star wars long neck alien

Star wars long neck alien

The Star Wars franchise mostly focuses on the lives of its human protagonists. There are a few robots and an alien or two, but most of the stars of the wars are traditional human beings. The alien characters are typically side characters or background details. However, even the most minor alien race has a fair amount of backstory squirreled away somewhere.

Kaminoans are a tall, long-necked race of humanoids native to the planet Kamino. Due to the fact that Kamino is completely covered with water and plagued by constant thunderstorms, the Kaminoans live in domed cities built on top of large, circular platforms built on stilts over the water. They are best known for their advanced knowledge and use of cloning and genetic engineering, and were responsible for the creation of the Clone Army for the Old Republic. Early in their history, global warming caused Kamino's polar ice caps to melt, engulfing the entire planet's surface in water. To compensate, the Kaminoans built large, spired cities on top of metal struts, elevating them high above the water. They also developed cloning technology, allowing them to control the very gene pool of their population. Kaminoans have become the leading experts in these fields, and have offered their expertise to outsiders, the most notable of which was the creation of Galactic Republic's clone army.

Star wars long neck alien

Kaminoans were a tall, thin species with pale skin from the isolated watery planet of Kamino. The Kaminoans lived in large stilted cities that rose above the ocean surface, such as Tipoca City. After the disastrous end of an ice age on Kamino known as the Great Flood, Kaminoan society was pushed to the brink of extinction. Only through the development of a mastery over selective breeding, genetics, and cloning were the Kaminoans able to survive. The calculating instincts of survival required of the Kaminoans produced heavy marks upon their late forming culture. Kaminoans were minimalist in their designs; perfectionists to the point of intolerance. The impact of the harsh adaptations the Kaminoans were subjected to was also viewable in their inward focus and isolationism. Kaminoans focused on little else than their cloning and interacted with offworlders as little as possible. It was with great trepidation, therefore, that the Kaminoans began to offer their cloning services and genetic proficiency in exchange for essential imports. The select few clients that received the work of Kaminoan geneticists received perfect clones to suit their needs. The Kaminoans took great pride in their scientific breakthroughs, but gave little thought to the ethics of their work or the consequences of their deployment. While Kamino-made clones slaved away in the mining colonies of Subterrel or the private armies of intergalactic mercenaries, the Kaminoans thought nothing of it, continuing to toil toward gaining more scientific honor. The earmark of a high-ranking officer on Kamino was thick, black cuffs on the sleeves of their tight white uniforms; the wider the cuff, the higher the rank. Using the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett as the template, the Kaminoans produced and trained a massive army of clone soldiers for the Republic at the behest of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas.

Their flesh is a sickly gray, and their eyes are sunken and black.

Master Qui-Gon , more to say, have you? It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. See the request on the listing or on this article's talkpage. Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. No reason has been supplied; please provide a reason on the template or talkpage. The Kaminoans , derogatorily referred to as aiwha-bait by the clone troopers , were a tall, thin amphibian sentient species that hail to the aquatic planet of Kamino in Wild Space.

Master Qui-Gon , more to say, have you? It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. See the request on the listing or on this article's talkpage. Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. No reason has been supplied; please provide a reason on the template or talkpage. The Kaminoans , derogatorily referred to as aiwha-bait by the clone troopers , were a tall, thin amphibian sentient species that hail to the aquatic planet of Kamino in Wild Space. Living in large stilted domed cities that rose high above the ocean surface, Kaminoans were known to specialize in pioneering cloning and genetic engineering as well as developing technologies for various clients, including the Galactic Republic. Kaminoans were slender, towering, pale-skinned humanoids whose oblong heads sat atop [1] elongated neck bones that allowed them limited flexibility.

Star wars long neck alien

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture. A bipedal species lived in the galaxy during the Imperial Era. Davies desired to push the form of creature design with this species, creating a concept that would hide the performer in the props carried on the creature's back. To operate the head, Davies envisioned the performer sticking their arm straight up through the costume's neck. The design made it to the production phase of the film, with performer Aidan Cook portraying the individual on set.

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Even ignoring the nonsensical climax the song is still bad. Because of their long history of isolation, Kaminoans were xenophobic against other life forms, but most just saw them as outwardly humble. Jedi Master Yarael Poof was cut out of Attack of the Clones because of his similarity in appearance to the Kaminoans, something that George Lucas felt would confuse viewers. The calculating instincts of survival required of the Kaminoans produced heavy marks upon their late forming culture. Don't have an account? He decided to commission an army to protect the galaxy. Due to their actions in the creation of the clone army, the Kaminoans were awarded a seat on the Galactic Senate and Senator Halle Burtoni was chosen to represent the people of Kamino. Description [ ] Early in their history, global warming caused Kamino's polar ice caps to melt, engulfing the entire planet's surface in water. They also showed great skill and care in their creations but still treated them like a product. The species initially moved to higher ground, but they eventually needed to build high cities to avoid the ocean. Current Wiki. Kaminoans are large slender amphibious aliens.

Master Qui-Gon , more to say, have you? It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. See the request on the listing or on this article's talkpage.

They also developed cloning technology, allowing them to control the very gene pool of their population. I, like a lot of people, am excited and scared at the same time for the 4th Kung Fu Panda movie because the franchise is regarded as one of the best in cinematic history, so the expectations are quite high. Kaminoans saved all the land-based species of Kamino by building domed cities to reside in. Kaminoans are a tall and slender species of humanoids, with pale, white skin and long, thin necks, the latter of which is their most unique feature. Star Wars Alien Species - Kaminoan Kaminoans were a tall, thin species with pale skin from the isolated watery planet of Kamino. Early in their history, global warming caused Kamino's polar ice caps to melt, engulfing the entire planet's surface in water. Sci-fi Star Wars. Special thanks to toaverse for discussing Wish with me. It survived an attack by the Confederacy during the Clone Wars. Gray eyed individuals handled administration, yellow eyes handled the skilled work and blue eyes performed manual labor and other menial tasks. While Kamino remained unknown to most, the Kaminoan's skill in engineering and genetic engineering was whispered of in some parts of the underworld. It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. An anti-Jedi contingency would make sense. The Kaminoans thought that if they joined the New Republic they would be spared from any further battles.

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