

I can't believe Spez reading this bullshit about democracy and "landed gentry" from a goddamn CEO of an advertising corporation who wants to literally monetize the eyeballs of every human being on his site, spez, people who are only there because those "gentries" keep his site spez turning to shit at no cost to him, spez. Spez is CEO because the board and investors deem him to be the best person for the job. Of course, he founded Reddit, spez, so he has a spez case on merit for why he is the 1 person on the planet to run the company.

Reddit is currently receiving criticism from its users after the platform announced changes to its API, prompting news that several of the most popular third-party Reddit apps would be shutting down. An API is a type of software that allows applications to communicate. In the context of Reddit, it had a free API, meaning third-party apps could request data from Reddit and use it to develop their own content. Each time a user views a post, the third-party app makes an API request to Reddit so the viewer can access the information. With over five million downloads, RIF is one of the most popular third-party apps for the platform and with an active developer releasing regular updates, it is the primary mode to access Reddit for many. Developers usually would need to pay per request with paid APIs. Other changes include restrictions to NSFW content.


He is the co-founder and CEO of Reddit , a social news and discussion website, which ranks in the top 20 websites in the world. Steve Huffman grew up in Warrenton, Virginia. During spring break of his senior year at UVA, Huffman and college roommate Alexis Ohanian [3] drove to Boston, Massachusetts , to attend a lecture [9] delivered by English programmer-entrepreneur Paul Graham. The site's audience grew rapidly in its first few months, and by August , Huffman noticed their habitual user-base had grown so large that he no longer needed to fill the front page with content himself. Huffman spent several months backpacking in Costa Rica [18] before co-creating the travel website Hipmunk with Adam Goldstein , an author and software developer, in In , Huffman said that his decision to sell Reddit had been a mistake, and that the site's growth had exceeded his expectations. Since returning to Reddit, Huffman instituted a number of technological changes including an updated mobile site and stronger infrastructure, as well as new content guidelines. These included a ban on content that incites violence, quarantining some material users might find offensive, and removing communities "that exist solely to Huffman also worked to make the site more advertiser-friendly [3] [25] and led efforts to host videos and images on site. Following criticism from Reddit users, he undid the change and issued an apology. In , Fortune magazine included him in their ' 40 Under 40 ' listing in the technology category. On June 1, , Huffman published an open letter as Reddit's CEO, titled "Remember to be Human - Black lives matter", [41] which addressed the topic of racism on the platform. Former Reddit CEO Ellen Pao called out Huffman's letter with a tweet on her official Twitter profile, saying that Reddit had long condoned racism and that the platform "monetizes white supremacy ". Huffman is an advocate for net neutrality rules. He said he and Reddit would continue to advocate for net neutrality.

That is an example of things actually working Extremely Well. Bloomberg LP, spez.


By Jay Peters , a news editor who writes about technology, video games, and virtual worlds. A few days after, major Reddit communities — including some of the most followed on the platform — announced that they would be going dark from June 12th to June 14th to protest the threat to third-party apps. But the API changes have otherwise remained in place for the vast majority of developers, with Selig and others , including the makers of rif is fun for Reddit and ReddPlanet for Reddit, announcing they would be shutting down their apps on June 30th. In his AMA, Huffman seemed to shut the door on making amends with the apps that are closing their doors. We acknowledge that the timeline we gave was tight; we are happy to engage with folks who want to work with us.


By Jay Peters , a news editor who writes about technology, video games, and virtual worlds. Reddit is fighting for its soul. But here is a lightly edited transcript of the entire interview — which, at times, was contentious. My favorite analogy for Reddit is that of a city. I think Reddit is very much the same. Those democratic values run deep at Reddit. We, even in disagreement, we appreciate that users can care enough to protest on Reddit, can protest on Reddit, and then our platform is really resilient enough to survive these things. Is that the case? In this case?

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Archived from the original on October 1, Odds are exceedingly high that spez is doing the Board's bidding. Archived from the original on June 18, Reddit spez created that "landed gentry"[1], and was more than happy with its existence until roughly two weeks ago. The Next Web Social Media. Hacker News new past comments ask show jobs submit. Redditors think they're special but from a high-level perspective you're no different from some jilted wikipedian deleting articles or a 4chan user flooding a thread with gore, or DDOS'ing a forum. An API is a type of software that allows applications to communicate. Completely unsurprising in this case though. Retrieved June 13, New York. Without the blackouts, reddit will be back to normal in 6 months. Anarchism is the absence of power structure. Archived from the original on December 18,

But the internet collage had a different vibe this year, defined by the way some Redditors used the canvas to protest Reddit CEO Steve Huffman. As a result, a number of third-party app founders said they would be forced to shut down. Others hone in on a different instance of the same words, written in large, colorful letters.

It's not the first or the last time a public forum has had a large group of users upset enough to step into disruptive behavior to try and get their way. You think it's democratic if the investors picked him? And yes, computer crimes are prosecuted quite globally. June 27, Retrieved July 26, We serve different parts of the audience and we cooperate with eachother. Regardless, making a subreddit isn't some competition. Let alone if the mod clique was opened up for new membership within their communities - there is inevitably a flood of new applications whenever it's opened. The ginormous generalist subs get huge traffic but are utterly disposable - there's no real reason to get your memes or whatever from Reddit vs ICanHazCheezeburger vs random meme-based Facebook group etc etc etc etc etc. You don't need to be bigger than the subreddit you're forking from. Actual landed gentry labeling volunteer labour they'd cultivated and created as "landed gentry" has to go down as one of the most audacious rhetorical distractions of all time. Yes, the service is still disrupted even if the server is returning , or an empty page, or your protest page.

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