star wars planet geonosis

Star wars planet geonosis

Geonosis had a large diameter but light gravity and dense atmosphere. With a weak magnetic field, harsh solar radiation storms and massive sandstorms were common, and on occasion mass extinctions occurred. The most persistent surface organisms were humble red rock algae while the semi-insectoid Geonosians were driven underground, star wars planet geonosis. The planet consisted of a diminutive molten core with a rocky mantle forming a rocky, desert world subject to flash floods that carved great highland canyons.

Most of the arid surface of Geonosis consists of hills, plateaus, and great rocky outcroppings. For most species, life on the planet is extremely difficult. Because the planet's magnetic field is weak, solar rays reach the surface without any filter, and the world is exposed to aggressive waves of radiation. The potency of the sun around the planet is so great that harmful particles affect the surface even at night. The only relief for the native species comes with the long periods of darkness caused by dense fog that can linger for weeks. In these periods, the high, dense fog banks act as a barrier for the aggressive sunlight and provide the planetary surface with a gloomy, rather eerie appearance. During these phases, some of the planet's creatures creep out of their lairs in search of food or mates.

Star wars planet geonosis

The fictional universe of the Star Wars franchise features multiple planets and moons. While only the feature films and selected other works are considered canon to the franchise since the acquisition of Lucasfilm by The Walt Disney Company , some canon planets were first named or explored in works from the non-canon Star Wars expanded universe , now rebranded Star Wars Legends. In the theatrical Star Wars films , many scenes set on these planets and moons were filmed on location rather than on a sound stage. The Star Wars galaxy contains several broad sub-regions. Their exact definitions fluctuated somewhat during the Legends continuity, but were later formally updated by the new canon continuity when Disney purchased Lucasfilm. The new canon map is broadly similar to the later versions of the Legends galactic map. As a general rule, most of the galaxy's wealth, power, and population are concentrated near the middle of the galactic circle — the "Core Worlds". The first major interstellar powers in the core are stated to have risen many millennia ago, gradually coalescing into the early Galactic Republic , with its capital at Coruscant. Waves of colonization and conquest by the Republic gradually spread outward from the Core, into the sparser systems at the galaxy's edge, such as Tatooine. Worlds of the Outer Rim are rich in raw resources but lack the population, infrastructure, or political power of the Core. Major galactic sub-regions are further divided into quadrants, sectors, etc. The galaxy has at least two companion-satellite dwarf galaxies , one of which is known as the Rishi Maze, but they are very lightly settled or explored. The canon map depicts a top-down view of the galactic disk, with "north" as the side of the galactic center that Coruscant is located on.

Geonosians cultivate a parasitic creature called a phidna that excretes raw material that Geonosian artisans mix with stone powders to form a rock paste substance. They were able to destroy the battle droids, but they were then confronted by Droidekas who they were able to defeat with Rex's star wars planet geonosis. It's revealed that in order to keep the existence of the Death Star a secret, the Empire unleashed a sterilizing gas all over Geonosis, causing the population to disappear, star wars planet geonosis.

A harsh rocky world less than a parsec away from Tatooine, Geonosis is a ringed planet beyond the borders of the Galactic Republic. Its uninviting surface is made up of harsh, rocky desert, and the creatures that evolved on Geonosis are well equipped to survive in the brutal environment. The most advanced lifeform are the Geonosians, sentient insectoids that inhabit towering spire-hives. The Geonosians maintain large factories for the production of droids and weapons for the Separatist cause in the Clone Wars. The Outer Rim world of Geonosis was home to an insectoid species known for skillful manufacturing. A rescue mission led by Jedi and clones became the first battle of the Clone Wars. Under utmost secrecy, the Empire began construction of the first Death Star in space near Geonosis.

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Star wars planet geonosis

A harsh rocky world less than a parsec away from Tatooine, Geonosis is a ringed planet beyond the borders of the Galactic Republic. Its uninviting surface is made up of harsh, rocky desert, and the creatures that evolved on Geonosis are well equipped to survive in the brutal environment. The most advanced lifeform are the Geonosians, sentient insectoids that inhabit towering spire-hives. The Geonosians maintain large factories for the production of droids and weapons for the Separatist cause in the Clone Wars.

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In 14 BBY , [29] the Imperials attempted to mine the asteroids of Geonosis for minerals , but the project proved unfeasible. Planet chosen as the base of operations for a clone of Emperor Palpatine. Situated in the Geonosis system of the Arkanis sector in the Outer Rim Territories , [1] the planet of Geonosis was 43, light years from the Galactic Core , [3] and less than a parsec away from the neighboring Outer Rim planet of Tatooine. Archived from the original on January 13, Kenobi then brought the AT-TEs in range of the shield generator and destroyed it. After finding Saw, the Spectres and Rex agreed to help him capture Klik-Klak in order to find out what happened to the Geonosians. As a general rule, most of the galaxy's wealth, power, and population are concentrated near the middle of the galactic circle — the "Core Worlds". While she and a trooper searched the temple, a sandstorm prohibited reinforcements from reaching their positions. Homeworld of Han Solo and Qi'ra. Game Rant. Soon after, the droid operations were put down by the Galactic Empire , which ultimately brought an official end to the Geonosian Separatist holdouts. After Star Wars : Revenge of the Sith , the Empire wasted no time with their expanding influence over the galaxy. Among the desolate features of the landscape are peculiar spires rising high above the ground. However, Geonosis had frequent flash floods. And hit worse than most was the planet Geonosis, as the inhabitants were left close to extinction by the time of Star Wars: A New Hope.

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Vader soon arrived on the planet and his team infiltrated the lair of Karina, who had hatched from the egg protected by Klik-Klak. The droid foundries and the planet's remote location made it an ideal base of operations for the Separatist movement that spread through the galaxy in the later years of the Republic. Sign In Register. The rebels' presence on Geonosis attracted the attention of an Arquitens -class command cruiser led by Captain Brunson. They were able to destroy the battle droids, but they were then confronted by Droidekas who they were able to defeat with Rex's help. Their factories provided the Trade Federation and later the Confederacy of Independent Systems with droid armies and war machines. David Benioff and D. They were all destroyed by a sense of ingenuity by the Jedi Masters. Kenobi's gunship was then hit and crash landed away from the landing zone. He rose to fame, eventually declaring himself the new Mandalore. When Tano was knocked out, Offee took the droid drivers and took control of the super tank.

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