tarkin star wars

Tarkin star wars

An ambitious, ruthless proponent of military power, Wilhuff Tarkin became a favorite of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and rose rapidly through the Imperial ranks. Shortly after the Empire's creation, tarkin star wars, he was put in charge of the construction of the Death Star. Tarkin saw the Death Star as a way to crush all dissent to the Empire's rule -- fear of the station's planet-killing superlaser would tarkin star wars the galaxy's star systems in line.

Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. See this article's talk page for more information. A definitive Legends Clone Wars timeline was never established by Lucasfilm. The exact chronology of the events described in this article is unknown.

Tarkin star wars

Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. This article would benefit from the addition of one or more new images. Please upload a relevant canonical image, and place it here. Once finished, remove this notice. Wilhuff Tarkin was a male human Eriaduan bureaucrat , military officer , and politician whose career spanned from the final years of the Galactic Republic into the reign of its successor state, the Galactic Empire. Tarkin, a member of the Tarkin family , one of Eriadu 's pioneers, served in the Galactic Republic 's Judicial Department before returning to his homeworld to serve as its governor. When the Clone Wars , a pan- galactic war between the Republic and its splinter state, the Confederacy of Independent Systems , began, he enlisted in the Republic Navy , becoming a commissioned officer. As a captain , Tarkin served under Jedi General Even Piell until the latter's death on Lola Sayu , where the two were held as prisoners in the Citadel by the Confederacy for having memorized half of the Nexus Route. Saved by a Jedi -led rescue team, Tarkin grew to respect the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker , who agreed with the captain's belief that the Jedi Code conflicted with their wartime duties. He staunchly opposed the Jedi Order 's role as leaders in the Grand Army of the Republic , believing that peacekeepers should not direct the Republic war effort.

Soon after that, the Rebels succeed in blowing up the Death Star with him still on board.

En la novela, Tarkin aboga por la Doctrina Tarkin , un sistema militar basado en "la amenaza de la fuerza, en lugar de la fuerza misma". Prisioneros de la Ciudadela, Tarkin y Piell son liberados del cautiverio por un equipo de rescate. Inicialmente pesimista acerca de estar en territorio enemigo, Tarkin se pone en desacuerdo con el Caballero Jedi Anakin Skywalker Matt Lanter , pero sus respectivas opiniones mejoran cuando cada uno se da cuenta de que ambos conocen al Canciller Supremo Palpatine Ian Abercrombie. En la quinta temporada, Tarkin, ahora un almirante, sospecha que Ahsoka fue el autor intelectual de un ataque terrorista en el Templo Jedi e intenta arrestar al padawan. Kanan es torturado por el Inquisidor y transportado al sistema Mustafar a bordo del Destructor Estelar de Tarkin.

Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, introduced as the main antagonist of the original Star Wars film [a] although he has less screen time than his iconic subordinate Darth Vader , in which he was played by Peter Cushing. In the film, Tarkin is depicted as a high-ranking officer of the Galactic Empire , placed in charge of the operations on the Death Star , the Empire's moon —sized battle station. He orders the destruction of the planet Alderaan by the station's superlaser, and dies at the end of the film when the Death Star is destroyed by Luke Skywalker. He is also the protagonist of the novel Tarkin , which details the character's backstory and rise to power within the Empire's ranks. In the novel, Tarkin advocates for the Tarkin Doctrine , a military system based on "the threat of force, rather than force itself".

Tarkin star wars

Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. This article would benefit from the addition of one or more new images. Please upload a relevant canonical image, and place it here. Once finished, remove this notice. Wilhuff Tarkin was a male human Eriaduan bureaucrat , military officer , and politician whose career spanned from the final years of the Galactic Republic into the reign of its successor state, the Galactic Empire. Tarkin, a member of the Tarkin family , one of Eriadu 's pioneers, served in the Galactic Republic 's Judicial Department before returning to his homeworld to serve as its governor. When the Clone Wars , a pan- galactic war between the Republic and its splinter state, the Confederacy of Independent Systems , began, he enlisted in the Republic Navy , becoming a commissioned officer. As a captain , Tarkin served under Jedi General Even Piell until the latter's death on Lola Sayu , where the two were held as prisoners in the Citadel by the Confederacy for having memorized half of the Nexus Route. Saved by a Jedi -led rescue team, Tarkin grew to respect the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker , who agreed with the captain's belief that the Jedi Code conflicted with their wartime duties. He staunchly opposed the Jedi Order 's role as leaders in the Grand Army of the Republic , believing that peacekeepers should not direct the Republic war effort.

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Subverted when he used the Death Star to blow up Jedha City and the Scarif Citadel, stating he just wants a statement and not a manifesto — which tells of how evil he is when he decided to make his manifesto on Alderaan instead. Shortly before the conference was set to begin, a Venator -class Star Destroyer , the Renown , which had been hijacked and loaded with highly explosive rhydonium by the Separatists, came out of hyperspace near the station. This however, ended up cut due to time constraints. Both are extremely bloodthirsty due to having gone through lives of extreme violence and cruelty, and this negates their ability to make strategically sound decisions. Towards the end of season four, he warns Thrawn that he must prove the worth of his TIE Defender program, Thrawn's prototype design of a new Imperial Star Fighter, or it will be shut down in favor of diverting resources to Krennic's "Stardust project" - which would eventually become the Death Star. Time and again, he is completely convinced that nothing the Rebels could ever do would ever have any lasting damage, or he assumes that they would never dare to cross him or the Empire. Before departing Eriadu, Tarkin undertook a personal pilgrimage to the Carrion Plateau. As panic ensued, smaller spores were launched at the compound, causing troops to collapse. He had all records of Daala's visit erased and, as soon as she was able, sent her back to the Maw, where she was instructed to maintain that she had never left and had suffered an injury in the course of her duties there. The Imperial Security Bureau's Deputy Director Harus Ison informed the gathering that his agents had uncovered a cache of communications devices on the former Separatist world of Murkhana , which he regarded as a prelude to a plot to disrupt the HoloNet. Blaster Lightsaber. Durante el rescate de Kanan por parte de las fuerzas rebeldes, el Destructor Estelar de Tarkin es destruido y el Inquisidor muere.

Examples relating to Disney's EU and the new movies can be spoiler-tagged if deemed necessary. To return to the Character page for Star Wars , go here. Peter Cushing's face has been recreated with CGI on his face.

His constant complaining to his superior officer's face puts him into this trope. Fictional universe of Star Wars. Tarkin oversaw a retaliatory attack in response to the disruption, destroying the Rebel base on Jabiim from which the raid had been launched. In the closing months of the Clone Wars, Palpatine implemented the Sector Governance Decree , which placed regional and planetary military governors in control of the Republic's systems. Tarkin demanded that Lemelisk's team integrate heavy defenses, comparable to those of a Core planet, into the design, and also that they ensure the station would be self-sufficient. In front of the others, Vader executed the two least efficient foremen and had their bodies mounted on the Death Star's framework. Don't have an account? Within that same year, [22] Tarkin undertook a mission to Mon Cala by personal order of the Emperor, in order to make an example of the world for the price of defiance. We have to adapt. Tarkin didn't seem to think that would result in people joining the Rebel cause because submission would result in their planets being blown up anyway. Granted, he didn't live long enough to find that out. Simply put, Tarkin is too ruthless for his own good, brute forcing his way and barking orders to run the Outer Rim. But Tarkin instead told him that he was leaning towards escalation.

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