terra teen titans

Terra teen titans

Terra : You said you'd be my friend no matter what, remember? Beast Boy : Slade was right. You don't have any friends.

The Teen Titans series presented the group of young heroes with many friends, family, and enemies- and sometimes all three rolled into one. Teen Titans is ripe with complex relationships and betrayal as the gang reconciles what it really means to be a good person. In the first season alone, a heartfelt reunion goes awry when Starfire learns her sister Blackfire' s true intentions on Earth, Beast Boy and Cyborg help Raven defeat her father's presence in her mind and quell her subconscious, and Beast Boy manages to find friends in the powerful Thunder, Lightning, and Aqualad. Yet arguably no character proves to be as complicated and impactful to the Titans as Terra, a capricious girl with earth-bending abilities, whose story dominates season two. With her most difficult battles being against herself, Terra and her story represents a key aspect of what Teen Titans is ultimately about: the choice between good and evil is just that- a choice- and "it's never too late" to do the right thing.

Terra teen titans

El personaje fue creado con una vida finita prevista. Eso incluye Terra 1 y 2. Hemos estado trabajando con Terra durante meses y meses tratando de encontrar y desarrollar lo que tiene de especial. Todo lo que hace es para ayudar a otras personas y en el servicio de la vida". Finalmente, los capturados Titanes fueron llevados por Deathstroke ante H. La colmena. Nightwing y el hijo de Deathstroke, Joseph William Wilson, alias Jericho , irrumpieron en el complejo para rescatarlos, pero fueron capturados. A diferencia de la original, esta era una impostora y atrajo a Changeling, quien sigue retenido sentimientos de la Terra original. Cuando ella expresa su temor de que ella es la original Terra, Geo-Force informa que ella no es su hermana. Una nueva Terra aparece en Supergirl Juntas derrotan al monstruo al derrumbarse el terreno donde se encontraban. El verdadero nombre de la nueva Terra es Atlee. Atlee debuta en la nueva continuidad ayudando a Starfire en la historieta Starfire Vol. En Tierra , un mundo de magia, Terra es una hechicera de la tierra que parece ser una con el suelo. Durante la batalla de los Titanes Linterna Negra, que se vieron desbordados.

Terra then returns to Slade's lair, who congratulates her on her victory, and states that they may now take over the city without any nuisances. She invites the Titans to a rock concert but ends up attacking them with an army of Rock Terra teen titans monsters.

Tara Markov , or just Terra , is a former member of the Teen Titans , whose role as a hero or villain is complicated. Until the episodes " Aftershock - Part 1 " and " Part 2 ", she was confused and insecure, only wishing to be a heroine and a friend of the Teen Titans. However, she was led astray by Slade , who tempted her by promising her that he could teach her to control her powers, in return for her unwavering loyalty and devoted apprenticeship. Terra and her brother Geo-Force were the prince and princess of Markovia. She was a hard-headed child and was confused with who she was.

Tara Markov , or just Terra , is a former member of the Teen Titans , whose role as a hero or villain is complicated. Until the episodes " Aftershock - Part 1 " and " Part 2 ", she was confused and insecure, only wishing to be a heroine and a friend of the Teen Titans. However, she was led astray by Slade , who tempted her by promising her that he could teach her to control her powers, in return for her unwavering loyalty and devoted apprenticeship. Terra and her brother Geo-Force were the prince and princess of Markovia. She was a hard-headed child and was confused with who she was. Terra hated being told how to act. She and her brother were put through experiments to make them heroes in order to protect their family.

Terra teen titans

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Terra is a major character in the Teen Titans series, who is based of the character with the same name in the Teen Titans comics. In this incarnation, unlike her comic book counterpart who was portrayed as a irredeemable psychopath, she was a sympathetic character whom was a former member of the Teen Titans, whose role as a hero or villain is complicated. Until the events in episodes Aftershock Part 1 and Aftershock Part 2, she was confused, and wished to be a heroine and friend of the Teen Titans. In her childhood, Terra was always a "hard-headed child", confused about who she was and who she was supposed to be. She always had people telling her what to do and how to act. As result of the lack of existent control of her powers which usually proves them to be a danger instead of a benefit, Terra is quite insecure. Before Terra became a Titan, this lack was very evident and surfaced through her weak control over her powers and emotions. She had tried to put up a front of confidence, but was actually extremely afraid of people finding out how unstable she was until she met Slade whom trained her. Among the Titans, she is closest to Beast Boy.

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It's cool to meet you guys. While on the wheel, Terra asks Beast Boy if he will still be her friend even if he knows something bad about her. The shapeshifter immediately tells the team about his discovery, but Cyborg and Raven explain that they already tried reviving her with their powers without any success. Hawk Holly Granger hunde la mano en el pecho de Dawn. Dies Differently in Adaptation : Terra was turned to stone, not crushed to death as in the "The Judas Contract" comic story. Cosplayer como Terra. Terra and Beast Boy develop a strong bond with each other. Heel—Face Revolving Door : She started off good, had a Face—Heel Turn when she went to Slade and became his mole, had a semi Heel—Face Turn that got slammed in her face when she tried to coax Beast Boy to join her instead of being destroyed with the rest of the Titans only for Beast Boy to chew her out for being a traitor, had an even bigger Face—Heel Turn as a response by gleefully hunting down and trying to kill the Titans at Slade's behest afterwards, and finally made a permanent Heel—Face Turn when she realized Slade was using her all along and she turned on him Tara Markov was an illegitimate child of King Viktor of Markovia. Being abandoned made her resent her brothers that had the power of their royal station, but apparently never using it. Whereas Raven constantly meditates and represses herself to establish her control, Terra fell in with Slade because he promised a quick and easy way for her to get the control she always wanted. In the " Titans Tomorrow " storyline, the Titans glimpse a grim possible future, and Terra in a costume modeled closely after her original is a member of the Titans East , a more benign rival group that opposes the fascist future versions of the current Teen Titans.

From the beginning of 's Teen Titans series, the five young heroes have already become established crime-fighters in Jump City. However, they all found their way there from different places and for different reasons.

They at first think that she needs their help, but she soon demonstrates her geokinetic abilities by crushing a scorpion with a piece of earth using only her mind. Terra : My name is Terra and I have done horrible things. Terra saw her inability to control her powers as some horrible crime. After her return, Terra seemed to command much, much more control over her incredible earth-controlling and manipulating powers and capabilities. Before he could explain Terra's origins in full, she destroyed the orb, not wanting to know the full truth of how she came to be. Beast Boy is crushed, as he believes that she has rejected him, and returns to his room. Doom Magnet : The reason Terra never stayed in a single place, is that whenever she tried to help the people, she ended up doing more harm, like mudslides and avalanches. However, she sticks it out, even when old habits and instinct is telling her to run. After they get out, Terra uses her powers to crush Mumbo and stop the bank robbery. After losing Terra, Beast Boy tries unsuccessfully to avenge her. Jace used Quixium to give Terra her powers and it is what made her mentally unstable. Like her Big Eater status, it most likely comes from her long time on the run, where she would have learned to eat anything that was available or else starve.

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