

Moon Although its name was Type: Null at first, silvaly, the boy who evolved it into this form silvaly it the name by which it is now known. Ultra Sun This is its form once it has awakened and evolved, silvaly. Freed from its heavy mask, its speed is greatly increased. Ultra Moon Through the bond it formed with its Trainer, its will silvaly strengthened, and it was able to destroy its control mask.

Se dice que fue creado para hacerle frente a la amenaza que presentan los ultraentes. El nombre de Silvally fue puesto por Gladio. Su habilidad sistema alfa se activa al insertar discos en la unidad que lleva Silvally en el lateral de su cabeza. Silvally cambia de color y tipo cuando tiene un disco equipado y su movimiento multiataque adquiere el mismo tipo que el disco. Silvally no evoluciona. Con la ayuda de un tutor de movimientos Silvally es capaz de aprender:. Silvally no tiene diferencia de sexo porque no tiene sexo.


It evolves from Type: Null when leveled up with high friendship. Silvally's RKS System allows it to change forms and type when it holds a memory. It has a mammalian head with mechanical parts. Covering most of its head and neck is a thick, silver mane that extends down over its chest. Its blunt snout is metallic on the bridge of its nose and upper jaw. Silvally has a triangular black nose framed by three red lines, pointed ears with bright pink and black insides, one visible fang on each side of its lower jaw, and a slight overbite. Its eyes are bright silver, have no visible pupils, and appear to be surrounded by an empty, black space. On each side of its head is a circular, metallic drive , with a white circle crossed by a metal line. On top of its head is a large, axe-like fur or feather crest. The tip of the crest has a hooked, metallic piece, while the back has three white feathers. Silvally's lower body is mostly covered in short, black fur. The lower half of each front leg is insectoid and green with spikes along the back, while the rear legs have thick purple scales on the flanks, shins, and the top of the foot. All four of its feet have three toes, but in the front two toes face forward and one backward. Additionally, the hind paws have a short, gray claw on the back of the ankle.

Not Wild Weakness.

Esto causa que se llene de barro y que se enfade, y comienza a atacar sin obedecer a Ash. En este episodio termina congelado por el rayo hielo de Absol. Lycanroc y Umbreon fueron liberados del mal de ojo. Posteriormente Silvally emplea el movimiento Z de tipo normal carrera arrolladora para curar a Lunala , que se encontraba herido. Posteriormente, es sacado para combatir al Turtonator de Kiawe en las semifinales de la Liga de Alola. Luego se dispone a usar garra brutal de nuevo y Turtonator cae debilitado. En efecto, consigue debilitar a Melmetal con su multiataque y Ash queda en desventaja.

It evolves from Type: Null when leveled up with high friendship. Silvally's RKS System allows it to change forms and type when it holds a memory. It has a mammalian head with mechanical parts. Covering most of its head and neck is a thick, silver mane that extends down over its chest. Its blunt snout is metallic on the bridge of its nose and upper jaw. Silvally has a triangular black nose framed by three red lines, pointed ears with bright pink and black insides, one visible fang on each side of its lower jaw, and a slight overbite. Its eyes are bright silver, have no visible pupils, and appear to be surrounded by an empty, black space.


Mime Mr. It can change its type at will. Sword Thanks to its awakened powers, it can change to the Fighting type to match the memory it has equipped. Shield It has the ability to change its type based on the memory it's holding. This is its Fighting-type form. Sword Thanks to its awakened powers, it can change to the Flying type to match the memory it has equipped. This is its Flying-type form. Sword Thanks to its awakened powers, it can change to the Poison type to match the memory it has equipped.

Effy power

From amigo and argentum. A barrier reflects back to the target moves like Leech Seed and moves that damage status. Type: Grass Language Title Japanese. Shadow Ball. Flash Cannon. Flame Charge. Ice Memory. Type: Electric Language Title Japanese. Through the bond it formed with its Trainer, its will was strengthened, and it was able to destroy its control mask. Type: Null Normal. Type: Ice Ice Memory. The user slashes with a sharp claw made from shadows. Grass Memory. Flying Memory. It destroyed its own control mask.


Silvally de tipo siniestro. TM91 Flash Cannon 80 10 10 The user gathers all its light energy and releases it all at once. The user summons a heavy rain that falls for five turns, powering up Water-type moves. TM Move Type Cat. TM02 Dragon Claw 80 15 -- The user slashes the target with huge sharp claws. Magic Coat. Silvally Fighting. The user hurls a shadowy blob at the target. The user confounds the target with speed, then slashes. In total, it has eighteen different forms, one for each type. Electric Memory. Bug Memory. Type: Grass Language Title Japanese.

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