Swtor reload ui


This just happened to me as well. I can turn the UI on and off, but that just affects the mini-map and quests. No action bars, and all my key bindings do not work in combat. Had this happen to me a few days ago and yes, the only way to fix it was to completely shut down the game and re-open it. Just happened at the start of a flashpoint

Swtor reload ui

By Cautivar January 9, in General Discussion. Ok when I say UI most people think of the action bars, the mini-map, the toolbar at the top of the screen, and any pictures of avatars on your screen that tell you health and level and stuff. This is great and all because it reloads all the things I described up top. I am finding however that there are times where the graphics in the enviorment or my toon's graphics are messing up. Like even though I'm able to play on everything with high settings I am still seeing yellow lining on every planet in enviroments. The glow effect that happens to a toon when its healed doesn't go away. My trooper is holding a gun with one-hand while running when she should be using two. It completely reloads your UI. The problems I am experiencing are server side. How do I know this? Simple I'm not the only one that sees them. Game Update 7.

New topic. See details Show less. Then as I entered my next cutscene the game itself crashed to desktop.

Ctrl-U takes a few seconds to reload the screen. If the screen is on normally, then hitting Ctrl-U will turn it off. Then hitting Ctrl-U again will turn it back on after a few seconds. If the screen is already off, then hitting Ctrl-U will start to turn it back on, but if you hit Ctrl-U again, too soon, you'll turn it off again before it can actually come on. Tested on multiple machines to verify. I think what happens is the first time you hit CTRL-U it hides the interface as expected, the second time you press it to reload the interface it will DELAY by exactly the time it takes for it to actually load, this time varies from one machine to the next based on system specs. However you can interrupt the load midway through by pressing CTRL-U again a third time, it will cancel the load and appear like nothing happened, UI will remain hidden.

You can decide what show up where, how big it is, and even if it shows up at all on your screen. There are hundreds of settings to play with, and once you feel comfortable playing the game I highly recommend digging into the settings to cuzomtize them to fit your playstyle. The main preferences panel, and the user interface panel. This setting lets you dis-engage anything you have targeted by easily clicking on the ground — very handy when you want to take screenshots! The next set of settings is in the User Interface tab. If you want to switch up how you watch cutscenes, you can turn subtitles on or off in these settings, as well as turn off the indicators that show you whether a choice is darkside or lightside. When you get new gear, this setting will allow you to see exactly what stats the new armor piece has when you roll over it. You can also edit what nameplates you see in the Nameplates panel.

Swtor reload ui

The guide is up-to-date for Patch 7. My original UI has been downloaded tens of thousands of times. I am glad so many players like and want to use it. I have made several revisions to it, starting with the Knights of the Fallen Empire and the most recent one is for Update 7. When playing group content, it is best to have all the data easily accessible to you. When you are a DPS, you would prefer to focus on the enemies. When your task is to heal your team, having easy and quick access to the raid frames is crucial.

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My Swtor referall Link. Me too. If the screen is already off, then hitting Ctrl-U will start to turn it back on, but if you hit Ctrl-U again, too soon, you'll turn it off again before it can actually come on. Logging out and then logging back in didn't fix anything either. How do you reload UI in this game? Like i said before it comes up every once in a while. Posted June 6, Haven't had it happen again so far. Posted January 25, Message 7 of 8 2, Views. Posted July 9, edited. This still happening. Tralesh Posted June 4, Posted November 1, December

Ctrl-U takes a few seconds to reload the screen.

This just happened to me as well. Posted December 19, edited. How do I know this? I was under the impression this was no longer an issue as no posts have been made recently as detailed in the known issues sticky at this link or maybe 32bit OS is just less used now. I'm glad I'm not the only one having this problem, but that doesn't change the fact that it's annoying. All in all, these are not perfect workarounds, and there's no excuse why the devs still haven't fixed this bug it's been in the game for years , but hope it helps. Posted December 19, I'm not sure which I have the Same issues Where during conversations characters eyes will either be solid black or chrome looking or certain body parts are just no texture so i esc out of the convo go to properties go to graphics change my texture setting from high to low and then "Apply" then back to High and "Apply" and that usually works to reload the UI. Search instead for. July Like i said before it comes up every once in a while. Just a reskin dept

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