Telltale 's The Walking Dead. Kenny was a Commercial Fisherman and Boat Captain. He is the husband of Katjaa , the father of Kenny Jr. Kenny acted as the de-facto co-leader of the Motel Survivors , alongside Lee Everett and Lilly , though he eventually acknowledged Lee as the true leader. Then he became the leader of his own group and then one of the survivors of the Cabin Group. Kenny is a generally likable and caring man, though occasionally appears stubborn, volatile, confrontational and short-tempered. These flaws take over at times which allows him to get carried away, and act before thinking which at times proves reckless. Kenny is generally characterized by needing a sense of purpose or, more specifically, protecting people, which Lee Everett noticed in " Around Every Corner ". Protecting Katjaa and Duck was his singular drive until their deaths, and when that purpose was robbed of him, he sunk into a deep depression until he discovered he focused himself on a new purpose. Getting to Savannah to find a boat helped steady him because he had a chance to get his friends to safety kept him moving until his arrival at the waterfront, where he found that there were no boats.

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Voiced by: Gavin Hammon. He is a sharp, hard-working guy who likes to take action and make things happen. His family is his top priority. He is slowly torn apart by the apocalypse, and eventually loses both Duck and Katjaa. He pulls one of two Heroic Sacrifices at the end of Season 1, but is revealed in Season 2 Episode 2 to have survived the ordeal, and regroups with Clementine and her new group.

At a casual glance, Kenny is portrayed as a stereotypical Florida hick. At the farm of Hershel Greene before Rick Grimes shows up he has a place and a purpose in protecting his wife Katjaa, and his son, Duck a nickname because of the way constantly talks. Another man out there protecting someone he feels needs to be. Duck does that frustrating, yet understandable thing that kids often do and gets overstimulated and causes an accident. In the world of The Walking Dead, these are less character-building lessons, and more deadly punishment for sloppy behavior. He feels guilt and shame for what happened, but that stubborn defiance of his ultimately saved his child and kept him focused. One that includes someone who could make anyone else seem positively lovable. Larry, the grumpy fucker that he is, decides that because Duck is covered in blood he must be bit, and that he should be booted out the door and into the eager rotting arms of the undead. Kenny, being the cool-headed fellow he is goes off at the suggestion and asks Lee to back him up. If you do decide to question Kenny though?

The walking dead kenny

Kenny acted as the de-facto co-leader of the Motel Survivors, alongside Lee Everett and Lilly , though he eventually acknowledged Lee as the true leader. While he is known for taking action and showing initiative, his short temper and failure to think things through often get the better of him. However, Kenny is also shown to be kind and selfless as he has been willing to give his life to save someone else's, but can be emotionally unstable towards those who do him wrong, yet he is aware of this and has admitted to be frightened by it. At the onset of the outbreak, Kenny and his family were on the road at a gas station when Kenny noticed a man grabbing his son. Thinking that he was trying to abduct him, Kenny quickly pounced upon the man and discovered him to be a walker. Following this, Kenny urged his son back into their truck and drove away. Katjaa noted that they had passed many people during their escape from the area, many of whom needed help that they did not give.


Most frustrating bug ever. Kenny openly blames Jane for causing the conflict between the two groups, but Bonnie convinces him to take a chance for the food that they all need. Jerkass Has a Point : While he comes across as a jerk if you disagree with him, the game proves him to be right on multiple occasions: Killing Larry in front of Lilly is awful. Cabin Group. Not that fucking sham you're running back there! As she continues explaining, Kenny will interrupt, asking her to just take the children. Kenny exits the lodge to discover the windmill spinning too fast and making much noise. Kenny dives to the icy ground to avoid getting shot at. Ungrateful Bastard : Starts developing this after the events of Episode 2, and gets worse in Episode 3 and 4. Kenny denies this but comes to terms with his feelings for the baby. The next day, Kenny is seen walking with the group and holding Arvo at gun point. Even his moving on from Katjaa is played with, as it's implied that he subconsciously views both Sarita and Clem as Replacement Goldfish for his dead family. And then possibly brought to a conclusion if you choose to kill him instead of letting him kill Jane. Horror Sci-fi The Walking Dead.

Please be aware that spoilers are not allowed on the wiki and a violation of this policy may result in a ban. Thank you.

Kenny dives to the icy ground to avoid getting shot at. Mood-Swinger : Has developed into this by Season Two. She can then choose one of two options: either euthanize Sarita in order to end her suffering, or persuade Kenny to leave her behind. By season two, his skills have improved and can take on the stronger Mike as well as overpowering Jane. Anti-Villain : One interpretation of his ultimate role in Season 2. Changer la langue. Continues right on into Season 2. Kenny also discussed the current state of their friendship, which is either good or bad based on Lee's decisions in "A New Day". The Cameo : In Days he can briefly be seen in the intro getting gas with his son. Good Parents : While not perfect as he himself laments in season 2 , he's very protective of Duck, and loves him dearly. Reaches its peak in Episode 4, where he accuses Molly of being the mysterious voice on the walkie-talkie, despite the fact the speaker is a gruff-voiced male.

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