
Eventually, sidious, Sidious took on his own apprentice, Darth Maul, sidious killed his master. In his public persona, Sidious was the unassuming Senator Palpatine of Naboo, a position he used to manipulate galactic events to his own design. Thirteen years before his Imperial ascent, Sidious engineered the Invasion of Naboo and used the political crisis as sidious pretext to being elected Supreme Chancellor by the Galactic Senate, sidious.

He first appears on screen in the original trilogy films The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi , in which he is credited as The Emperor , and is the overarching antagonist of the nine-film Skywalker saga , in which he is portrayed by Ian McDiarmid. In creating Palpatine, Lucas was inspired by real-world examples of democratic backsliding during the rise and rule of dictators such as Julius Caesar , Napoleon Bonaparte , and Adolf Hitler. In the original trilogy, Palpatine is depicted as the evil Emperor of the Galactic Empire and the master of Darth Vader. The character has a larger role in the prequel trilogy , which chronicles his rise from senator to Emperor. He is portrayed as a charismatic politician —and, secretly, a Sith lord powerful with the dark side of the Force —who orchestrates the invasion of Naboo and the Clone Wars to covertly turn the Republic into the tyrannical Empire.


Caution is advised. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Rising to power in the Galactic Senate as the senator of Naboo , the secretive Sith Lord cultivated two identities, Sidious and Palpatine, using both to further his political career and deceive his way into accomplishing his goal. He orchestrated the fall of the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order through the Clone Wars , and then established his reign over the galaxy which lasted until his death at the Battle of Endor. However, the dark side of the Force gave rise to powers which allowed him to escape death , seeking further immortality until the Emperor was eventually permanently destroyed and killed during the Battle of Exegol by Rey , his granddaughter born from his Strand-Cast clone son Dathan and his daughter-in-law Miramir. He eventually betrayed and killed his Sith Master , in order to train his own Sith apprentice , Darth Maul , for the Rule of Two limited their ranks to two Sith Lords at any given time. The Separatist Crisis and the Clone Wars were masterminded by Sidious and his new apprentice, Darth Tyranus , in an effort to achieve galactic dominance. Following an attempt to arrest the chancellor , the Great Jedi Purge commenced with Sidious enacting Order With the Jedi all but extinct, Sidious installed the New Order in the Republic's place , declaring himself Galactic Emperor and bringing an end to the millennia of democracy. Shortly after betraying and causing the death of Tyranus, he took on a new apprentice, having lured the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker to the dark side and transforming him into Darth Vader. Their reign was virtually unchallenged for a generation until the formation of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. However, Sidious' plan backfired when Vader ultimately renounced the dark side and killed Sidious to protect Luke. Thus, with the Sith's destruction, the Force was brought back into balance, fulfilling Anakin's destiny as the prophesied Chosen One. Through his master's teachings, however, Sidious transferred his essence to an imperfect clone vessel that had been modeled on his original body. Anticipating the possibility of defeat, he created the Contingency to destroy the Galactic Empire and replace it with a new Sith Empire , in the event of such a setback.

This final loss sent Vader over the edge of pure wrath and anguish, completing his transition into the apprentice Sidious had spent decades grooming. Sidious speech and abstention tipped the Trade Federation towards victory and the client worlds were subsequently seated in the Senate, where they indeed proved to be aligned with the Sidious interests, sidious. Why an 'absolutely dead' 'Star Wars' villain returns in 'Rise of Skywalker' ", sidious.

This article is about a character who is identified only with their surname. Although this character has a first name, it is currently unknown. Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. See this article's talk page for more information. A definitive Legends Clone Wars timeline was never established by Lucasfilm.

Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Plagueis lusted for immortality , believing the secret laid in science. To that end, he worked with his Sith apprentice , conducting research into bioengineering and experimenting with his ability to influence the midi-chlorians to create life. In doing so, Plagueis acquired considerable knowledge of the Force , but he was ultimately betrayed and murdered by his own apprentice in accordance with the Rule of Two. After his own demise , Sidious used his master's teachings to cheat death , though true immortality still eluded him up until his final end. The time period of when Plagueis came to possess his Sith apprentice was unknown, [9] but the Dark Lord chose Sheev Palpatine , a human from Naboo , as his apprentice. As master and disciple, Plagueis and Palpatine—who took the Sith moniker Darth Sidious—worked together for years , trying to unlock the secrets of immortality as Plagueis lusted for it [8] and to execute the Sith Order's long-percolating plan of supplanting the Galactic Republic with a new Sith Empire. While training Sidious, Plagueis taught him that two Sith were required for their perilous machinations.


In George Lucas' sci-fi flick "Star Wars," there is a scene wherein a cadre of Nazi-like bad guys, in the employ of the evil Empire, gather around a boardroom table and mention that the mysterious off-screen Emperor has dissolved the senate and taken absolute control. The military generals are outraged, wondering how the Empire might survive without a bureaucracy in place. In Irvin Kirshner's sequel "The Empire Strikes Back," it's established that Darth Vader David Prowse , a mysterious masked warlock, was actually the Emperor's right-hand man, indicating that the Emperor retains control of the Empire through the sheer force of his villainy. In the original cut of the movie, the Emperor was played on screen by actress Marjorie Eaton, outfitted with eerie, alien eyeballs.

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Through the vision, Maul learned the value of patience since rage alone was not enough for he and and his master to defeat the combined might of the Jedi Order. The character's likeness in the series is voiced by Nick Jameson. Despite this success, Palpatine's ambitions were hardly satisfied and indeed were merely just beginning. Retrieved February 7, In season six, Sidious goes to lengths to conceal his plan from the Jedi by silencing Clone Trooper Fives from learning of Order 66, and having Dooku wipe out anything tied to the former Jedi Master's connection to the conspiracy. The novel details Plagueis betraying and overthrowing of his own master Darth Tenebrous; his work as head of a powerful banking consortium on the Muun homeworld ; his discovery, recruitment, and training of the teenaged Palpatine of Naboo ; and the efforts of Plagueis to undermine the Galactic Republic and ensure the dominance of the dark side of the Force. Additionally, his role made him the senator for the rest of the Chommell sector , [28] meaning he represented a total of thirty-six planets. Archived from the original on December 24, Under the Sector Governance Decree, Palpatine created a new structure of regional governance [] by naming certain individuals governors. Talzin regained her physical body and fended off Sidious's lightning, sacrificing herself to allow her son to escape.

Master Qui-Gon , more to say, have you? It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. See the request on the listing or on this article's talkpage.

Dooku left the Jedi Order, reclaiming his wealth and title as the Count of Serenno. As the Galactic Civil War broke out, Emperor Palpatine ironically fought against a rebellion that he started in secret. Contents move to sidebar hide. She reluctantly agreed, and Maul ran into the forest angrily, overhearing the conversation from behind his door. So we see the trappings of power. When she informed Palpatine of her plans, he made a show of concern and tried halfheartedly to convince her to stay on Coruscant. Retrieved April 3, He also folded Naval Intelligence back into Imperial Intelligence. The series is set during and immediately following the events of the film Revenge of the Sith. That meant he would have to save Kenobi as well, since he could not yet separate Master and Padawan, so he secured Kenobi's services as a replacement negotiator, and Kenobi brought Skywalker with him. Under Plagueis's manipulation, Palpatine killed his father and pledged himself to his new Master's dark side teachings as Darth Sidious. Due to his estrangement with the younger Palpatine, as well as Damask's support for Tapalo's bid for the throne, Cosinga immediately attempted to thwart any further contact between his son and the head of Damask Holdings. Sensing a disturbance in the Force, Sidious traveled to Mandalore to confront Maul, his first apprentice.

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