Synonyms for guardians
English Dictionary. Word Lists.
US - How to pronounce guardian in American English. UK - How to pronounce guardian in British English. A common misspelling of guardian is guradian. Noun, singular or mass A conservatorship of an adult may also be called establishing a legal guardian for an adult. Adjective Verify your guardian rights of the child to create the Family account.
Synonyms for guardians
Synonyms and antonyms of guardian in English. These are words and phrases related to guardian. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of guardian. Synonyms and examples parent My parents died when I was young. Go to the thesaurus article about these synonyms and antonyms of guardian. See words related to guardian child. Learn more These are people who are related to one another. Your parents are the people who took care of you throughout your childhood. Your child is the person you take care of throughout their childhood. If you have more than one child, they are siblings. Your parents' parents are your grandparents and you are their grandchild. Other people in your family are called your relatives. The churches are the guardians of the faith.
British and American pronunciations with audio.
Words related to guardian are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word guardian. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. My dad was my guardian on set and I was the youngest, and I know they were probably a little scared of him. Schools need a coordinated vaccination plan so that staff, students, parents, guardians and household members who are essential workers or elderly have timely and accessible vaccination opportunities. According to a ticket seller who spoke to The Guardian, the site still receives only 10 visitors a day, on average.
Synonyms and antonyms of guardian in English. These are words and phrases related to guardian. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of guardian. Synonyms and examples parent My parents died when I was young. Go to the thesaurus article about these synonyms and antonyms of guardian. See words related to guardian child.
Synonyms for guardians
English Dictionary. Word Lists. Grammar English Easy Learning Grammar. Grammar Patterns.
Erika fong
English synonyms. He proclaims himself a defender of the environment. Quiz Italian confusables. Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. German English to German. Antonyms refrain follower. English—Spanish Spanish—English. If you have more than one child, they are siblings. Mandarin Chinese characters. Common Words Unique Words. English idioms. Essential American English. Or, go to the definition of guardian.
English Dictionary. Word Lists. Grammar English Easy Learning Grammar.
He proclaims himself a defender of the environment. From Project Gutenberg. Cockney Translators: Get to Know the Dialect. But the riders whirled along towards Rai Bareilly, and in another quarter of an hour the night would be their best guardian. English synonyms. Synonyms firefighter foster parent keeper chaperon guard watchdog monitor custodian hero paladin fireman lawman admonisher escort fighter bodyguard reminder peacekeeper patron saint defender law officer foster-parent tribune shielder preserver fire fighter peace officer fire-eater chaperone steward protector. The churches are the guardians of the faith. After this is over, I'll tell you about the Guardian recruitment stats. Traditional Chinese confusables. Video Build your vocabulary. Quiz German confusables. Register now or log in to access. A Closer Look. English to Traditional.
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