serial planes sculpture

Serial planes sculpture

In this assignment you will be building 3 small sculptures that imply forms in different ways. One will be constructed from serial planes sculpture, one from lines, and one from both. Your materials will be chipboard, square wooden dowels, and hot glue.

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Serial planes sculpture

Initially sketch out the gazelle, then draw what you want the sculpture to look like from the top and side views. Drawing the top, side, and front views or an orthographic projection is how you can represent a three-dimensional object on a two-dimensional surface like paper. Take the orthographic projections of your gazelle from the first step and turn them into a pattern. Imagine your gazelle drawing as a sliced loaf of bread. Each horizontal line or plane represents an individual slice. The number of horizontal lines or slices will be how many stencils you need to make your gazelle come to life. When planning the size of your sculpture, keep in mind that each plane and spacer will be the same thickness as your cardboard. Make the side view into a contour drawing with the number shapes equal to amount of horizontal lines slices that you made for the top view. These contour lines will each become a different stencil in your gazelle pattern. Take the side view you drew and cut it out, then trace it onto another piece of paper changing the outline to fit the next smallest shape from your contour drawing. Repeat this step until all of your plane stencils are cut.

Purple D9C.

Post a Comment. Recognition of a Problem: The purpose of this project is to apply serial planes construction concepts and the principles and elements of design to the creation of a three-dimensional abstract form using additive methods. The form can be free standing, hanging or mounted on a base the design of the base should enhance the form. You must include an opening to reveal the interior space construction. Keep in mind that the edges of the foam core will create lines, the layering of the planes will create a volume with positive and negative space, and natural and artificial light will create gradation and shadows. Research and Preparation.

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Serial planes sculpture

Initially sketch out the gazelle, then draw what you want the sculpture to look like from the top and side views. Drawing the top, side, and front views or an orthographic projection is how you can represent a three-dimensional object on a two-dimensional surface like paper. Take the orthographic projections of your gazelle from the first step and turn them into a pattern. Imagine your gazelle drawing as a sliced loaf of bread. Each horizontal line or plane represents an individual slice. The number of horizontal lines or slices will be how many stencils you need to make your gazelle come to life. When planning the size of your sculpture, keep in mind that each plane and spacer will be the same thickness as your cardboard. Make the side view into a contour drawing with the number shapes equal to amount of horizontal lines slices that you made for the top view. These contour lines will each become a different stencil in your gazelle pattern. Take the side view you drew and cut it out, then trace it onto another piece of paper changing the outline to fit the next smallest shape from your contour drawing.

Violets summer

Serial Plane Jordan Williams. This idea of delineation or separation, that it is a 3d body that is perceivable is what gives the interpretation of form so many possibilities. You can make this part directly on the cardboard or make a paper pattern first. Red D You must include an opening to reveal the interior space construction. Do not sell or share my personal information. Be very gentle during this step as it is easy to accidentally remove the corrugated layer if you peel the top layer too forcefully. Serial planes Toni Fargas. Play with the forms. The spacers can be cut from the cardboard scraps. Red 5E Green CFF9B8. The Process Book Adeline Salvador. Spacers will be cut from the leftover cardboard, you need at least one spacer between each plane.

In Phase B of Project 2: Serial Planes, I was instructed to take foam boards and construct a 3D piece in planes and using additive and subtractive methods. It was difficult to settle on one idea for this project because it offers so much opportunity.

Blue E It is a distinct unit perceivable to the viewer and delineated from its surroundings. Availability Availability All. Serial Planes Modelling Megan Thomas. Serial planes desk Laura Espinel. Log In. Pink 5AE. Adobe, Inc. Purple AB7BF4. Blue DD9. Orange F4BE7B.

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