Subnautica unlock all blueprints
As far as undersea adventures go, Subnautica is a game featuring some of the most terrifying, exhilarating, and satisfying gameplay in the modern era.
This article contains unmarked spoilers. Players new to the game would want to avoid or be cautious toward this article. Blueprints are special schematics that are required to make certain advanced items in the game. They are discovered by finding the Data Boxes in the Degasi Seabases , Destroyed Lifepods and Wrecks and retrieving the data chip from them. Some items, however, like the Laser Cutter , require using the Scanner to scan Fragments left behind in Wrecks of the Aurora.
Subnautica unlock all blueprints
Console Commands are a group of tools that adjust the player's experience outside the normal scope of Subnautica. These commands can be used for debugging purposes, to view partially-implemented content, or simply for player enjoyment. Using these commands will disable all achievements and potentially impair the in-game experience! Make sure to save the game before using them! To send a command, enter your desired command in the input box, and press enter. Use the up key on your keyboard to scroll through your previously entered commands. Causes every Water Filtration Machine on the map to instantly fabricate Salt. Gives the player every Prawn Suit module. Gives the player every Prawn Suit arm. Teleports the player to the Cyclops, a Seabase, or Lifepod 5 depending on which the player last entered. Good for getting unstuck. Subnautica Wiki Explore.
Gasopod Egg. Cyclops Depth Module MK1. Within these 3 sub-tabs are all of the console commands that can be activated via simple labeled buttons housed in each respective section.
We get a little giddy when we open a new game, hit the tilde key, and a console prompt slides down from the top of the screen. Messing with console commands is a PC gaming tradition—mucking about with the passage time is especially fun—and Subnautica includes a thorough library of dev hacks. The console isn't enabled by default, though, so you'll have to do a little prep to use them. Below, learn how to enable Subnautica's console commands and what they are. It will appear as a grey box in the lower-left corner. Note: The 'Disable Console' option will remain unchecked between sessions, but every time you restart the game you'll need to press F3 to open the menu, then again to close it, before the console will work.
This article contains unmarked spoilers. Players new to the game would want to avoid or be cautious toward this article. Blueprints are special schematics that are required to make certain advanced items in the game. Some items require using the Scanner to scan Fragments , while others can be obtained from Data Boxes. Unobtained blueprints can be acquired through the use of the command unlock [ID] or removed with lock [ID]. Unlock the Pathfinder Tool. Data Boxes or unlock the Rebreather. Acquire the item from Supply Crates. Fragments or Sea Monkey Nests. Subnautica Wiki Explore.
Subnautica unlock all blueprints
We get a little giddy when we open a new game, hit the tilde key, and a console prompt slides down from the top of the screen. Messing with console commands is a PC gaming tradition—mucking about with the passage time is especially fun—and Subnautica includes a thorough library of dev hacks. The console isn't enabled by default, though, so you'll have to do a little prep to use them. Below, learn how to enable Subnautica's console commands and what they are. It will appear as a grey box in the lower-left corner. Note: The 'Disable Console' option will remain unchecked between sessions, but every time you restart the game you'll need to press F3 to open the menu, then again to close it, before the console will work.
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Categories : Story Gameplay. Swim Charge Fins. Medical Kit Fabricator. Cooked Garryfish. Technical commands pertain to manipulating the natural environment of the world. Blueprint Tab Battery. Reloads all assets of the game except for terrain. Example: warp 1 1 1. Infects the player and all creatures in a specified range with the Kharaa Bacterium. X Compartment.
Type the name of a cheat code into the search bar to instantly filter through the table of 92 console commands.
Enables: fastbuild unlock all nocost fastgrow fasthatch radiation and adds a Habitat Builder , Scanner , Survival Knife and a Repair Tool to the player's inventory. Activates the Sunbeam countdown. Each use of that command increments day counter by 1. Power Cell Charger. Very similarly to the method mentioned above, players will have to press all of the shoulder buttons on a PS4 controller to cause the Developer tab to appear in the pause screen menu. Data Boxes Fragments. Swivel Chair. Spawns an unpowered Seaglide in front of the player. UK Edition. Best ultrawide monitor for gaming in the expansive panels I recommend for PC gamers. And man, that boat looks smooth. Depth Module MK2.
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