scp ghost ship

Scp ghost ship

SCP is a s italian style ship she was originally found as a rusted dilapidated ship drifting in the Atlantic untill she was found by some salvagers.

SCP is officially designated as a "centaur", having a regular solar orbit with an aphelion of 9. Its orbital period is roughly Containment of SCP's anomalous nature is predicated on maintaining its current identification as 13 Catherine, a natural small solar system body. Government sanctioned missions to observe 13 Catherine, manned or otherwise must be prevented in order to preserve containment. Due to its distance and small size, 13 Catherine's true nature is currently not known to terrestrial observers. To ensure continued cooperation from SCP instances, limited amenities may be provided, when feasible, upon request.

Scp ghost ship

Archive photo of SCP unusually close to shore in No photographs of the object's current configuration are available. Special Containment Procedures: Foundation satellites are to constantly track the movement of SCP, with analysts and programs predicting the movements of the object, with plants in the meteorological bureau to divert traffic from areas likely to be visited by SCP In addition, the SCPS Sunderland , a fully armed Legend-class cutter, will be dispatched to patrol areas where SCP is likely to come into contact with other vessels. SCPS Sunderland is to be equipped with a minimum of two rigid bottomed motor life boats to aid in rescue of survivors of encounters with SCP, along with high impact naval weaponry to aid in discouraging the object from attacking civilian, merchant and military vessels. Absolutely no aircraft is to be deployed in the area of SCP's area of operation, due to the severe weather phenomena associated with it. Where possible, waste dumped by SCP is to be collected by Foundation watercraft and taken to the nearest Foundation research site for study. Typical explanations to be provided include user error, sinking via rough seas or rogue waves, mutiny, and pirate encounters. Amnestics are to be administered to any and all survivors and witnesses of SCP and its activities. Description: SCP is a large oceangoing ship approximately metres in length and 45 metres in width, bearing the nameplate " DV Toluca ". Research personnel have been unable to find any record of a ship matching the Toluca's description that has been registered to any port in the last years.

Maybe there's claw marks or blood on the floor The regeneration has interfered with carbon dating attempts to determine SCP's exact age, although it claims to be over three hundred years old. It was famously adapted as an episode of the '50s radio series Escapescp ghost ship, narrated by Vincent Price.

Special Containment Procedures: The Foundation is to liaise with the National Weather Service during SCP's active season each year and monitor the development of meteorological phenomena which may contribute to onset of SCP events. Whenever weather conditions favorable to SCP exist, Foundation personnel embedded within the United States Coast Guard and Canadian Coast Guard are to assist in monitoring radio communication from civilian vessels in the active region for any reports of SCP sightings. Civilians spotting SCP are to be instructed not to attempt to approach, communicate with, or render assistance to any instance of SCP The existence of SCP is attested to in "ghost stories" circulated by the general public. Foundation media assets are to limit public dissemination of sightings of SCP instances. Subsequent to civilian sightings of any SCP instance, the Foundation is to intercept the vessel making the sighting upon its docking, debrief its crew, and issue Class-A amnestics.

Only surprise about the Obra Dinn? It's come back This article is about the trope. For the film, go here. The main characters receive a Distress Call or randomly come across a seemingly deserted vessel and have to figure out what happened and where everybody went.

Scp ghost ship

Archive photo of SCP unusually close to shore in No photographs of the object's current configuration are available. Special Containment Procedures: Foundation satellites are to constantly track the movement of SCP, with analysts and programs predicting the movements of the object, with plants in the meteorological bureau to divert traffic from areas likely to be visited by SCP In addition, the SCPS Sunderland , a fully armed Legend-class cutter, will be dispatched to patrol areas where SCP is likely to come into contact with other vessels. SCPS Sunderland is to be equipped with a minimum of two rigid bottomed motor life boats to aid in rescue of survivors of encounters with SCP, along with high impact naval weaponry to aid in discouraging the object from attacking civilian, merchant and military vessels. Absolutely no aircraft is to be deployed in the area of SCP's area of operation, due to the severe weather phenomena associated with it.

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Good luck. Everybody on board, including the captain and his wife, had frozen to death; the Captain's final log entry, dated January 17, , revealed that they had been trapped for 71 days before they all succumbed to hunger and the cold. SCPC: I believe so, yes. An hour later, it rises out of the sea and successfully destroys the ship that was responsible for the damage. While variations of the story have been reprinted over the years, no evidence has ever been found to corroborate the tale, and most scholars concede that it is likely a work of fiction. Following this discovery, orders were given to collect any and all waste products dumped by SCP in an effort to determine how long it would take for D or her remains to be dumped by SCP Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page if possible. The Witness : There's a derelict ship stationed in the northeast section of the island, accesible through a back door in the keep which leads a path across the cliffs. Document I: In an effort to better understand SCP, particularly effects and any notable events occurring on board the vessel, four D-Class personnel trained in sailing D - 04 were provided with a small 9 metre yacht 5 launched from the SCPS Sunderland and given orders to sail north with the SCPS Sunderland tailing them at a distance of 7 kilometres with the intention of them being boarded and abducted by SCP to observe the activities of SCP and its effects on those aboard. For decades the Katana Fleet was the subject of legends and ghost stories, and the target of treasure hunters, until the events of Dark Force Rising , when the New Republic and a resurgent Empire began a race to see who would recover the ships and gain an advantage in the Galactic Civil War. Get App. But he did not know what I know now. Something does not work as expected?

Containment must be made on site.

The following items of note were found within the boat:. SCPC: Certainly. Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page if possible. Fog rolls in reducing visibility to roughly 15 metres. Or I was, anyway. Not for us the Earth, but all the Universe. Most of the song is something between a still-life painting and " English for Coroners ". SCPC passes his hand through a nearby wall. Commence breaching operation. There's a reason why you'll brick the toilet with this game despite the fact it places you in a vaguely familiar transforming mecha. SCP is a ghost airliner.

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