

Soul Tide Soultide Limited, soultide. Teen info. Soul Tide is an original title that combines anime girl collection, home simulation, and dungeon exploration.

Soul Tide Global. LemcnSun Limited. A group of puppeteers with special identities save the world from the witches. Players become puppeteers and join the organization to protect the town, explore the labyrinth of the world, uncover the truth about the world collapse. This is the global version of the game. Soul Tide is an original title that combines anime girl collection, home simulation, and dungeon exploration. It is set in a fantasy world where witches kindled doom upon the land, and players are destined to turn the tide.


From a divergent universe, a soul is about to be awakened. Those moments reflected in the Mirror of Souls once belonged to Initially released in China on August 24, , it was released in Japanese on March 22, , with the global version following a week later on March Ever since the dawn of time, the world was threatened by a group of witches called the Scarlet Moon for unknown reasons. Humanity almost died out as a result of the multitudes of disasters these witches brought with their magic. But then, humanity was saved when they discovered faith, as the goddess Shera, the Lady of the Moon, descended and bestowed hope upon humanity, establishing the Templar Order of Luna and commencing humanity's counter-attack. The witches that got captured were burned at the stake, and peace was finally attained after years of despair, but the witches fought back from the shadows, conjuring a great earthquake that destroyed the continent. In response, Shera blessed humans with witch-like powers called sorcery to repair the destruction. Years later, massive trees arose from the ground that were gateways to a mysterious and dangerous realm called "Graveland" , siphoning the world's essence and driving anyone unlucky enough to end up within it into madness, while housing the few remaining witches that survived the witch-hunt, hoping to get their revenge when the time comes. As such, the Order begins gathering talented humans — Evokers — those specially trained and cultivated to control "Dolls", manifestations of the lost souls of the dead from other worlds that resonate with an Evoker's soul, and can survive in the Graveland for prolonged periods of time without going mad. You are one of these Evokers, stationed in the city of Litoris on the Crescent Kingdom, and you, along with a few others, are tasked with investigating the Graveland and finding a way to destroy this phenomenon. Soul Tide is a dungeon crawler in which you control five Dolls from your roster and delve into the perilous Graveland, slaying monsters and solving puzzles to get through each level. Beside this is its roguelite mode Abyss Rift, which pits you and your party of Dolls against a linear but unpredictable dungeon, slaying monsters and gathering buffs called Gifts, trying to reach the end of the dungeon without healing spots. In addition, it also contains a home simulation mode, a bonding system with your Dolls, and many, many more Visit their official website here.

Artificial Stupidity : Soultide way the game handles your movement on the map while Delving is by taking the shortest path to the tile you tapped on It has several distinct locations that the player can patrol, soultide, ranging from busy districts to the ruins of where the Grand Earthquake originated, soultide, all of which can trigger brief hijinks the Evoker gets mixed up in. Bittersweet Ending : Can be soultide for some of the Dolls that led rather tragic lives up to their deaths, soultide.

A dungeon crawler with turn-based combat. Soul Tide is an original title that combines anime girl collection, home simulation, and dungeon exploration. It is set in a fantasy world where witches kindled doom upon the land, and players are destined to turn the tide. How to start it off.. The level boss: supreme supreme is the MOST annoying boss. No matter how many times I try to level up my dolls, no matter what I do.. Now then; This game is awesome.

If you're interested in a comprehensive Soul Tide tier list of all the best characters in the game, then look no further because you've found it. We are going to take a look at every character in the game and place them all into their respective tiers, so you will know exactly who to pick whenever you're facing specific enemies. In today's article, we are going to dive into each character's role as well as rank them based on their abilities and the role they play in the game. As you might be well aware, the game is pretty unique when it comes to gameplay. Its approach closely resembles a dungeon crawler rather than a mobile gacha game , so you can expect a lot of planning, strategising, and of course, fighting! Soul Tide's best characters While there are not a whole lot of characters available in the game at the moment, the ones that are released mostly reside in the upper tiers - specifically, the S tier and A tier. Most of the free characters are also considered to be extremely viable, thus making the game a lot more enjoyable, knowing that you don't have to acquire a specific unit in order to be successful in the late stages of the game. A tier list, such as the one we've created today, will help you understand the role of the characters in each team better, enabling you to come up with some creative team compositions. The truth is, more important than the characters themselves is the way that you use them in a team.


Players from any of the aforementioned 3 genres can expect to have a good experience in Soul Tide. The game has received positive reviews since the day it launched globally and has already been downloaded over , times in 4 days. We highly recommend playing Soul Tide on your PC with BlueStacks for an optimal gaming experience and efficient re-rolling for a strong start. Soul Tide is a hero collector game where players have to summon their favorite characters called Dolls through a gacha system called Evoke.

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Let's start with the first five Dolls you meet: despite having no obligation to and being just an ordinary nun, Virgina braved through many dangers to warn her kingdom of a conspiracy, only to be dismissed, accused as a witch to keep the status quo and died burning at the stake; Asuna was a rebel schoolgirl who fought against tyranny but lost her ordinary life and eventually her comrades; Lilyiro is obsessed with doing good acts to make up for how much blood she spilt during war in her world; Freesia hates adults, having been tortured by them for her gemstone tears and committed suicide; and Nankung gave up her childhood for training to control her inhuman strength. Quality : Quantity for the heroes against quality for antagonists, at least most of the time. Size 2. Anti-Frustration Features : Evoking Gacha : The gacha contains a pity system that activates every 50 pulls without a Doll pulled in-between. In addition, it doesn't let you gift the girls items that they don't like, only items they like and items they can accept. Level Cap : The Dolls' level cap depends on the player's level, leveled up through completing story dungeons and doing daily quests. I'd say its pretty f2p friendly on the new servers AND the community is helpful as such they helped me throughh. Currently four out of five of the starter Dolls show up quite often in the top teams for the weekly Overlord competition. Without any healing spots in the map, players will have to rely on gained buffs, their Dolls' strengths, and their own wits to trek as deep into the Rift as possible. There is a lot to every character They don't make it too easy to obtain new characters as a result, though you do start out with a good and the rewards for starting seem pretty high. Tales of Yokai. Healer Signs On Early : Virgina, the very first Doll you evoke, starts with a Supporter skillset based on single-target healing. The one with more investment is the Daimyo, who is responsible for the tragedies he inflicted on Singer and Performer. Male Gaze : As it's a game oriented towards a male audience, the Dolls can appear as such, especially with the more fanservice-laden Dolls even in their normal outfits or skins that apply it. In the Dream Quest event series, you're given more than enough moves to sweep an entire stage's tiles the first time you enter one, though it's reduced for subsequent playthroughs.

Soul Tide LemcnSun Limited. Teen info. Soul Tide is an original title that combines anime girl collection, home simulation, and dungeon exploration.

Initially released in China on August 24, , it was released in Japanese on March 22, , with the global version following a week later on March Ratings and Reviews. Puzzles can range from multiple pressure plate switches to navigating a spike-filled room as safely and efficiently as possible. Lilyiro's world has elves and goblins fighting each other for no apparent reason other than racial animosity. The following data may be collected and linked to your identity:. Fixed minor bugs. App Privacy. So far they are: "The Apple Girl", a country girl milling in the Forest during daytime, who offers an apple to passerby said to make anyone "vanish off the face of the planet" when they bite it, which then turns redder the next day. Soul Tide is a dungeon crawler in which you control five Dolls from your roster and delve into the perilous Graveland, slaying monsters and solving puzzles to get through each level. Weird Moon : As pointed out in Benten's third Present story, the moon that comes out at night is a round object surrounded by a halo with a mark inscribed by Shera on it.

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