The longest promise ending explained

The Longest Promise ended today with its quick episode run over two weeks and Tencent did try a bit in promos but nothing close to what it could be doing having a drama anchored by Xiao Zhan and also getting high views and online buzz. For those of you who liked it, share your finale thoughts. I hate the last one, the longest promise ending explained. The protagonists are the nicest people and give many chances to the antagonists to survive.

Zhi Yuan regained consciousness momentarily and realized that he could not let Xu Yao destroy Cloud Wasteland even if it meant his own death. However, he was unable to end his life under Xu Yao's control. Xu Yao continued to manipulate Zhi Yuan, offering to help him regain the Earth Ring in exchange for his cooperation. Zhu Yan hurried back to her home, where she discovered that Zhi Yuan had sent a letter to Kongsang. He offered to stop the war if the Chi Tribe handed over their princess to him, otherwise, he would attack Jia Lan.

The longest promise ending explained

The Longest Promise Chinese drama has been on the hot searches on various platforms many times since its broadcast. The most attractive thing is Shi Ying, played by Xiao Zhan, who is surprising both in terms of image and personality. It tells the story of the lonely and cold Crown Prince Shi Ying of Kongsang and the passionate and righteous Princess Zhu Yan of the Chi tribe, who are destined to be together and protect Yunhuang. The killing of gods by mortals is unprecedented in ancient times, and it starts with me. From serving the gods to killing the gods, the story has a sense of mission that goes against the will of heaven from the very beginning. The heroine Zhu Yan used the hosta to escape from marriage. After successfully escaping, she met the master who came to handle the matter, Shi Ying, who was then Shao Si Ming divine officer of Jiuyi Mountain. He floated in his magic weapon, very much with that transcendent feeling. No wonder many viewers exclaimed: From now on, the gods in Chinese costume dramas have faces. Although the casting is so stunning, this drama is not about the love and hatred between illusory gods, but about ordinary people who need to cultivate their moral character. Back when Shi Ying was a child, he was the crown prince of Kongsang. When he first met the heroine, Zhu Yan was not allowed to practice magic because she was a girl. She wanted to ask the crown prince who was praised by the world, but by chance, She was rescued by him and gifted the flower of Xue Han Wei. Shi Ying told her:. The settings in the play all have a theory of cause and effect.

This includes the politics, a curse, revenge, a dark force, and unforgettable past love. This setting is very consistent with the Eastern way of cultivation.

Is it a cliffhanger or not? A happy ending or a bad one? And thus far, the reaction has been mixed. Why mess with a good thing right? Given that this is the live action format, perhaps writers were going for the added drama which we all know cdramas want to do. But wow sometimes seeing the extra suffering the main characters have to go through is frustrating.

Even before the first episode was aired, many people were already lining up to watch the drama. Even if you are not, this will still be a drama to watch out for given all the hype and publicity. Check out The Longest Promise review below for my analysis. My rating: 7. He is supposedly born with a divine spirit and has excellent cultivation skills with its magical spells. Shi Ying is righteous and fair even from a young age.

The longest promise ending explained

The princess of Red Clan Zhu Yan paints herself. The king pays his respect to the god. Zhu Yan makes another herself from the painting. Shi Ying shows up in Huotu Clan. The clansmen talk about Zhu Yan has someone in her heart. The whole Red Clan will involved. The maid tells Zhu Yan to give up. She gets on knees to her.

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Seriously, how can you not see this? As Kong Sang has fallen and degenerated, Lang Xuan wants to destroy and rebuild it so that he can give back to Bai Wei a prosperous world that she had fought for. I though you were a rational fan but right now you are acting like a bot. I believe Koala also prefers her site visitors to be more proactive in the comment threads. Yao Yi saved him during the war and made him her disciple although he is a Merfolk. Back when Shi Ying was a child, he was the crown prince of Kongsang. You are funny, keep writing. XZ did not disappoint. He became despised overnight and was ordered to be executed and his mother banished to the cold palace. He tries his best to suppress his feelings and asks her to leave the mountain. She committed suicide in exchange for the right for Xue Lu to be brought up in the Bai Manor. The mysterious beginning may have foreshadowed the constant topics about The Wolf Chinese drama series. You can take it as happy or bittersweet. Internal strife arose and this formed the setting for the romance between Shi Ying and Zhu Yan. Xiao Zhang did a great job in his acting.

But he kills the killers behind her. She tries to cast the fire balls to the killer.

They must have many talented and capable CGI teams in house. Shi Ying reassured her that this was his mission as a practitioner of magic to save the people. But on screen, the plot has quite a lot going on, albeit in a fairly simple manner. The FL also did a good job with the script she wa given. In a heart-wrenching display of selflessness, Shi Ying sacrificed herself to protect Kong Sang, imploring her loyal friend Zhu Yan to strike the blow. The King of Bei Mian was concerned about Shi Ying's willingness to face the gods in battle, but Shi Ying believed that if the gods enjoyed the suffering of the people, they didn't deserve to be gods. In addition, the play also draws on some Taoist ideas, such as the rules that spells need to borrow power from heaven, earth, and time. Then it would minimize undesirable distraction from her acting although I think some criticism of her styles in TLP is too harsh. In earlier episodes I tend to skip the parts whenever she sees master is like she forgets everything else and starts to annoy him. Hence, he is a bias father and ruler who is more concerned about his personal pleasures than state affairs. Yao Yi subsequently died in a war. The drama version is so different from the book in many ways. Your email address will not be published. Zhi Yuan has a soft spot for Zhu Yan and is protective of her. However, when he starts getting himself involved in state affairs as a favor to Shi Yu, Zhu Yan assumes that Shi Ying is giving up his priesthood to resume his position as Crown Prince.

2 thoughts on “The longest promise ending explained

  1. I regret, but I can help nothing. I know, you will find the correct decision. Do not despair.

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