synonyms for besides

Synonyms for besides

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These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. More translations in the Xhosa-English dictionary. Website Language en English pl Polski. Polish translations powered by Oxford Languages. North American Do people besides your family and your close circle of friends like these songs?

Synonyms for besides

Beside is a preposition. It is rather formal:. He would like to take a photograph of us. Would you come and sit beside me? There was a small table beside the bed, on which there was a book. Besides is a preposition or a linking adverb. What other types of music do you like besides classical? As a linking adverb, we usually put a comma before and after besides in writing:. Across , over or through? Advice or advise? Affect or effect? All or every? All or whole?

Finallyat lastlastly or in the end?

Synonimy i antonimy słowa furthermore w języku angielskim. These are words and phrases related to furthermore. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, przejdź do definicji furthermore. And furthermore she's devoid of talent as well as brains.

Words related to besides are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word besides. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. Still, I wish that DuVernay had given us more about those who are less famous besides a scene where they all eat dinner together. And besides, as a nation, we hold this truth to be self-evident: resolutions are made to be broken. One would be in the midst of a lot of actors, and besides, they're really only good for impressing shopgirls. Besides this fundamental or primary vibration, the movement divides itself into segments, or sections, of the entire length. Besides these, twenty thousand Indians are under the care of secular priests—making a total of two hundred and five thousand. Besides, we now know that the plant which furnishes the Chinese tobacco is even said to grow wild in the East Indies. Besides, these are only a few intimate friends who have assembled to celebrate my daughter's fte-day. By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary.

Synonyms for besides

Paying attention and listening intently: talking about concentration. Synonyms and antonyms of besides in English. These are words and phrases related to besides. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of besides.


Narzędziom umożliwiającym tworzenie własnych list słów i quizów. Past simple or present perfect? Dodaj nowe hasło. Potrzebujemy więcej niedorzecznych rzeczy oprócz "Gabinetu Osobliwości". Questions: follow-up questions Questions: echo and checking questions Questions: short forms. I usiadła przy żeńcach, i podał jej prażma, które jadła aż do sytości, i jeszcze jej zbyło. As , because or since? Man , mankind or people? W jaki sposób przenieść tłumaczenia do Trenera słownictwa? During or for? We need some more ridiculous things besides "The Cabinet of Natural Curiosities. Classic or classical?

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But, besides being a black woman, I am different from most of you in some other ways. Sound or noise? Ill or sick? For or since? Hear or listen to? Almost or nearly? Remember or remind? Poza tym, że jesteśmy zgodni co do tego , jak ważna jest bezpośrednia praca z obywatelami, drugą rzeczą, na którą chciałbym zwrócić uwagę, jest kwestia praw podstawowych. And they that did eat were four thousand men, besides women and children. Perfect infinitive with to to have worked Verbs: basic forms Verbs: formation. Website Language en English pl Polski. Najbardziej popularne Najbardziej popularne angielski arabski bułgarski chiński chorwacki czeski duński elficki fiński francuski grecki hiszpański japoński łacina niderlandzki niemiecki norweski perski polski portugalski rosyjski rumuński słowacki słoweński szwedzki turecki węgierski włoski. Living abroad Tips and Hacks for Living Abroad Everything you need to know about life in a foreign country. High or tall? Open or opened?

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