Squier serial number
Read more Looks like the sticker with the serial number on it has been taken off, squier serial number. I'm selling it and just want a rough idea of what I can price it at.
Stratocaster Serial Numbers: made in Korea and India. The first Korean Stratocasters were built in the Young Chang factory and were recognizable by a very light silver serial number , which started with E1 plus a 5- or 6-digit number in , E7 plus a 6-digit number in and , E2 and E8 in , and E9 in - although E2, E8 and E9 are pretty rare. An E prefix followeb by 5-digit number. The serial number that started with E1 followed by a 6-digit number was usually called E10 because of the extra digit. The E7 prefix followeb by a 5-digit number. An E9 serial number.
Squier serial number
The first two numbers provided the year of production. The Affinity and Standard Squier guitars were unveiled in Those made in China featured a rosewood fretboard and was manufactured in the Yako plant with the serial number composed by CY which stood for China Yako prefix plus 5 or 6-digit number or in the Dallian Dong Fang plant with the serial number composed by CD China Dalian prefix plus 8 or 9-digit number. In , they used again CGR. Between and , the Squier SE guitars were renewed and manufactured in the new Chinese Axl factory in Shanghai. Furthermore, a few SE guitars featured an all-numeral digit code. In Squier started using also a serial number with a four-letter prefix. The first three letters are the country and factory code, whilst the last letter stands for the month of production and went from A January to L December. Then, the first two numbers provide the year. They only send a list of serial numbers to Fender and then Fender manually enters them in the database.
I'll update if I find out. I don't know that squier serial number but what I do know is that Squires are low-end Fenders-- not the best guitars. Thread starter Angry Possum Start date Feb 22, This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links like Ebay, Amazon, and others.
Hi Owen. I don't know that much but what I do know is that Squires are low-end Fenders-- not the best guitars. The E in the serial number means "eighties" as in 's , so yours is from the eighties. I think I have a Fender-dater, so if you'd like the exact date, e-mail the whole serial number-- or go to Clay Guitars on the web; that's where I got my Fender-dater. A friend of mine has a really bad Squire-- It looks like no Fender they make. It came with no pickguard, oddball input jack Telecaster-style , etc. Lousy thing.
The Squier serial number lookup is a tool or service provided by Squier , a subsidiary of Fender, that allows you to identify and learn more about your Squier guitar or bass. To use the Squier serial number lookup, follow these steps:. Please note that not all Squier guitars may have a lookup tool, especially older models or certain limited editions. Squier Starcaster: Iconic Guitar Shapes. Fender Toronado: A Hidden Gem. If you own a Squier guitar or bass, you might be curious about its history, production date, and factory of origin. Fortunately, Squier, a subsidiary of Fender, offers a handy tool known as the Squier serial number lookup.
Squier serial number
Home Serial Number. Squier guitars have been produced since in Japan. The Korean-made Squiers were introduced in , but there were no documented serial numbers until mid Other countries with lower production costs, such as China, Indonesia, and India, have also begun producing Squier. For extended search you can also. Typically, Squier serial number can be found stamped on either the front or back of the headstock, or occasionally on the neck plate. Some American Squier guitars had no serial number stamped on the headstock but a number without a prefix on the neck plate. A date with such a number is difficult to determine. For more details about these serials see Fender Serial Number Lookup. Since , other Japanese companies such as Yamano Gakki have also produced Squier.
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I don't know about the Chinese models, but the Korean models were made by Young Chang. You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. Log in. Squier Serial numbers are not consistent. Feb 7, 2, maine. Is this a fake of an already cheap guitar? Forum feedback thread. Gone are the plywood Squiers with plastic nuts of the early '90s. Contatti e Mailing List. The only possibility out of the wiki website is that I can only verify the shape, configuration sss etc and that CXS means China Report message. I recommend these early Japanese Squiers for anyone looking for excellent sound and value for money. Jul 15, 2, Nevada. Why is it so good. Many of the parts are not original.
Squier is an American brand of electric guitars owned by Fender.
For instance, the machineheads are not the usual Ping Well or Jin-Ho items. Anyway whoever started this thread was lucky enough to find one of the good ones. Basically useless, we talked about that site a lot over at Strat Talk: The problem is that this site simply decodes any serial you throw at it by certain parameters. Megimogen99 Frets: 0. There were also Korean Squier serials with no serial number prefix and 6 or 7 numbers and the first number is the year. Is this a fake of an already cheap guitar? Close Menu. Now they make them in Korea? Megimogen99 said:. The only way to know for sure when a Squire guitar was made is to call Fender and ask. Las Palmas Norte Squier-Axpert.
It was and with me. We can communicate on this theme. Here or in PM.