teemo mobafire

Teemo mobafire

Learn more about Teemo's abilities, teemo mobafire, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community! If you're looking for the best rune build for Teemo we've got you covered. If you are already familiar with how to play Teemo this is a great resource to quickly get a good rune selection for Patch However, teemo mobafire, if you are a new Teemo player we highly recommend reading through some of the guides above to learn why this teemo mobafire is strong on Teemo!

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Teemo mobafire

You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Fleet Footwork with Swiftness Boots So this matchup is all about movement. You need to be aware of his Q range and dodge accordingly. As the lane progresses Aatrox will become aware of your dodging patterns so try to be unpredictable. If you get hit by one wrong combo you either die, blow flash or have to base so your movement is crucial if you want to win! Pro tip - often aatroxes start out with trying to get e - q1 poke on you. If you manage to dodge it they will q1 and then e q2 the big slash when you go for a minion. The only counterplay for it is to see it coming and to dodge it before he does it. If you do dodge it aatrox has no more cooldowns to touch you and you can punish. If you have swiftness boots you can run out of his w, else youre screwed if he lands it. If you get caught by his w, I recommend flashing early, because worst case you might flash and then still get pulled back. Only take fights when you have ignite, it doesn't matter how low he is, please only commit to a kill with ignite. As long as you dodge stuff you will win this lane and its minor, if your movement is bad this could be very difficult.

If he q's onto you try to throw teemo mobafire shroom on the wave, after he lost his burst there is a 5 second window where you can usually punish before he can jump on you again.

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You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. He obviously can kill you in a combo, but, you have more move speed than him and can easily dodge his skills while kiting him, I don't think it's a hard lane, but it require patience and focus to win. Play defensive and punish him when he is on CDs.

Teemo mobafire

You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. He has long range, tools to check bushes, your blind is useless. Definietly the best counterpick to teemo support. Teemo struggles against heavy engage tanky supports. Best you can do is block his passive root from auto which he usually uses after hook.

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Avoid his bush cheese level 1, keep yourself on the rivers side and watch as he Q 's a minion wave from them. Never escape from her pressed up against a wall, make sure you're running right between them. Level 1 you're going to want to prevent him from proxying, walk your wave to the lane and if he shows up you can 1v1 him with autos lv 1. Even if she isnt top, by the nature of the champ you cant do anything. Never let him get behind you, he will CC into lane cutting off your only route for escape. Do your best to get on the opposite side of the wall or she will block off your escape route trapping you with her teammates! Just again, make sure you're near allies or minions to take less damage, from her Q burst, since it will spread out and not focus all into you. This is just asking for you to be ganked and locked down by his knock-up burst from his R , so it's much better to try to keep the lanes even or pushed up towards your tower. Side step his abilities and try not to get too close when you are hit, as he can stun you. Minions can be used to block his Q. Other than that poke him at will and make him eat your shrooms. So long as you respect her element switching and don't fight her near bushes and walls you shouldn't have any issue with her. Gap Close, Mobility, Range, Burst. It does take some time to get used to it, but you will often be able to Q and R him when he uses his R to teleport to your location globally. Try to use bushes to block his vision and make qs harder.

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You can not blind her Q since it is an ability and not an empowered AA. Shaco has a very good early game clear, he will be able to invade and gank relatively effortlessly due to his ability to blink over walls and utilize his boxes to prevent your ability to escape, so be mindful of your surroundings. Dodge the e q play in your wave and position according to his position. I didn't like this Guide. We win all trades with him, so long as you're looking out for his Q knock-up combo with his spirit form and his slow animation R. This makes him an "Ok" synergy as he does have damage, but it would be better for Teemo to be supporting someone like Draven in this case, as he has both CC, Mobility and Damage. Pros and Cons. Her W stops your Q so make sure you are within it when you fight. Just under this you will see what I consider to be the best shroom placements for bot lane although for the ones in river feel free to mix them up if the enemies catch on. So put the pressure on. Place some shrooms down in the lane an bushes to hinder her kiting potential, as it makes it easier to run away. Noxious Trap R R.

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