star wars grievous

Star wars grievous

General Grievous was a brilliant Separatist military strategist and a feared Jedi hunter, star wars grievous, known for his ruthlessness and hacking cough. His body itself was a weapon, allowing him lightning quick strikes and devastating blows.

George Lucas called the CIS general "an alien in a droid shell. A character developed by George Lucas as a layer of complexity in the conflict of the Clone Wars and a secondary villain for Revenge of the Sith , General Grievous is a bold choice in every way. In many ways a prototype for the life-prolonging technology that would sustain Darth Vader, Grievous is a little rougher around the edges—clanky and raspy, unhinged and sinister. His history, however, is explored in bits and pieces across the Expanded Universe. In fact, his sordid backstory is what makes him so compellingly mysterious.

Star wars grievous

Lucasfilm has not established a cohesive timeline regarding this subject. Editor discretion is advised. A definitive Legends Clone Wars timeline was never established by Lucasfilm. The exact chronology of the events described in this article is unknown. This article, or a section of this article, may not be written in the formal tone expected of an encyclopedia entry. Please improve the article or discuss proposed changes on the talk page. Grievous was originally a Kaleesh from the planet Kalee , where he lived his early life. During the Kaleesh conflict against the Huk , Sheelal quickly learned the art of war, specializing in a slugthrower rifle. Quickly amassing a great number of Huk kills , he soon became seen as a demigod among his people. He eventually met the female Kaleesh Ronderu lij Kummar , a master with the sword. The two became very close before Kummar's death at the hands of the Huk.

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Examples relating to Disney's films and EU can be spoiler-tagged if deemed necessary. Tropes specifically applying to the characters based on their appearances in Star Wars Legends can be found here. To return to the Character page for Star Wars , go here. Grievous now has his own self-demonstrating page here. It may make a fine addition to your collection. General Grievous Qymaen jai Sheelal "Army or not

General Grievous is a major antagonist in the Star Wars universe, first appearing in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith , where he was created using computer-generated imagery and voiced by Matthew Wood. Throughout the Clone Wars, Grievous murdered numerous Jedi and collected their lightsabers as trophies, making him one of the most infamous and feared Jedi hunters in the galaxy. Aside from the films and animated series, the character appears in various other Star Wars media, such as books, comics, and video games, which explore more of his backstory. Grievous is cold, cruel, sadistic, ruthless, brutal, immoral, reckless, restless, loyal, short-tempered, calculating, and very intelligent. Though Grievous has virtually no compassion for comrades, allies or enemies, he is not completely heartless and emotionless as he did occasionally show empathy. Grievous cares deeply for his people, especially for his female partner Ronderu lij Kummar. The two are very close, and after her death, Grievous was left distraught and angry.

Star wars grievous

The fictional universe of Star Wars seems nearly endless and is endlessly fascinating, and the heroes and villains that bring life to the dozens of sagas we've all seen play out in every form of media imaginable are some of the coolest characters in fiction history. And while the Star Wars world has a huge array of amazing villains, one of the most distinct and memorable of them all has got to be General Grievous. The visual impact of General Grievous is enough to make him stand out in your mind, but the story of his character makes him even more fascinating. He's both mysterious and intimidating, and his formidable skills when it comes to warring against the Jedi make him one of the most dangerous characters the SW -verse has ever seen.

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Grievous told Palpatine that he was lucky they wanted him alive, not realizing that Palpatine was one of them. Grievous and Sidious landed on the planet and approached an extrange chamber said to hold Mother Talzin's powers to an extend. Wood approached Grievous as a "classic villain" and used a gruff and harsh voice with an Eastern European accent for his performance. Eventually, he realized that it was his destiny to mourn for her as long as he lived. An Arm and a Leg : Throughout the Clone Wars, he occasionally had his secondary forearms cut off, the final time being when Obi-Wan sliced them both off during his duel with Grievous on Utapau. Subverted with his actual pet Gor. His death came after Obi-Wan smashed him hard into a metal ceiling cratering it , smacked him in the face with an electrostaff, stuck it directly into his gut, cut off two of his arms with a lightsaber, ripped open his chest plate with Force-enhanced strength, and shot him directly in the heart with a blaster when he was seconds away from delivering the killing blow. Over a century after his death , General Grievous was depicted in the painting Utapau Surrenders , which depicted the Confederacy's takeover of the planet during the war. Obi-Wan was able to take the General's staff and try a few stabs of his own, but he grasped the weapon and drew both it and the Jedi over to him. Mercifully, we don't really get a good look at it. Count Dooku dispatched Grievous to the icy world of Ando Prime to investigate the disappearance of a battle droid army, which had vanished alongside the th Legion , the Republic unit that it had been battling. Grievous: You can dispense with the pleasantries, pirate. His confrontation with Obi-Wan in " Bound for Rescue " has him handily defeat his opponent's fleet and then swiftly beat him in a lightsaber duel. When the Separatist fleet attacked the Republic blockade, he started to sacrifice his transports to protect his command ship.

Grievous is a Character in the Star Wars universe. He was known for his ruthlessness, and using his hulking body was a weapon itself. He learned the art of lightsaber combat from Sith Lord Count Dooku, and was a feared Jedi Hunter throughout the galaxy.

Around the time of the Battle of Christophsis , Grievous had spread Republic forces thin, which hampered Republic efforts to locate Rotta the Hutt after he was secretly kidnapped by the CIS. Grievous was a cold, ruthless being. While he is very abusive to his Separatist droids, he's shown to have slightly more patience with his organic subordinates. He evaded several traps set within the temple, climbing the ceiling to avoid a pit of lava and dodging spikes. When he was offered a chance at continued existence as a cyborg, he took the offer, as he had come to see flesh as weak. At some point after Grievous's death, his body was used to create the droid warrior N-K Necrosis , who considered himself to be the reincarnation of Grievous. He also revealed that Skywalker had boarded his ship looking for it, and believing it to be valuable, requested more money than they had previously agreed upon. Dooku appeared, though he was now possessed by Talzin, who at the time was still unable to take physical form. Grievous cut the Jedi out of their hyperlanes and engaged the Jedi three times in open space before Skywalker and his fleet escaped and took a direct course to Bothawui. With Grievous using a reek for transport [] through the underbrush and having appropriated several eopies to be their pack animals, [] Grievous and his droids moved towards the escape pod [] in the wetlands. However, he left Colonel Sear to deal with Billaba and her forces. He first appears in the novel watching his hated subordinate Nute Gunray flee from a pursuant Republic Strike Force. Portrayed by: Matthew Wood.

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