scp broken god

Scp broken god

This is Thesecret I scp broken god an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login.

And so it was that the Old Ones could no longer abide the horrors begat by Meknah-Re, He That Breaks Men's Souls Upon the Forge, and together they tore him limb from limb and cast his ichorous appendages far and wide, that they might never find each other again. His heart was discarded in the dunes of Shar-Harad to be devoured by the drifting sands. His tongue was cut out and weighted before it was thrown into the impossible depths of Lake Schwartherz. His entrails were left to freeze upon the plateau of Leng. His brain was burned and its ashes scattered amidst the scorched remains of Sarnath. His eyes were hurled into the cosmos where they linger still today, known by the heathen Dogons as the Invisible Twins of Sirius, that still glare enviously at us today.

Scp broken god

Additional stipulations exist for each instance as follows:. Should any reliable means of blocking or negating telepathic communications be developed, testing with SCP is recommended. Description: SCP is a collection of six ovoid objects 1. They appear to be constructed primarily of brass and beryllium bronze, with small amounts of gold present. Attempts to breach the surface of an instance of SCP have invariably failed due to equipment malfunction; however, non-invasive scans have shown that instances of SCP are hollow and contain extremely intricate assemblies of clockwork components. These assemblies are unique to each instance and appear to be in constant, non-repetitive motion despite the lack of any apparent internal or external power source. While this motion produces noise typical for motions of this type, instances of SCP do not produce heat. Instances of SCP contain unique engraved patterns across their entire surfaces, and are visually distinguishable only by these engravings. The content of these engravings are as follows:. Whenever containment procedures for an instance of SCP are not followed, 3 any individual who is in visual contact with or who can remember the appearance of any instance of SCP 4 may establish telepathic contact with a group of six entities 5 at will. These entities are collectively referred to as SCP While contact with SCP may cause exhaustion and headaches, subjects have not been shown to experience long-term mental or physical harm or alteration.

The fact that you made it out of West's den of nightmares alive and sane proves that you're the kind of man we need.

The religion is ancient, existing since the Classical Eras as the Mekhanites of the Mekhanic Empire , although it actually originated in ancient China, from a period known as the Xia Dynasty, that was almost entirely erased from history, which the modern church is unaware of. The central idea in their religion is that their god is "broken", and it is their duty to bring it together. Three distinct churches of interpretations for the idea exist in modern times: The Broken Church follows the classical interpretation of reconstructing the god piece by piece. The Cogwork Orthodox Church adheres to late Industrial Revolution technologies and ritualizes industrial mass-production. The Church of Maxwellism believes in a modernized interpretation that reconstruction of the deity is completed through connecting all minds into a computer network. While generally hostile and considered a threat to mankind, the Mekhanites plays a special role in the historical conflict between the Mekhanites and Sarkicism.

A meteorology center has been established near SCP to effectively predict lightning strikes in the area, as well as other phenomena that contribute to the formation of anomalies on SCP Individuals attempting to breach the perimeter of SCP are to be detained and interrogated. In the event that a member of Foundation personnel is struck by lightning on SCP and survives, they are to be immediately detained and taken to SiteAlpha in Sicily for indefinite containment. A partnership with the Horizon Initiative has allowed the Foundation near-unlimited access to scripture related to the Church of the Broken God, which is being reviewed. If events occur that correspond to Chapters in the Book of Disassembly, immediate action is to be taken, and the Lake Baikal region is to undergo immediate Penzance treatment. The sand of SCP is composed of non-anomalous silicates and calcium compounds, as well as several cationic metallic particles, which hold their charge despite being grounded; these particles partially act as a catalyst for the anomaly related to SCP

Scp broken god

Mekhane also known as The Broken God is an ancient cosmic entity, worshipped as the patron deity of the Church of the Broken God. Mekhane is split into multiple pieces, allegedly because of Yaldabaoth , and is waiting for itself to be rebuilt. According to both the Broken God cultists and the Sarkicists , Mekhane was a god associated with metal, industry, and technology. When an argument broke out between Mekhane and fellow deity Yaldabaoth who was the creator of humans , Yaldabaoth destroyed Mekhane, sending thousands of pieces over three planets Venus, Earth, and Mars ; some becoming Yaldabaoth's armor, and some pieces are still flowing through space, some as far as Saturn and nearly getting burned by the Sun.

Now thats what i call

He and his band performed for some children of the Cogwork Orthodox Church before being captured by the Church and used as a part of their god before being captured by the Foundation. These entities are collectively referred to as SCP It is believed by the Church and some Foundation Junior researchers that it is another piece of the Broken God. It had been some time since Bernard Eddings and I had crossed paths, and my heart had sunk when the Western Union man delivered his missive that grey Monday morning. FBG The Horseman of Death, appearing as a humanoid being with a second parasitic being growing out of its chest. Not like you and I would speak to each other, but… with images, and feelings. Will be riding on the mortal shore! Pieces of various automobiles are strewn across the street and sidewalk. I went to meet with Anthony and Salvador the weekend after my sister's confirmation… when they showed it to me I was taken aback. Due to this locked circle, I can never truly die. It was originally constructed by the Church in France as a musician for the celebration of the return of the Broken God. The wall was constructed in ancient times by the Mekhanites to aid king Cyrus in stopping the Sarkites from coming to Earth from their dimension.

This is Thesecret

These anomalous transformations, along with the anachronistic technology recovered from archeological sites, confirm the Xia Dynasty as one of the first anomalous civilizations in historical record. SCP A set of five concept albums made by the metal group the "Shattered Deus" whose aim is to spread Mekhane's word through heavy metal music. EE An Extranormal Event that caused a small town located in the Nubian Desert in Sudan to gain antimemetic properties and appear as if it disappeared. Mekhane is often depicted as a giant winged humanoid robot holding a scepter although the Xia Dynasty also described them as a serpent-like figure. SCP : A mass of rusty cogs that turns by itself and compels people to throw more metal into it in order to grow. While followers of the religion remained, no centralized body would form until the 19th Century. It was one of the Broken God's pieces which was claimed by the Foundation from a shrine of the Church. Together they created mankind. Should this event currently designated an Apotheosis Event occur in the modern world, it is believed that current means of information suppression would be insufficient. As technology advanced, many members of the existing churchs felt the dogmas were outdated, and that the Church had to adapt its message to the times. One of very few Orthodoxy Saints not canonized posthumously, for her casting out of the Factory during the early period of the Schism. This is obviously very stressful on you, so I'm going to cut to the chase. My Heart rests in the depths, but my Soul does not drown.

3 thoughts on “Scp broken god

  1. Unfortunately, I can help nothing. I think, you will find the correct decision. Do not despair.

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