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Sexy fire emblem

Sure, the games are great, sexy fire emblem, and the combat makes things interesting and tactical. I had to kick off this list with some Lucina goodness, even if her Smash character gives me sexy fire emblem. Another Fire Emblem: Awakening character, Sumia is just an absolute cutie, her clumsiness makes her one of the best girls in the series for me.

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Sexy fire emblem


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Camilla is a major character from Fire Emblem Fates and is playable on the Conquest and Revelation routes. The second eldest of the Nohrian royal siblings, she commands the loyalty of Selena and Beruka as her personal retainers. Gifted with battle skills honed on her own, Camilla fights for Nohr on the back of her beloved Wyvern. Camilla is the eldest daughter and the second eldest child of five in the Nohrian royal family and the daughter of King Garon and an unnamed concubine. When Corrin was adopted into the family during their childhood, she acknowledged them as one of her younger siblings. Much like Leo and Elise , Camilla was unfortunately used as a tool by her mother in order to gain favor with Garon. In a bid to fill the void left in the wake of the lack of maternal love in her life, she thereafter became obsessively attached to Corrin, acting the part of the overprotective maternal figure to them.

Sexy fire emblem

For some fans, a new Fire Emblem game means new mechanics and story to look forward to. Equally, a new Fire Emblem games means new graphics and art to enjoy. With that being said, to honor our favorite girls from the Fire Emblem series, we have decided to sit down and create a list. This list of Fire Emblem girls would take the dozens of female characters from the Fire Emblem games and try to solidify which are the best of the best. After hours of deliberation—and maybe some rude waifu comments—we have all agreed on a list of Fire Emblem girls we could be proud of. Tiki from Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon. A Manakete warrior—or shapeshifting Dragon—Tiki might look dainty but that is only her humanoid appearance. When Tiki is pushed she has no problems activating her Dragon form and laying waste to her enemies. However, we chose Tiki for our tenth spot for more than just her fighting skills.

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Pokemon Vore. Tags: cosplay fire emblem Sexy sexy cosplay. Giantess Vore. Clothing transformation. Sure, the games are great, and the combat makes things interesting and tactical. I wiped the sweat off my brow again. April 12, Dismiss ad. Gender bender. Latest posts by Pete Davison see all. Sexy sonic characters. His first waifu was Rit from Rod Land. Food tf. I plopped the hat back onto her head.

Summer is drawing to a close, but that doesn't mean that we can't indulge in some of the hottest characters from Fire Emblem Heroes. The mobile game has a hefty amount of fan service that really pushes its T rating to its limits. This really comes to a head during the summer, as Fire Emblem Heroes always has a summoning event which features many of the wonderful Fire Emblem ladies in revealing swimsuits.

If you like a little edginess, Tharja may well be your best girl. Tharja 2. Tharja Chibi - Fire Emblem Awakening. Home Gallery Favourites About. Dark Transformation stories. Sexy fire emblem characters Giantess Vore. Another Fire Emblem: Awakening character, Sumia is just an absolute cutie, her clumsiness makes her one of the best girls in the series for me. Sexy slime-girls. Drink transformation. April 12, Olivia is shy, but she really shines when she performs.

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