scala version

Scala version

For some errors and warnings, the compiler now suggests an edit that could fix the issue.

Please consult the Scala 2. A class may now extend AnyVal to make it behave like a struct type restrictions apply. The implicit modifier now also applies to class definitions to reduce the boilerplate of implicit wrappers. Get on top of the advanced Scala features used in your codebase by explicitly importing them. The original Scala actors are now deprecated. See the actors migration project for more information.

Scala version

Designed to be concise, [9] many of Scala's design decisions are intended to address criticisms of Java. Scala can also be compiled to JavaScript to run in a browser, or directly to a native executable. On the JVM Scala provides language interoperability with Java so that libraries written in either language may be referenced directly in Scala or Java code. Since Scala 3, there is also an option to use the off-side rule indenting to structure blocks , and its use is advised. Martin Odersky has said that this turned out to be the most productive change introduced in Scala 3. Unlike Java, Scala has many features of functional programming languages like Scheme , Standard ML , and Haskell , including currying , immutability , lazy evaluation , and pattern matching. It also has an advanced type system supporting algebraic data types , covariance and contravariance , higher-order types but not higher-rank types , anonymous types , operator overloading , optional parameters , named parameters , raw strings , and an experimental exception-only version of algebraic effects that can be seen as a more powerful version of Java's checked exceptions. The name Scala is a portmanteau of scalable and language , signifying that it is designed to grow with the demands of its users. It followed on from work on Funnel, a programming language combining ideas from functional programming and Petri nets. After an internal release in late , Scala was released publicly in early on the Java platform , [15] [7] [14] [16] A second version v2. Scala runs on the Java platform Java virtual machine and is compatible with existing Java programs.

NET Framework.

To install Scala, it is recommended to use cs setup , the Scala installer powered by Coursier. It installs everything necessary to use the latest Scala release from a command line:. Download and execute the Scala installer for Windows based on Coursier, and follow the on-screen instructions. JavaScript is disabled, click the tab relevant for your OS. Follow the documentation from Coursier on how to install and run cs setup. If that does not work, you may need to log out and log back in or reboot in order for the changes to take effect.

The exciting new version of Scala 3 brings many improvements and new features. Here we provide you with a quick overview of the most important changes. If you want to dig deeper, there are a few references at your disposal:. Scala 3 is a complete overhaul of the Scala language. At its core, many aspects of the type-system have been changed to be more principled. While this also brings exciting new features along like union types , first and foremost, it means that the type-system gets even less in your way and for instance type-inference and overload resolution are much improved. One underlying core concept of Scala was and still is to some degree to provide users with a small set of powerful features that can be combined to great and sometimes even unforeseen expressivity.

Scala version

For the complete 2. As usual for our minor releases, Scala 2. Upgrading from 2. Enable -Xmigration while upgrading to request migration advice from the compiler. A big thank you to everyone who's helped improve Scala by reporting bugs, improving our documentation, spreading kindness in discussions around Scala, and submitting and reviewing pull requests! You are all magnificent. We especially acknowledge and thank A. Marki, also known as Som Snytt, who is responsible for many of the improvements in this release.

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See the documentation for details. With support for packrat parsing, parser combinators are now able to handle left-recursive grammars and will show improved performance for ambiguous productions. Non-strict collections of various types also exist such as the type Stream , a non-strict linked list , and any collection can be made non-strict with the view method. Protected visibility has qualifiers Private members of a class can be referenced from the companion module of the class and vice versa Implicit lookup generalised Typed pattern match tightened for singleton types. Scala 2 now defines access qualifiers that let one express this level of visibility, among others. Known issues A few regressions have been discovered: Exhaustivity checker emits spurious warning when matching on Java enum type 2. When the program is stored in file HelloWorld. Common Language Infrastructure. Named arguments improve the readability of method calls with many arguments. The following changes are highlights of this release: Binary compatibility regression fixed Fix 2. Additionally, Apache Kafka , the publish—subscribe message queue popular with Spark and other stream processing technologies, is written in Scala. A lot of developers have already come up with very cool applications for them. July This in turn makes type Nothing compatible with every type, allowing type inference to function correctly.

Scala lets you write less to do more. As a high-level language, its modern features increase productivity and lead to more readable code.

Sbaz should work properly on Windows using either cmd or cygwin, and is now capable of reliably updating itself. With the new rules in Scala version 2. Scala also has many functional programming facilities, including features found in advanced functional languages like Haskell , and tries to be agnostic between the two paradigms, letting the developer choose between the two paradigms or, more frequently, some combination thereof. In Scala, functions are objects, and a convenient syntax exists for specifying anonymous functions. You signed in with another tab or window. The implicit modifier now also applies to class definitions to reduce the boilerplate of implicit wrappers. Tools Tools. By themselves, these may seem like questionable choices, but collectively they serve the purpose of allowing domain-specific languages to be defined in Scala without needing to extend the compiler. Other notable changes Fix 2. Event occurs at New Reactors provide more lightweight, purely event-based actors with optional, implicit sender identification. Previously, Scala had three levels of visibility: private , protected and public. We have refined the implicit resolution process so that resolution is now able to determine type variables.

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