Talia al ghul

Talia remains the primary antagonist in Grant Morrison's second volume of Batman, Incorporated as she leads Leviathan in talia al ghul against Batman. She was partially responsible for the death of her own son, Damian Wayne. Much of her background is not clearly explained though her history is relatively well known.

Talia is an occasional lover and enemy of Batman , the most cherished child of Ra's al Ghul , known as the Daughter of the Demon. As a high-ranking member of the League of Assassins , she is sometimes referred to by titles like Talia Head or Talia al Ghul , signifying her status as Daughter of the Demon. For a time she was a key member of LexCorp. Talia was briefly married to Batman and is also the mother of Damian Wayne , Batman's biological son and the fifth Robin. Her role in stories have varied between antiheroine and villain, due to her divided loyalties to her father and being in love with the Batman. Talia has also served as a member of various factions, including Leviathan and the Society. In her youth, Talia traveled the world with her immortal father learning and adapting his intellect and skills which she proves to be more competent than any of Ghul's other children.

Talia al ghul

Talia al Ghul is a fictional Batman character who is the daughter of Ra's al Ghul. Ghul might be a villain that wants to either finish her father's work or to avenge his death. She may sometimes help Batman to stop her father's work. She is the mother of Bruce Wayne's son, Damian Wayne. Contents move to sidebar hide. Page Talk. Read Change Change source View history. Tools Tools. Other websites [ change change source ]. Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to: Talia al Ghul. The Dark Knight. Bob Kane Bill Finger. Cloud Vicki Vale.

He was later revived as a character, talia al ghul, and in Under the Hoodhe is discovered by the League of Assassins. Tweet Clean. Talia and Damian agree to join forces with Gordon to save Batman.

She is torn between the love of her father and her beloved, Batman. Talia is a shrewd leader herself, leading the League in her father's absence and being a founding member of the Secret Society of Super-Villains. Talia was the only child and daughter of Melisande and Ra's al Ghul , leader of a secret worldwide organization. Unfortunately, Talia witnessed the murder of her mother at an early age, at the hands of a man called Quinlan , the orphaned godson of Ra's, who had raised him as his own. Like this, Talia was raised by Ra's and she traveled the world with him, learning from his intellect and skills. She excelled in managing his criminal and legitimate operations, and she was eventually appointed as Ghul's primary heir. Talia first met Batman when he rescued her from Dr.

Talia al Ghul was an assassin and a member of the League of Assassins , as well as the mother of Damian Wayne. She eventually fell in love with Bruce Wayne Batman and gave birth to a son named Damian who later chose to live with his father, but she remained at odds with them both due to her criminal lifestyle. She also despised good-heartedness in a person and was acquainted with Jason Todd. Batman and Damian later started tracking her after learning that Talia had been hired to kill the mayor of Gotham City. After the Anti-Life Equation started turning everyone into the Anti-Living , she hid in the League's main safehouse in the city which was the Gotham Bank and slaughtered all the infected she encountered there. Damian was able to discover her location due to his earlier surveillance of her, being accompanied to the bank by along with Jon Kent and Cassie Sandsmark.

Talia al ghul

Talia was the daughter of Ra's al Ghul and the leader of the League of Shadows. Following the death of her father, she took up his mantle as his heir and patiently sought Gotham City 's destruction with the aid of her ally Bane. She manipulated Bruce Wayne and his allies while masquerading as wealthy businesswoman and philanthropist Miranda Tate. Talia was born and spent her childhood in a prison known as the Pit. Her mother, the Warlord's daughter , was imprisoned there by the Warlord to take the place of Talia's exiled mercenary father. One day, when Talia was a young child, the prison doctor forgot to lock their cell and her mother was attacked and killed by a group of prisoners.

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Talia assists her father in trying to create plants to destroy Coast City, but are stopped by Robin, Speedy and Aqualad. Tools Tools. Batman Wiki Explore. She offers him the use of a Lazarus Pit to restore his youth. Talia appears in the comic tie-in for Young Justice. The mysterious robed figure was revealed to be Den Darga, who thanked Damian for inadvertently bringing the relic and attempts to bring about the end of life on Earth. Talia doesn't appear in the game but is mentioned in several of Robin's dialogues. They arrive at Wayne Manor just in time to save Commissioner James Gordon from being killed by assorted booby traps created by the Black Glove. In "The Knights of Tomorrow! TV series Film soundtrack.

Talia is an occasional lover and enemy of Batman , the most cherished child of Ra's al Ghul , known as the Daughter of the Demon. As a high-ranking member of the League of Assassins , she is sometimes referred to by titles like Talia Head or Talia al Ghul , signifying her status as Daughter of the Demon. For a time she was a key member of LexCorp.

Although Jason is returned to life, his body and mind are still broken from the Joker's attack. Sign In Register. Wikiquote has quotations related to Talia al Ghul. Current Wiki. Often underestimated, Talia is also an excellent hand-to-hand fighter. While Ra's sought to bring power and balance of life to Earth, the Lu'un Darga then tried to take back all life and cleanse Earth entirely, because they would bring their own destruction to Earth and the heart of the Lazarus Pit. TV and Movies. Realizing and accepting this, Nyssa and Talia become the heads of The Demon. However, Batman showed some concern about having Talia as an enemy, and knowing that Batman had feelings for her made her happy, but she remained by her father's side. Float Left Float Right. Soon after it is revealed Batman did not die, but survives only to be captured by Darkseid during the " Final Crisis " and then apparently murdered by the New God. To this end, she captures Talia and kills and resurrects her in rapid succession in a Lazarus Pit, leaving Talia virtually broken from the trauma of dying again and again in so short a time as Nyssa asks Talia why her father is 'letting' this happen to her. Talia took Lane to her place and informed him that the Suit of Sorrows drives the man who wears it insane, then she allowed Lane to leave with the suit at his own risk. Together Adams and O'Neil created two classic and abiding Batman antagonists, in the forms of international crime lord Ra's al Ghul and his sexy daughter Talia, who updated the Fu Manchu exotic villain archetype into the fashionably seventies world of ecoterror. After Bane enters the League of Assassins, Ra's considers Bane a potential heir to his empire instead of Batman and wants his daughter to marry him.

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