Scp 957

SCP is to be monitored via remote video surveillance set up within the location where it currently resides, scp 957. Personnel are allowed to approach and interview the entity when given clearance by four 4 Level-3 or higher employees. This organism measures approximately 2m in height and 75kg in weight and appears to be devoid of internal organs, as observed scp 957 a large opening on its ventral torso.

It has a large opening in its ventral torso, within which its innards may be seen and seem to be devoid of any internal organs. Additionally, it does not require feeding or sleep. Through interaction with Foundation personnel, SCP has been shown to understand and fluently speak English, though it prefers to use a language which has yet to be identified. It is not hostile during encounters, but refuses to cooperate with interviews and testing. SCP is said to use "disproportionate strength" to resist these measures, as well as proper containment, though it is not specified how it does this. SCP requires certain conditions and allows the Foundation to observe it while it goes about its life.

Scp 957

Special Containment Procedures: SCP must be contained in a room measuring three 3 meters by three 3 meters. Any personnel that approach SCP and do not stop after crossing the 1-meter mark will be chastised. Foundation officials were notified when two men who had entered the abandon house SCP was found in. The two men, when looking at SCP, were instantly consumed by said object. The woman that had come with the men fled the area and notified Cuban police. SCP resembles a blue tank of caramel, one 1 meter tall. It has not been identified to have any mental control or ability to make people want to come in contact with it. It can easily be ignored. When approached, SCP has been recorded to "pull" people inside Note: SCP seems to be aware it is being watched, and will take alongside the humans it "consumes" any methods or devices recording it. This does not happen without humans see below. Video recording does not show any human remains inside the tank. Hair, bones, flesh, and any liquids inside humans are not present. Approximately two 2 hours after "consumption" of a human, SCP fills up with more caramel. The addition of caramel depends on the human that was "consumed", specifically correlated to weight.

SCP will then go to the civilian who helped the victim in and trap itself and the newcomer in a black, spherical, impenetrable scp 957 for approximately five hours. At this point, the human, presumably dead, scp 957, was removed from the object, dismembered, and sorted into piles of organs. Multiple electronic devices, small animals, and inanimate objects like toys or books are ignored by SCP


Regolamento FAQ. Scrivere un Articolo SCP. Tradurre un Articolo SCP. Artisti Autori Traduttori. Archivio del Corriere. Laterale Superiore. Non ha un atteggiamento apertamente ostile verso il personale della Fondazione, spesso tuttavia rifiuta di collaborare durante gli interrogatori e i test. Puoi ancora parlare liberamente la nostra lingua, giusto?

Scp 957

Special Containment Procedures: The area designated SCP is to be surrounded by electrified fences measuring two 2 meters in height. Any civilians attempting to enter SCP are to be brought into custody and interrogated. After interrogation, intruders are to be dosed with a Class-A amnestic.

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This information is not to be made known to SCP and personnel are to continue to communicate with it solely in English. SCP is said to use "disproportionate strength" to resist these measures, as well as proper containment, though it is not specified how it does this. SCP does not "consume" anything other than humans. It appears to do this in order to deceive people into helping it back to its house 1. This structure usually remains in place for approximately five 5 hours; however, it has been noted to demanifest as early as thirty 30 minutes after manifestation and as late as twenty-seven 27 hours after manifestation. Personnel are allowed to approach and interview the entity when given clearance by four 4 Level-3 or higher employees. Current Wiki. Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page if possible. SCP Understood. Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3. As such, they show affection for the entity, although they will refuse to touch it. SCP will then go to the civilian who helped the victim in and trap itself and the newcomer in a black, spherical, impenetrable barrier for approximately five hours.

It is highly improbable that any outside knowledge of the artifact exists based on the circumstances of its discovery and thus security is of minimal concern.

The reason why is unknown. SCP is said to use "disproportionate strength" to resist these measures, as well as proper containment, though it is not specified how it does this. It is not openly hostile towards Foundation personnel, yet often refuses to cooperate with interviews and testing. As such, they show affection for the entity but refuse to touch it. The audio from this exchange was recorded by hidden audio and video recording devices within the house, translated by Foundation linguists, and transcribed below. SCP Yes, sometime soon 4. Personnel are allowed to approach and interview the entity when given clearance by four 4 Level-3 or higher employees. This information is not to be made known to SCP and personnel are to continue to communicate with it solely in English. This structure usually remains in place for approximately five 5 hours; however, it has been noted to demanifest as early as thirty 30 minutes after manifestation and as late as twenty-seven 27 hours after manifestation. Investigation is underway to discover the connection between these two objects, but no overt similarities have yet been found. Three 3 months after this, an incident resembling the events from AddendumGamma occurred. If you want to discuss contents of this page - this is the easiest way to do it. The woman that had come with the men fled the area and notified Cuban police. Closing Statement: A request for one 1 attempt per week to communicate with SCP has been approved and will commence immediately. Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page.

2 thoughts on “Scp 957

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