sylvia likens memorial

Sylvia likens memorial

She was born between two sets of fraternal twins: Diana and Danny two years olderand Jenny and Benny one year sylvia likens memorial, the former disabled by polio. Likens' parents' marriage was unstable. The family moved frequently, and the parents had financial difficulties.

Sylvia Marie Likens January 3, — October 26, was an American teenager who was tortured and murdered by her caregiver, Gertrude Baniszewski, many of Baniszewski's children, and several of their neighborhood friends. The abuse lasted for three months, occurring incrementally, before Likens died from her extensive injuries and malnourishment on October 26, , in Indianapolis , Indiana. Likens was increasingly tormented , neglected , belittled, sexually humiliated , beaten, starved , lacerated, burned, and dehydrated by her tormentors. Her autopsy showed wounds across her body, including several burns, scald marks and eroded skin. Through intimidation, her younger sister, Jenny, was occasionally forced to participate in her mistreatment. The official cause of her death was determined to be a homicide caused by a combination of subdural hematoma and shock , complicated by severe malnutrition.

Sylvia likens memorial


She was informed, "I can't tell you or I'll get into trouble. Physical and mental torment such as this would occasionally pause when the Baniszewskis watched their favorite television shows.


They were unable to take their children with them, so they left their two boys in the care of their grandparents. And Gertrude was to take in Sylvia, 16, and her younger sister, Jenny, who was diagnosed with polio and walked with a limp. Gertrude, who was 37 years old at the time, had promised that she would care for Sylvia and Jenny as if they were her children, but it was a promise that she would later break. After they informed her parents, Lester contacted Baniszewsk and told her to get Sylvia back in school. She told him that she would, but Sylvia never returned. School officials sent out another notice to Baniszewsk on Oct. They asked how they could help Sylvia return to school, but four days later, she was dead.

Sylvia likens memorial

Sylvia Marie Likens January 3, — October 26, was an American teenager who was tortured and murdered by her caregiver, Gertrude Baniszewski, many of Baniszewski's children, and several of their neighborhood friends. The abuse lasted for three months, occurring incrementally, before Likens died from her extensive injuries and malnourishment on October 26, , in Indianapolis , Indiana. Likens was increasingly tormented , neglected , belittled, sexually humiliated , beaten, starved , lacerated, burned, and dehydrated by her tormentors. Her autopsy showed wounds across her body, including several burns, scald marks and eroded skin.

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Retrieved June 14, Tools Tools. To earn money, Likens babysat and ironed, the same kind of work that was done by Gertrude Baniszewski. Gertrude then told her, and the other girls in the house, that whenever they "did something" with a boy, they would be sure to have a baby. Fourteen years before her own death, Jenny Likens Wade had viewed Gertrude Baniszewski's obituary in a newspaper; she clipped the section from the newspaper, then mailed it to her mother with an accompanying note reading: "Some good news. After she had finished writing the letter, Likens was then again tied to the stair railing and offered crackers to eat, although she refused them, saying: "Give it to the dog, I don't want it. She told Baniszewski the report was about Likens; Baniszewski replied she had kicked Likens out of her house, and that her whereabouts were unknown. Stephanie waived her immunity from any potential impending prosecution [] while agreeing to testify against her family and any other individuals charged with abusing and murdering Likens. Rigor mortis had fully developed at the time of the discovery of her body, indicating Likens may have been deceased for up to eight hours before she was found, although Dr. The surname of all three children was legally changed to Blake in the late s after their father regained their custody.

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You know who I am! By mid-August, Gertrude Baniszewski had begun to focus her abuse almost exclusively upon Sylvia, with her primary motivation likely being jealousy of the girl's youth, appearance, respectability, and potential. The Indianapolis Star. They then laid her upon a mattress in one of the bedrooms [89] as Sylvia muttered her final wish that her "daddy was here" and that Stephanie would take her home. On both occasions, however, the Vermillions witnessed Paula physically abusing Likens—who on both occasions had a black eye—and openly boasting about her mistreatment of the child to them. December 3, As each defendant, except Richard Hobbs, remained impassive, Wessner recounted the continuous mistreatment Likens had endured before her death, emphasizing that at no point had Likens either provoked any of the defendants, or received any medical care beyond occasionally having margarine rubbed into scalded sections of her face and body. You'll have to live with your conscience the rest of your life if you send an insane woman to the electric chair. The family moved frequently, and the parents had financial difficulties. On October 26, after multiple beatings, burnings, and scalding baths, Likens died of a brain hemorrhage, shock, and malnutrition. Here, Likens was often kept naked, rarely fed, and frequently deprived of water. The pair were retried in He became a lay minister , frequently hosting counseling sessions for the children of divorced parents.

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