spiritual junkies

Spiritual junkies

Do you love crystals, jewelry, spiritual junkies, decks, a zen interior and more? Looking for anything spiritual? Check out The Spirit Junkies!

Meet Yad — Your Dream Architect. Welcome to Spiritual Junkies Conscious Creators where we help you raise your vibration and support your spiritual growth and conscious living. Like the Law of Gravity, the Law of Attraction is working all the time whether we are aware of it or not. So, the question is: Are you intentionally manifesting or simply letting things happen by default? The truth is we always attract what matches our vibrational state.

Spiritual junkies

A collection of 11 powerful scripts to change your energy and change your life in an A4 spiral bound book. These scripts can help to heal your wounds and at the same time help to heal your family, your ancestors and all humanity. They are powerful statements that release negative entities and negative thought forms from our planet to enable us to transform our energy and move into 5D consciousness. Want a discount? Become a member, sign up to our Inner Circle. This book of 11 powerful scripts, originally created for the Spiritual Junkies, will provide a starting point and perhaps some inspiration for deeper work. These scripts will help you to focus on the process rather than worrying about the right words to use. They are something that you can return to again and again to help change your energy and change your life. Disclaimer: Please be aware that these scripts are not a substitute for medical advice from your healthcare practitioner. If you have concerns about your mental health or any addictions, please consult a medical professional. In using these scripts, you are taking responsibility for your own health and neither the author or the publisher can be held responsible or accountable in any way. Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review. Are you opening your heart, helping with the planetary shift into 5D consciousness? You might find this book helpful… These scripts can help to heal your wounds and at the same time help to heal your family, your ancestors and all humanity. Reviews There are no reviews yet.

These scripts can help to heal your wounds and at the same time help to heal your family, your ancestors and all humanity. She is founder of The Boho Guide and travel blog What About Spiritual junkies, fascinated by mountains and always on the road for adventure.


The spirit Junkies bundelen hun krachten, liefde en creativiteit om spirituele mindfull ondernemers te verbinden met vrouwen die meer vanuit hun zielsmissie willen gaan leven. Met deze werkwijze willen we het taboe naar de spirituele wereld verkleinen. We bieden authentieke producten aan die dit proces ondersteunen. Deze 2 Spirit Junkies bundelen hun krachten, liefde en creativiteit om spirituele mindfull ondernemers te verbinden met vrouwen die. Lieve bezoeker, Reis je mee?

Spiritual junkies

Meet Yad — Your Dream Architect. Welcome to Spiritual Junkies Conscious Creators where we help you raise your vibration and support your spiritual growth and conscious living. Like the Law of Gravity, the Law of Attraction is working all the time whether we are aware of it or not. So, the question is: Are you intentionally manifesting or simply letting things happen by default?

God help us gif

They offer a structured process to follow. Welcome to Spiritual Junkies Conscious Creators where we help you raise your vibration and support your spiritual growth and conscious living. Username or Email. Ilmaha Handmade for motherhood. In using these scripts, you are taking responsibility for your own health and neither the author or the publisher can be held responsible or accountable in any way. Laanstraat Using self-help techniques can sometimes be challenging because you might not know where to begin, what questions to ask, or which issue to address first. Are you opening your heart, helping with the planetary shift into 5D consciousness? Do you love crystals, jewelry, decks, a zen interior and more? Log In. So, the question is: Are you intentionally manifesting or simply letting things happen by default? Get New Password. Are you ready to start playing?

Gabrielle Bernstein is doling out inner peace and self-love for the postmodern spiritual set. Before she became a celebrated teacher and lecturer, Gabrielle Bernstein was going down a dangerous path. For years, Bernstein struggled with eating disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, and constant self-doubt and self-loathing.

Using self-help techniques can sometimes be challenging because you might not know where to begin, what questions to ask, or which issue to address first. She is founder of The Boho Guide and travel blog What About Her, fascinated by mountains and always on the road for adventure. These scripts will help you to focus on the process rather than worrying about the right words to use. Disclaimer: Please be aware that these scripts are not a substitute for medical advice from your healthcare practitioner. These scripts have the potential to not only heal your own wounds but also contribute to healing your family, ancestors, and humanity as a whole. Are you opening your heart, helping with the planetary shift into 5D consciousness? Looking for anything spiritual? Username or Email. With these scripts, you won't have to worry about finding the perfect words. These scripts can help to heal your wounds and at the same time help to heal your family, your ancestors and all humanity. Within the Spiritual Junkies Conscious Creators group, our focus is on raising your vibration and frequency to align with your desired life creation. Candles, Jade rollers, protecting angel hangers, beautiful gemstone jewelry, oil diffusers, and so on. These potent statements work to release negativity from our world, allowing us to elevate our energy and embrace a higher level of consciousness known as 5D. Meet Yad — Your Dream Architect.

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