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Company Products Quality Contact En. About us Our vision Brands. De Fr. Fresh milk Way of the milk Technology. What makes Swiss milk so special. A yoghurt for breakfast, a little milk chocolate once in a while, creamy pasta for your evening meal: we consume milk in lots of ways. But not all milk is the same.


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From onwards, only Swiss milk that meets the production standard may be produced, marketed and processed in Switzerland. The requirements of this production standard have ensured the high level for the entire Swiss milk industry with regard to animal welfare, feeding, sustainability and social criteria. Ten basic requirements have been defined and with it two additional requirements from a selection must be implemented. Swiss dairy farmers are attentive to the well-being of their cows. It sets the minimum in terms of livestock rearing conditions.

Wir lieben saisonale Rezepte mit Schweizer Zutaten. Dazu der Saisonkalender sowie praktische Tipps und Tricks. Entdecke dazu praktische Tipps und Tricks und den Saisonkalender. Fragst du dich: Was koche ich heute? Dann bist hier genau richtig. Jede Menge Alltagsrezepte sollen dir diese Frage beantworten. Wir von Swissmilk haben vor allem zwei Mottos: 1. Selbermachen ist Trumpf. Kochen mit saisonalen und regionalen Zutaten geht immer. Kennst du schon all unsere praktischen Rezeptfunktionen, die dir deine Kochvorbereitung erleichtern und dein Kocherlebnis verbessern?


From onwards, only Swiss milk that meets the production standard may be produced, marketed and processed in Switzerland. The requirements of this production standard have ensured the high level for the entire Swiss milk industry with regard to animal welfare, feeding, sustainability and social criteria. Ten basic requirements have been defined and with it two additional requirements from a selection must be implemented. Swiss dairy farmers are attentive to the well-being of their cows. It sets the minimum in terms of livestock rearing conditions. However, most dairy farmers comply with more stringent animal husbandry requirements. For example, they participate in the Federal animal welfare programme "RAUS" regular open-air grazing and "BTS" particularly animal-friendly livestock housing , which stipulate stricter guidelines for animal farming. For dairy cows as well, movement and social contact are important. The RAUS programme guarantees that animals have access to pasture 26 days per month in summer and 13 days per month in winter.

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Husbandry has a key influence on the health of the animals. Taking part in the Espghan Annual Conference in Geneva. Each milk processor has access to an audited sustainable management system, a sustainability analysis, a sustainability report or a recognised self-assessment. Like almost all Swiss dairy farmers, Toni works with a milking machine. Strict conditions and controls supportanimal welfare and ensure that only milk of the best quality is processed and ends up on our table. Such stalls are characterised by daylight and littered resting areas that are accessible all day long. Moreover, over half of the cows live in free-stalls that are BTS-compliant. Recognised training facility Agricultural work requires extensive know-how. This avoids the use of antibiotics. Rindsfilet Stroganoff Aktiv 20min Gesamt 20min. This ensures that our milk producers are familiar with the latest trends and scientific developments and that the know-how is integrated profitably into production. The milk is also tested for inhibitors such as antibiotics. Kennst du das auch? Complementary medical methods Animals are treated with complementary medical methods. For example, they participate in the Federal animal welfare programme "RAUS" regular open-air grazing and "BTS" particularly animal-friendly livestock housing , which stipulate stricter guidelines for animal farming.

Today, nine out of every ten litres of milk that we process in Switzerland are sustainably produced.

Letting the calves stay at least 21 days at the holding of birth gives their health and welfare a boost. Gschwellti Gesamt 6min Vegi Vegetarisch. In addition, a milk sample is taken automatically each time the milk is collected. Grass and corn silage is available at her feeding station. Husbandry has a key influence on the health of the animals. Free-ranging cows Every cow has a name Young calves grow stronger after over three weeks at home Strict rules for cattle shows No pregnant cows sent for slaughter Care with the use of medications Promoting biodiversity GMO-free feeding No palm oil, no palm fat Milking for high milk quality. Farmers undertake to ensure the welfare and protection of their animals. The training of apprentices is therefore an important factor. Milk is one of the best sources of calcium , providing for strong and healthy bones. With the step-by-step instructions in pictures, these pancakes are a breeze to make. Swiss milk is among the best in the world thanks to the Swiss farmers and all of the , Fionas and Bellas. Farm managers or employees attend at least one half-day agricultural training session every year. However, most dairy farmers comply with more stringent animal husbandry requirements. It's time for the morning walk in the pastures.

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