tank davis fight

Tank davis fight

Weight Home BaltimoreMaryland .

Gervonta Davis "Tank". Gervonta Davis "Tank" Follow Followers. Born Nov 07, Debut Sport Boxing. Country United States. Division Lightweight.

Tank davis fight

He has held multiple world championships in three weight classes , from super featherweight to light welterweight , including the World Boxing Association WBA lightweight title since Davis was raised in the Sandtown-Winchester community in West Baltimore, one of the most crime-ridden areas of the city. He later earned his secondary degree through a GED program. Davis has been training at Upton Boxing Center since he was five years old. Davis finished his illustrious amateur career with an impressive record of —5. Davis made his debut at the age of 18 on February 22, , against Desi Williams, who had a professional record of 0 wins and 4 losses, all by stoppage. The fight took place at the D. Davis won the bout via first-round knockout KO. Davis knocked Meraz down in rounds three and five, and went on to win a unanimous decision UD , with all three judges scoring the bout 60— The normally durable Mora was stopped for the first time in his career. The fight would take place as an undercard fight to the super middleweight world title unification fight between James DeGale and Badou Jack.

Davis had won his first world title in only his 17th professional fight, surpassing Mayweather, who won his first championship in his 18th bout. November 4,


After a slow start, lightweight superstar Gervonta "Tank" Davis , 26 KOs relied on his trademark power to force pound titleholder Hector Luis Garcia , 10 KOs into submission on Saturday inside Capital One Arena, in the final step before a proposed April showdown with fellow unbeaten Ryan Garcia. On my end, I'm ready. I'll take a week off and I'll be back [in the gym] for sure. Davis, a native of nearby Baltimore, kept his poise and focus despite a tumultuous training camp that saw the year-old spend a night in prison the week before the fight following a misdemeanor arrest for domestic assault. Can't get enough boxing and MMA? Get the latest in the world of combat sports from two of the best in the business. Garcia, a year-old who boxed for his native Dominican Republic at the Olympics, relied on his technique and length to force the shorter Davis to take his time in the early going. But the action picked up considerably in Round 4 as the pair of southpaws traded big shots at close range. The action continued until Round 8 when a fight in the first two rows of the crowd caused a bizarre halt to the action as ringside security sorted things out. When the fight restarted, Davis began to walk Garcia down with big left hands and appeared to briefly buckle him before the end of the round.

Tank davis fight

Weight Home Baltimore , Maryland ,. Complete Stats. One of the biggest stars in the sport, Baltimore native Gervonta "Tank" Davis has continued his domination at the pro level—becoming a five-time world champion, winning titles in three divisions and becoming one of the best fighters, pound for pound, in boxing today.

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Beau Rivage , Biloxi, Mississippi , U. The fight was a closely-contested affair, until Davis landed a flush straight left early in the eighth round. Retrieved April 23, July 31, Win vs Francisco Fonseca May 27, Debut Davis showed up an hour late and came in at pounds, 2 pounds over the weight limit. Retrieved October 25, The Ring Magazine.

The referee reached the count of 10 at of Round 7 before 20, at the sold-out T-Mobile Arena, an anticlimactic but conclusive finish to boxing's most-anticipated matchup in years. He just caught me with a good shot - I don't want to make no excuses in here

Moments later, a straight left hand by Davis dropped Barrios again. The event was also one of the most attended events in arena history for any occasion, ranking in the top-five biggest, representing the return of big-time boxing to the arena. Retrieved January 8, Toggle limited content width. Davis found his rhythm in the second and third, circling the ring and walking Cruz into shots. However, Davis would lose his title on the scales prior to the bout. The fight was a closely-contested affair, until Davis landed a flush straight left early in the eighth round. I won my first belt here and it was great to come back to Brooklyn and do it again. Sep 12, Add our schedule to your calendar and receive a reminder before each PBC fight.

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