star sector

Star sector

Fractal Softworks' Starsector formerly Starfarer is a top-down space combat game. As the player, star sector, you directly control your own ship, while issuing orders to other ships in your fleet.

Can someone who has played both explain why one is better than the other? From what I've seen, it feels a bit like Star Sector has more depth in, for example, trade and finance, Feel free to share your experience, everything is welcome, I'm so keen on both, but no time right now for 2 : , but I have a feeling that I'll end up with both leter : but which one should I start with? However, it is a big disadvantage for me that Star Sector is not available on Steam, as I like to have everything collected here. Starsector has colony management and industry which is basically faction building. This game does not have that yet? Combat feels a lot different.

Star sector

Starsector focuses on piloting ships, strategic combat skills and what to do with the freedom of humanity. Justin Farris May 11, Have you ever wanted to be a space pirate, sowing death and misery across the stars to procure personal wealth and power? Have you ever wanted to explore the reaches of a lost interstellar empire? Perhaps you want to strike a trade convoy headed to an enemy colony, just to watch the resource shortages send said colony into complete anarchy. Starsector gives you the freedom to either build or destroy the galaxy, however you may please. Starsector is a very freeform space game. You can go from a beggar with nothing but a gunship and a civilian shuttle to mastering an entire fleet of warships better equipped than the state military and supported by an interstellar empire of your founding to literally anywhere in between. There is an extensive variety of worlds to choose from- some are idyllic, and some require full super hazmat suits everywhere at all times. The story of Starsector is a bit complex and a bit vague. Humanity was ruled by the Domain, which controlled multiple galaxies. The only way to travel between galaxies was to use giant gates to teleport across intergalactic distances in an instant. Key word being was. Now, humanity is reduced to about 20 star systems in a sector that they used to rule entirely, split between warring factions and threatened constantly by something lurking beyond the safety of the surviving colonies. The Hegemony are the only people still trying to rule democratically, composed of the remnants of the Domain military in the sector.

The Dreaded Dreadnought : The 0. Tri-Tachyon is TTS. Visually, they're blue-white, sometimes asymmetrical, and have blue-white exhaust and shields.

There are countless open-world space RPGs out there, but the only one I've ever seen with good combat is Starsector. Nothing else I've tried even comes close, they all just suck in comparison. So on a spectrum from Endless Sky to Starsector, how good is the combat? Or, some more specific questions: -Is there a reason for the player to not pilot the biggest, strongest ship they can? In all other space RPGs, the player is heavily encouraged to switch to slower, larger ships. In a lot of space RPGs, you have to savescum to make any progress, since even if you have a stronger force than the enemy you'll likely take losses that would take a substantial amount of time to financially recover from. Starsector makes it easier to recoup losses, and good commanding can allow you to face a powerful enemy force without any expensive losses.

There are dozens of systems, which can be classified in two groups, the Core Worlds , and the outer systems. As of the current version, most of the sector is procedurally generated, which means that the sector will vary from campaign to campaign. Even the Core Worlds have some measure of procedural generation on them, in their outer systems. The Sector has two types of generation settings for its seed: Age and Size. Age will alter the amount of planets, resources and star colors that will spawn in the Sector's constellations, while Size will alter the amount of star systems in the Sector. The top image's seed is MN M stands for "Mixed", which makes it so that different constellations have different ages. N stands for "Normal", which means the Sector has the normal amount of star systems on it. The Starscape of the Sector shows you the expected age of the systems Planets and stars. A lack of a cloud may indicate a particularly old system, as seen below in this old Sector.

Star sector

Current High Hegemon of the Hegemony. Before he became High Hegemon, he had rallied the defenders of his home world of Chicomoztoc against the Tri-Tachyon invasion in Cycle In spite of being viewed as "hive-scum" by his opposites due to his origins in the slums of Chicomoztoc, they hold him in grudging respect as he is practical and eminently capable in commanding the sector-spanning Hegemony. Hegemony officer with a rocky career. Disgraced and dishonorably discharged from the Hegemony Sphinx naval academy in the Samarra Star System. He earned the title of Hero of the Siege of Raesvelg after his assistance in the planet's defense against the Tri-Tachyon forces in Cycle

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Starter Equipment : Other than the armaments of the ships you start with, none. The Capital-sized Conquest Battlecruiser boasts a great deal of firepower across four large ballistic mounts and two large missile mounts backed up with exceptional flux capacity and dissipation to keep firing them, even if only half the ballistic batteries can be brought to bear on a single target. Unlike human officers, their skills and level of aggression can be adjusted as the player sees fit. Orbital Bombardment : Fleets can do limited orbital bombardment in support of ground operations or saturation bombardment to wipe out population centers. A common tactic employed by the terrorist Luddic Path faction. Date Posted: 6 Aug, am. Shields work by transforming damage against them into flux. An Exaggerated example among the frigates is the Mudskipper Mk. Omega is Consequently, missiles are highly situational and usually only fired at disabled targets. And it packs a decent amount of frontal firepower. Properly timed with its missile batteries, an Odyssey ramming attack can be terrifying to even other capital ships.

Starsector 0. Fractal Softworks Forum.

Is it a sit-still-and-shoot-until-one-side-is-dead kind of thing, or is it actually fun? The Collapse stunted the sector's nascent terraforming efforts to the point that years later, the combined population of all human settlements is still an order of magnitude smaller than Earth's today note Chicomoztoc, the most populous world in the game, has a population in the hundreds of millions. In truth, a lot of folks in the Sector are still, currently, able to maintain at least something a bit like a 21st-century lifestyle, from what you see in the main quest and various side quests. Controllable Helplessness : This is the main effect of a flux overload, where the only that can be done is to move the ship, which assumes the engines also haven't suffered a flameout. Show Spoilers. Each tech base generally has at least one gunship and one carrier at each size level above frigate. This makes them drastically faster, capable of absorbing much more damage and significantly boosting their damage output when compared to regular variants of the same class. To probe the very edges of the sector for lost secrets. Technology Levels : Ships and weapons generally fall into one of three technology levels. Omni can point in any direction and can be rotated towards threats, but tend to have a narrow arc of protection. The player can only add at most a handful of millions to the sector population due to caps on the growth of player colonies. Flechette Storm : The Needler family of weapons, which fire concentrated bursts of large needles. And almost every single one of these ships can be further customized to fit your needs. And lastly, Starsector just has more to do - want to explore?

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