star wars twilek sith

Star wars twilek sith

Darth Talon is the female Sith most people have never heard of, despite her fan-favorite status among those devoted to all things Star Wars. Created by Jan Duursema and John Ostrander, this fierce female Sith is star wars twilek sith for her Twi'lek silhouette, black tattoos, red light saber, and force-lightning talents.

Talon was styled with black Sith tattoos covering her body including her head and lekku ; each tattoo had been earned in ritual combat and inscribed by Krayt himself. As a Sith apprentice , she was trained by a fellow Twi'lek Sith Lord named Darth Ruyn , whom she later killed on Krayt's command with a swift decapitating strike of her lightsaber , shortly before ascending to the rank of a full-fledged Sith in Krayt's Order. Recognizing her unshakeable loyalty, Krayt anointed Talon as one of his two Hands , thus making her an extension of the Dark Lord's own will. In this capacity, Talon found herself working alongside her Hand counterpart, Darth Nihl. Talon was often tasked with her Master's most important missions, including the capture of the Jedi fugitive Cade Skywalker.

Star wars twilek sith


However, Krayt's body had vanished and only his armor remained.


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Star wars twilek sith

The species has a wide range of skin coloration and eye coloration. If you purchase an item through some links, then SaberSourcing may receive some money at no cost to you. Thanks for supporting current and future content! Although he initially learns the ways of the Force under the guidance of the Jedi Order, he turns to the dark side and leaves the Jedi Order during the waning decades of the New Sith Wars.

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Deep within Korriban's tombs, she had found a very much alive Krayt, who declared that his rebirth had begun. Star Wars Legacy 5: Broken, Part 4 showcases her versatile force talents, including her ability to control other living organisms under her command, such as planetary fauna. Administrators' noticeboard Discord. As the Mynock departed from Vendaxa with the injured Fel and company, Talon attempted to board the ship as well, only to be Force pushed out of the vessel by Antares Draco. After amputating Vetter's hand and stabbing her leg during the duel , Talon then tortured Vetter with the Force. The two gradually became closer as their time together progressed, a result of the bond that developed between them due to a side effect of Skywalker's healing power. Talon's efforts to protect her master, however, ended in failure. Skywalker and Krayt fought once more as the final battle of the war raged on around them. Talon grows up and trains in all things Sith on the dark planet Korriban. As Draco relived the duel, Havok appealed to his guilt and claimed that he had been too weak to save her. Despite the injuries Talon sustained from Skywalker's assault, she ultimately survived and awaited reinforcements from her Master. When Darth Krayt finally fell during the Battle of Coruscant , she entered hiding along with the rest of the One Sith, working from concealment to achieve their goals by less overt means. She was known to use acrobatic flips and leaps in lightsaber combat, possibly making her a user of Ataru lightsaber combat.

Talon was styled with black Sith tattoos covering her body including her head and lekku ; each tattoo had been earned in ritual combat and inscribed by Krayt himself. As a Sith apprentice , she was trained by a fellow Twi'lek Sith Lord named Darth Ruyn , whom she later killed on Krayt's command with a swift decapitating strike of her lightsaber , shortly before ascending to the rank of a full-fledged Sith in Krayt's Order.

Set long after the events of Star Wars Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker , the story jumps light years ahead into an exciting, futuristic journey where the descendants of Jedi and Sith find themselves at war one more. Sometime after her recovery, Darth Wyyrlok assigned her to guard Darth Krayt's tomb and to let no one in. When the developers noted that the characters can't know each other because of the time divide, Lucas changed the main character's identity into Maul's descendant or clone. When Darth Krayt notices her skill with the force and an unwavering loyalty toward him in Star Wars Legacy 2: Broken, Part 2 , he brings Darth Talon into his most trusted circle. Administrators' noticeboard Discord. She also had Sith tattoos that were common in the new Sith Order. Darth Talon understandably remains a huge fan-favorite Sith from the Star Wars: Legacy comics, and cosplayers and fan artists just can't stop obsessing over her iconic look. After the debacle on Vendaxa, Darth Talon returned to Coruscant in defeat and expected to be executed for failure. Royce Hemlock Dr. Tutorials Editing sandbox Things to do Status article nominations Featured article nominations Good article nominations Comprehensive article nominations. Henceforth, you will take orders only from me—report only to me. III, p. Or yours. As part of what used to be the Star Wars Expanded Universe now known as Star Wars Legends - stories forced out of canon by Disney's new trilogy of films, but which often find themselves being welcomed back where convenient , Darth Talon has yet to appear in any mainstream big screen or silver screen projects.

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