southgate auctions

Southgate auctions

Southgate Auction Rooms Limited.

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Southgate auctions


Rhia Simons. Les Berry.


A subscription to the Price Guide is required to view results for auctions ten days or older. Click here for more information. The weight is approximately grams. We have t There are no maker's marks. We believe this is a tourist piece.

Southgate auctions

The second annual interfaced goat seedstock auction was set to include a field day at the Longreach Showgrounds but this was abandoned due to the wet weather. FarmGate Auctions client services and stud stock manager Kate Gooden said the Going Ahead with Goats catalogue would offer quality stud and commercial bucks and does, with the auction starting at 3pm AEST. With goat slaughter levels rebounding after several years of adverse environmental conditions, the demand from restockers for quality genetics has been insatiable. Ms Gooden said the online platform was diversifying into goats during a time of incredible growth in the industry. It is a simple app to use so when assessing stock, the information can be keyed directly in using a phone or ipad.

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