Six feet under tv show cast

A chronicle of the lives of a dysfunctional family who run an independent funeral home in Los Angeles. Brenda : The future is just a fucking concept that we use to avoid living today. Sign In Sign In.

Sign In. Peter Krause Nate Fisher 63 episodes, Michael C. Hall David Fisher 63 episodes, Frances Conroy Ruth Fisher 63 episodes, Lauren Ambrose Claire Fisher 63 episodes, Mathew St.

Six feet under tv show cast

It premiered on the premium network HBO in the United States on June 3, , and ended on August 21, , spanning 63 episodes across five seasons. It depicts the lives of the Fisher family, who run a funeral home in Los Angeles , along with their friends and lovers. The ensemble drama stars Peter Krause , Michael C. Patrick , and Rachel Griffiths as the central characters. Six Feet Under received widespread critical acclaim, particularly for its writing and acting, and consistently drew high ratings for the HBO network. It is widely regarded as one of the greatest television series of all time. The show's finale has also been described as one of the greatest television series finales. On one level, the show is a conventional family drama, dealing with such issues as interpersonal relationships, dysfunction, infidelity, personal growth, and religion. At the same time, it is distinguished by its focus on the topic of death, which it explores on personal, religious, and philosophical levels. Each episode begins with a death, the cause of which ranges from heart attack to murder to accidental death or sudden infant death syndrome. That death usually sets the thematic tone for each episode, allowing the characters to reflect on their current fortunes and misfortunes in a way that is illuminated by the death and its aftermath. The show also uses dark humor and surrealism throughout its seasons.

Josette DiCarlo Sheila 1 episode, Victor Campos Pilar's Father 1 episode, Quaker Man 2 Episodes.

Lifeand deathat a family-owned funeral home in Los Angeles plays out in this provocative, at times macabre series created by Oscar-winning screenwriter Alan Ball 'American Beauty'. Each episode begins with a fresh corpse including the clan's patriarch in the premiere , which usually has something to do with the ongoing dysfunction in and around the Fisher household. Close Ad. New This Month. New and Upcoming Netflix Shows and Movies. New and Upcoming Hulu Shows and Movies. What to Watch.

Lifeand deathat a family-owned funeral home in Los Angeles plays out in this provocative, at times macabre series created by Oscar-winning screenwriter Alan Ball 'American Beauty'. Each episode begins with a fresh corpse including the clan's patriarch in the premiere , which usually has something to do with the ongoing dysfunction in and around the Fisher household. Close Ad. New This Month. New and Upcoming Netflix Shows and Movies. New and Upcoming Hulu Shows and Movies. What to Watch. If You Like

Six feet under tv show cast

Nate Fisher 63 Episodes. David Fisher 63 Episodes. Ruth Fisher 63 Episodes. Claire Fisher 63 Episodes. Federico Diaz 63 Episodes. Keith Charles 63 Episodes. Brenda Chenowith 63 Episodes.

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Kim Myers Dr. James Pickens Jr. Todd Merrill Kevin's Friend 3 1 episode, Archived from the original on October 25, Anna Gunn Madeline 2 Episodes. Brian Poth Marc Foster 4 Episodes. Armored Truck Robber uncredited 1 Episode. Steven Morrow. Brenna Tosh. Robert Greenblatt Executive Producer 63 Episodes. Lauren Ambrose Claire Fisher 63 episodes, But I will def. Amelia 2 Episodes. Sheila 1 Episode. Paul Duncan 2 Episodes.

Nate Fisher 13 Episodes. David Fisher 13 Episodes.

October 31, [72]. Timothy V. Does not appear. Tim Ryan Father with Bird 1 episode, During the phone call, Maggie is at the doctor's office, which led to audience speculation as to whether she was pregnant with Nate's child. In the first season, a smarmy company representative named Matthew Gilardi Gary Hershberger tries buying the Fishers out. Christina Carlisi Judy Romano 2 Episodes. American drama television series. Season Episodes Originally aired Average viewers in millions First aired Last aired 1 13 June 3, August 19, 5. Kenneth Kimmins Crematory Owner 1 episode, Her parents are wealthy psychiatrists who were in an open marriage, flaunting their activities in front of their children. Alan Ball Director 12 Episodes. Sarah Rafferty Rachel Mortimer 1 episode, Zach Shaffer Marc's Boyfriend 1 episode,

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