the adventures of sharkboy and lavagirl

The adventures of sharkboy and lavagirl

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A young boy is recruited by his imaginary friends Sharkboy and Lavagirl to help save their planet. Max : He ruined my Dream Journal! Linus : I did not! Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Play trailer

The adventures of sharkboy and lavagirl

Sign In. Sharkboy Taylor Dooley Lavagirl Cayden Boyd Max George Lopez Electricidad David Arquette Max's Dad Kristin Davis Max's Mom Jacob Davich Sharkboy's Dad Marc Musso Classroom Kid 1 Shane Graham Classroom Kid 2 Tiger Darrow Classroom Kid 3 Rocket Rodriguez Lug Racer Rodriguez Sharkboy, Age 7 Rebel Rodriguez Sharkboy, Age 5 Rest of cast listed alphabetically: Tristen Spade Hitman Chloe Chung

Genevieve Yee

Many of the concepts and much of the story were conceived by Rodriguez's children, most notably Racer Max. Sharkboy and Lavagirl received mostly negative reviews from critics, with much of the criticism directed at the film's poor 3-D, while the visual aspects and performances received some praise. It has since garnered a cult following and is often regarded as a cult classic. Max, a lonely ten-year-old boy in suburban Austin , creates an imaginative world called Planet Drool. In this dream realm, his creations Sharkboy and Lavagirl come to life.

The cast and crew share secrets behind the beloved movie. Omar writes, reports, and eats almonds for EW. Cue Taylor Lautner 's "Dream" song. It's time for you to go back to sleep and dream a better dream. Fifteen years ago, kids rushed their parents into what was being hyped as the 3D movie event of the year: The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.

The adventures of sharkboy and lavagirl

Many of the concepts and much of the story were conceived by Rodriguez's children, most notably Racer Max. Sharkboy and Lavagirl received mostly negative reviews from critics, with much of the criticism directed at the film's poor 3-D, while the visual aspects and performances received some praise. It has since garnered a cult following and is often regarded as a cult classic. Max, a lonely ten-year-old boy in suburban Austin , creates an imaginative world called Planet Drool. In this dream realm, his creations Sharkboy and Lavagirl come to life.

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Archived from the original on August 29, Extra uncredited. Retrieved November 19, Classroom Kid uncredited Tania Haddad Archived from the original on January 4, Lest you end up in the same position as the writer of this movie. Contact us. Retrieved May 17, Archived from the original on April 13, Ever since my son got a miniature Lava Girl toy in a fast food meal he has been enthralled with her. Extra uncredited Cameron Ten Napel Action Adventure Comedy. Chloe Chung Classroom Kid uncredited.

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According to Lautner and Dooley, when filming the scene with the dream train, the front part of the train was an actual physical set piece. Mullet Buddy uncredited Joanna McCray Technical specs Edit. Trivia The story was conceived by Robert Rodriguez 's then seven-year-old son Racer Rodriguez , who receives an on-screen "Story By" credit. Rico Torres portrays Sharkboy's father. Play trailer A year-old dreamer's imaginary friends — mighty Sharkboy and fire-producing Lavagirl — come to life to seek his help battling a nefarious baddie. Tristen Spade Hitman. Archived from the original on July 22, Much of the film was shot in a studio against green screen. Quotes Max : He ruined my Dream Journal! Coming Soon. Tiger Darrow Classroom Kid 3. Chicken Nugget.

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