sonny bill williams wife ethnicity

Sonny bill williams wife ethnicity

By Laura Evans and Nathan Klein. She's the new wife of famous New Zealand rugby player Sonny Bill Williams and a former professional nightclub dancer.

Sonny Bill Williams has basked in 'one of the proudest moments of my life' after his wife, Alana, decided to wear a hijab. The former rugby star-turned-boxer, 37, turned his life around after converting to Islam having spent his younger days as a womaniser. He met Alana Raffie at a retail shop in and the pair tied the knot just four weeks later after committing to a Muslim courtship and he has since admitted that she makes him strive 'to be the best husband I could be'. Sonny Bill Williams has shared his delight after his wife decided to wear a hijab. The devout Muslim took to Twitter to share 'one of the proudest moments of my life'.

Sonny bill williams wife ethnicity

Are you a fan of heavyweight boxing? If so, I bet you know who Sonny Bill Williams is. Not only is he a heavyweight boxer, but also a New Zealand rugby union footballer and a former rugby league footballer. Definitely, this New Zealand sportsman is a well-built athlete with fine, distinct abs, and many would like to pry into his love life. So, who is Sonny Bill Williams wife? We hold sporting heroes with a certain level of admiration owing to their prowess in the field. But what of their daily lives at home? Most sports personalities have busy schedules, and therefore, they rely on the spouses for support while playing miles from home and away from loved ones. Here are some comprehensive details of Sonny Bill Williams wife Alana Raffie, as well as their happy family. Her age, movies and photos. Jamie Foxx's daughter Corinne Foxx discloses star suffered medical complication, currently recovering. Alana Williams, formerly known as Raffie, is wife to Bill Williams. The two got married in a secret ceremony held in August after dating for approximately six months.

Multi-millionaire's daughter who wrote murder manual behind bars before killing frail pensioner, 84, is a Retrieved 24 June

She's the new wife of famous New Zealand rugby player Sonny Bill Williams and a former professional nightclub dancer. Alana Raffie, who secretly married the Kiwi footballer in August, once wore a gold, embellished bikini to dance in Brazilian nightclubs. She married her high-profile sports player boyfriend in August, after a whirl wind six month romance, but the pair have only recently jetted off on their honeymoon. The couple kept their relationship firmly underwraps as it is understood only his immediate family and a handful of his closest friends, who were sworn to secrecy, attended the wedding ceremony just before the NRL grand final. According to the Sunday Telegraph, even Sonny Bill's Roosters teammates and his close friend Anthony Mundine were left in the dark about the wedding plans. The couple flew out of Sydney at the weekend for a short overseas break, having not had time to honeymoon due to the NRL player's footballing commitments. Sonny Bill's controversial manager Khoder Nasser was one of the few who attended the ceremony, which was low-key and very private.

This article was last updated by Samikshya Humagain on October 16, He frequently speaks out for the minor ethnicity and religion, which are often dominated by the social structures. A jack of many trades, he is a heavyweight boxer and a former professional rugby league and rugby union player. Williams began his career in rugby league, playing as a second-row forward in the NRL for eight seasons, with stints at the Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs and the Sydney Roosters. He is just the second person to have represented New Zealand in rugby union, initially representing the country in rugby league. Just like he is a jack of many trades when it comes to sports, Sonny Bill Williams also draws his lineage and ethnicity from many backgrounds.

Sonny bill williams wife ethnicity

Sonny Bill Williams is a popular New Zealand professional rugby league footballer who currently plays as a second-row forward for the Toronto Wolfpack in the Betfred Super League. He also plays for his country New Zealand at international level. Williams is one of the only 20 players to have won multiple Rugby World Cups. Source: sonnybillwilliams. His birth name is Sonny William Williams. His nationality is New Zealander. Williams belongs to White ethnicity while Leo is his zodiac sign. Williams was born in a working-class family to John Williams father and Lee Williams mother. His father, John Williams was an accomplished rugby league player however, he was first introduced to the rugby by his mother. Williams was raised along with his three siblings: twins sisters, Niall and Denise and an older brother, John Arthur Williams.

Linus media

Cancer-stricken man, 41, given nine months to live astonishes doctors as world-first treatment rids him of Sydney Morning Herald. She attends all Roosters home games but normally watches from a private suite. Entertainment Centre, Brisbane, Australia. Allied Press. UK: Guardian News and Media. Newshub — via www. William 'won't worry about who does what in the Royal Family' as Kate recovers, says expert - with plans in His final game would be the loss in the home semi-final against Canberra at the Sydney Cricket Ground. A new cold war! Rugby star's wife was a Brazilian nightclub dancer His height is approximately 1. Retrieved 7 November Her age, movies and photos. Alana Raffie Instagram account is private, meaning that she wants her private life away from the limelight.

Sonny William Williams born 3 August is a New Zealand heavyweight boxer , and a former professional rugby league and rugby union player.

Retrieved 13 January His final game would be the loss in the home semi-final against Canberra at the Sydney Cricket Ground. Retrieved 3 July Yahoo New Zealand. Craig Miller. Retrieved 2 June A new cold war! Nine Media. They have two daughters, Imaan born in and Aisha born in late , and son Zaid born in June In all, Williams played in 13 tests in Allphones Arena , Sydney , Australia. On 9 July , Williams announced he would be playing for the Panasonic Wild Knights in the Japanese Top League during the —13 season —with the allowance to have one boxing fight during the season—before returning to rugby league. Williams's younger sister, Niall , is a New Zealand former international touch football captain and current New Zealand rugby sevens player. His new contract allowed a "limited number" of professional boxing bouts. Fiji star Peniasi Dakuwaqa wows fans as he runs the full length of the pitch to score 'Try of the decade' Bukayo Saka offers two-word response when asked if his goal in Arsenal's win was 'world-class'

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