slytherin girl

Slytherin girl

In the world of Harry PotterSlytherin House has produced some of the slytherin girl complex and kamaru usman characters in the series. Often misunderstood and labeled as the villains, Slytherin characters represent a wide array of personalities and destinies. They're not just about dark arts and rivalry; there's a lot more beneath the surface for those willing to take a closer look. From the ambitious to the downright misunderstood, Harry Potter characters in Slytherin have left an indelible mark on fans worldwide, slytherin girl.

The title of this article is conjectural. Although it is based on canonical information , the actual name is a conjecture and may be supplanted at any time by additional information released from canonical sources. If this occurs, please move this page to the appropriate title. This individual was a witch and a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry who was sorted into Slytherin in During the — school year , when Fred and George Weasley set off fireworks in the castle, she was seen looking at a Whiz-bang that followed and hit Vincent Crabbe in the rear end, then later among the students that cheered the Weasley twins' departure from Hogwarts, which she loudly applauded. She later attended her Charms O. The girl fleeing the school before the Battle of Hogwarts.

Slytherin girl


If this occurs, please move this page to the appropriate title. Though flawed, his character slytherin girl that Slytherin's traits of ambition and cunning are not inherently negative.


Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means To achieve their ends. This Hogwarts House was founded by Salazar Slytherin and exemplifies ambition, cunning and resourcefulness. Its colour is green and silver, its animal is the serpent, its ghost is the Bloody Baron, its Head of House is Horace Slughorn replaced by Severus Snape between his retirement and return and it is associated with the element of water. Slytherins have a — not always fair — reputation for being underhanded bigots, and their house has the reputation of producing more dark wizards than any other house. General Adaptational Heroism : Some of the background Slytherin students in the film adaptations are neutral while the ones in Hogwarts Legacy are very friendly and hospitable to the main player character. The latter is justified due to the game being set long before Voldemort's negative influence. Alpha Bitch : Produces bitchy clique leaders like Gryffindor makes heroes. Always Chaotic Evil : Played dead straight for the first five books.

Slytherin girl

Use of image disclosure: The big goal of The Mood Guide is to gather the best aesthetic content online and organize them by aesthetic or mood, to help people find what they truly love and to add extra meaning with storytelling to these images. I feature only the best of the best, with a link to each creator. Images without credits were found on Pinterest, so please, if you do not want to be featured, or want me to remove your image, send an e-mail to [email protected]. If you are reading this post, probably Slytherin is your house of heart, and you want to embrace all this aesthetic has to offer. So, in this post, I will detail the best outfits, symbols, moods, and attitudes to help you embrace your true inner-modern Slytherin. Although Slytherin is the house that turned out more Dark Witches and Wizards than any other in the Harry Potter series, we must agree that many interesting and good-hearted characters also belong to the home of the ambitious. Ravenclaw Aesthetic Guide. Reading all the books in my 30s again, I learned to respect and admire this house. I consider myself a mix of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw, and I really wish I could use a bit more of the Slytherin cunning, focus, resourcefulness, and determination traits.

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A Slytherin student who became obsessed with immortality and power, he lost his humanity in his quest to conquer death. Another member of the Slytherin Quidditch team, Adrian Pucey, is depicted as a skilled player. During the — school year , when Fred and George Weasley set off fireworks in the castle, she was seen looking at a Whiz-bang that followed and hit Vincent Crabbe in the rear end, then later among the students that cheered the Weasley twins' departure from Hogwarts, which she loudly applauded. Although it is based on canonical information , the actual name is a conjecture and may be supplanted at any time by additional information released from canonical sources. The Bloody Baron. Gregory Goyle. Start a Wiki. Narcissa Malfoy. The captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, Marcus Flint was known for his aggressive playing style and win-at-all-costs mentality. Severus Snape. His story is a somber tale that adds depth to the Hogwarts ghosts. Existential Horrors in HP Universe. Though not a prominent character in the series, his background and personality encapsulate the classic Slytherin traits of ambition and self-preservation.

She and her twin sister Hestia were both members of the Slug Club. Flora was sorted into Slytherin House along with her identical twin sister, Hestia , at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at the age of eleven, and became a member of the Slug Club in the — school year. Flora and her sister were seemingly quiet at Slug Club meetings, and both had a fondness for the colour green, which they wore not only as part of their House robes, but by their choosing, as reflected by the formal dresses they wore to the Slug Club Christmas party.

Dumbledore's Made Some Bad Decisions. The girl fleeing the school before the Battle of Hogwarts. A Slytherin Quidditch player, Terence Higgs, serves as a minor character in the series. Great Moments Missing from the Movies. Raised with strong beliefs in blood purity, he was brash and antagonistic but eventually showed signs of inner conflict and moral struggle, particularly in the final books. Her loyalty to the Dark Lord was absolute, and her cruelty knew no bounds. Plot Holes You Can't Unsee. A Snatcher during the Second Wizarding War, Scabior's character symbolizes the dark and dangerous followers attracted to Voldemort's cause. Bellatrix Lestrange. Plot Holes We've Been Ignoring. Draco's father, Lucius, was a prominent Death Eater and staunch believer in blood purity. Current Wiki. More Professor Horace Slughorn. This belief became a defining trait of his house, and his legacy continues to influence the Wizarding World. Movie Appearances.

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