south park tweek and craig

South park tweek and craig

It was aired on October 28, The Asian Girls in school are drawing dreamy pictures of Tweek and Craig. Wendy Testaburger presents a slideshow of art Yaoi or BL drawn by the Asian girls at the school assembly.

The East Asian girls in school are drawing intimate pictures of Tweek and Craig. PC Principal : Hey Leslie, shut your fucking pie hole! Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account.

South park tweek and craig

The first episode entirely focusing on the pair is in Tweek vs. Craig , in which the boys orchestrate a fight between them. They both skip the initial fight. Tweek is very reluctant to fight Craig; Craig is less reluctant, but still does not particularly care about the fight until Cartman tells him that Tweek insulted his guinea pig. The fight is rescheduled, and this time they both show up, but neither understands the mechanics of how to fight, and neither seems angry. They half-heartedly smack each other, much to the audience's annoyance, and so the match is postponed once more. After being taught different fighting styles, they begin an actual fight, which lands both of them in the hospital. The rest of the class confesses at the end that they made them fight for a bet, and then continue to spread lies, causing Tweek and Craig to scuffle in the hospital room. The next time the pair is given a spotlight is in Tweek x Craig , which is considered the most influential episode for their relationship. Wendy is giving a presentation on the artstyle of yaoi, featuring artwork by students of Tweek and Craig in romantic and suggestive positions. Tweek and Craig are both disgusted, however this causes the entire town to believe that they are dating despite them both denying it. They are brought into the principal's office, where he teaches them about affirmative consent using graphic examples, much to their frustration. The next day at school, Cartman runs up to Stan and Kyle and tells them that Tweek and Craig are "about to have sex.

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The episode premiered on Comedy Central on October 28, The episode parodies the slash fiction genre of yaoi art and the acceptance of the gay community, while continuing its season-long lampoon of political correctness. PC Principal and Wendy host an assembly to introduce students to the Asian art of yaoi , which has increased due to the influx of Asian students. The pictures shown are all manga-style drawings of Tweek and Craig engaged in homoerotic and homosexual activity , and the gang is confused at this. Tweek and Craig are brought in to Principal's office where they both assert that they are not gay, but Principal ignores their denial and tells them that if there is a relationship between them, they must have affirmative consent.

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. Harto de ello, decide dejar su trabajo de oficinista en la gran ciudad de New York, para regresar a su ciudad natal. Pero antes busca cumplir al menos uno de sus deseos: Ser madre. Legend says that werewolves are flesh-devouring beasts, with voracious appetites that cease to disappear while under the light of a full moon. They are creatures of great gothic horror. Yet, when Tweek came face to face with one, the cruel death that he anticipated never came.

South park tweek and craig

It was aired on October 28, The Asian Girls in school are drawing dreamy pictures of Tweek and Craig. Wendy Testaburger presents a slideshow of art Yaoi or BL drawn by the Asian girls at the school assembly. All of the girls find it adorable but not the boys, especially Tweek and Craig. Afterward, the boys debate on whether or not Craig and Tweek are actually gay, fearing they could be "next", having Yaoi art drawn of them.

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Jack Shih. Archived from the original on October 27, At Whole Foods, Craig's father Thomas is congratulated for Craig being gay, but he is unwilling to accept this. July 14, When Tweek insists that he can't calm down, Craig tries suggesting things for Tweek to do that may make him feel better. Maybe the "love" expressed here in this episode is just mutual and they aren't actually quote unquote "in" love. Sign in to edit. And if we break up, no more pictures! He says that there won't be any disciplinary action because they are gay, and sends them both home with money. The plan works, but now everyone is sad about Tweek and Craig "breaking up", and the Yaoi art about them has been replaced with sadder murals depicting Tweek as the victim. Alex Ruiz Reality ….

The boys pit two classmates against each other for entertainment.

Craig walks up in front of him and holds his hand out, looking straight ahead. We just have to stage a fake breakup in front of the Asian girls. Creek confronting the Asian girls about yaoi fanart of themselves. The episode parodies the slash fiction genre of yaoi art and the acceptance of the gay community, while continuing its season-long lampoon of political correctness. And if we break up, no more pictures! Release date October 28, United States. This causes an argument, as Tweek screams that Craig needs to stop preaching facts to him. Current Wiki. Once they're up, Craig says that the view is lovely in an attempt to distract Tweek, but his phone receives a notification which freaks him out. Tweek and Craig are brought in to Principal's office where they both assert that they are not gay, but Principal ignores their denial and tells them that if there is a relationship between them, they must have affirmative consent. The next day, Tweek and Craig go through with their plan. Cupid Me shoots Craig with a love arrow as he sleeps, and then pees in his mouth "just for fun", much to the amusement of Cartman. Story Elements. You're capable of more than you think.

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